PXrubrica Package ================= LaTeX: Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051 This package provides function to add ruby annotation (furigana) that follows the style conventional in Japanese typography, as described in the W3C technical note “Requirements for Japanese Text Layout” ([JLREQ]) and the JIS specification JIS X 4051. Starting with version 1.3, this package also provides function to add kenten (emphasis marks) to Japanese text. [JLREQ]: ### SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS * TeX format: LaTeX. * TeX engine: pTeX, upTeX, LuaTeX, XeTeX. * DVI driver (in DVI output): Anything that supports pTeX DVI. ### CONTENT * `pxrubrica.pdf`: the manual in Japanese * `pxrubrica.dtx`: DocStrip source file * `pxrubrica.ins`: DocStrip installer file * `pxrubrica-en.pdf`: the brief manual in English * `pxrubrica-en.tex`: the brief manual in English (source) * `sample/*.tex`: sample documents ### INSTALLATION If the archive does not contain the packge file (`*.sty`), then you must run the command to create it: ptex -kanji=jis pxrubrica.ins Then move the files as follows (in a system compliant to TDS 1.1): - `*.sty` → $TEXMF/tex/platex/pxrubrica/ - `*.dtx`/`*.ins` → $TEXMF/source/platex/pxrubrica/ - `*.pdf`/`*.tex` → $TEXMF/doc/platex/pxrubrica/ And rehash your TEXMF trees if necessary. ### LICENSE This package is distributed under the MIT License. Revision History ---------------- * Version 1.3a 〈2017/05/05〉 - Adjust for tate math direction. - Bug fix. * Version 1.3 〈2017/04/27〉 - Kenten function. - Improve Japanese-text ghost insertion. - Support the use in PDF strings. * Version 1.2 〈2017/04/20〉 - Mono-ruby and jukugo-ruby with switching. - Safe mode. - Support for vertical writing in LuaTeX-ja. * Version 1.1 〈2017/04/10〉 - Support for XeTeX/LuaTeX. - Improve the process of two-side ruby. - Bug fix. * Version 1.0a <2014/12/23> - Bug hix. * Version 1.0 <2012/04/30> - First public release. -------------------- Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR") http://zrbabbler.sp.land.to/