%% file: TXSrevs.doc - Revision List - TeXsis version 2.18 %% @(#) $Id: TXSrevs.doc,v 18.4 2001/04/21 16:46:17 myers Exp $ %======================================================================* % (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1999 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige % This file is a part of TeXsis. Distribution and/or modifications % are allowed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). % See the file COPYING or ftp://ftp.texsis.org/texsis/LPPL %======================================================================* \ifx\undefined\meta\texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi \def\Sect#1{{\sl Sect\-ion~\use{sect.#1}:\ }} % for revision sections \appendix{B}{Revisions} This appendix lists the major changes in \TeXsis\ as new versions have come out. It is organized by sections of the manual and is intended as a guide for users familiar with the previous version. There are many smaller changes in addition to those listed here. \begingroup %------- normal indent on everything \let\aftersubsection=\relax %-----------------------------------------------------------------------* \subsection{Revisions for Version 2.18 \label{rev.2.18}} The most noticable change is that as of version 2.18 the distribution of \TeXsis\ is covered by the \LaTeX\ Project Public License (LPPL). \TeXsis\ has been an ``open source'' software project since it was started in 1988, but we finally found that we had to be more explicit about the licensing, to give proper assurances that it could indeed be distributed freely. After considering several options we found that the the LPPL suited the needs and the spirit of \TeXsis\ most closely. Please note that the LPPL only applies to the \TeXsis\ source code and code derived from it, but it does not apply to \TeXsis\ style files (or other files) which were written independently without using \TeXsis\ source code. We hope that the authors of style files will choose to follow our lead and license their works under the LPPL, but they are free to choose whatever license they deem appropriate. Two patches were released for \TeXsis~2.17 to fix minor problems, and these have been incorporated into the current release. The default installation directory has been changed to |/usr/local/texmf| in the |Makefile| to conform to the recommendations of the \TeX\ Directory Structure (TDS). You can, of course, easily change this by editing the |Makefile| before you install \TeXsis. This change has not yet been made in the installation instructions. \bigskip \Sect{start} Some common \LaTeX\ opening instructions are now detected and a warning message given. Thus if you try to run a \LaTeX\ file through \TeXsis\ you'll be given a little more help in figuring out your mistake. \Sect{refs} Different citation styles are now available by different names, and new ones (\cs{CiteByFootnote}, \cs{CiteByAuthor}, \cs{CiteByTag}) have been added. This section of the manual has been broken into separated into subsections to make it easier to read. Documentation was added for \cs{ArticleTitle} and for BibTeX. A bug in \cs{ListReferences} was fixed, and the formatting adjusted for the new citation styles. \cs{CiteByFootnote} is now correctly syncronized to the same counter used by \cs{NFootnote}. \Sect{sects} Documentation was added for setting \cs{ChapterTitle}, \cs{SectionTitle}, and \cs{SubsectionTitle}. A rare problem that appears when there are a large number of floating insertions was fixed. \Sect{headline} The \cs{bottompagenumbers} macro just puts the page number at the bottom of the page, but doesn't surround it by dashes. The number produced by \cs{PageNumber} will now always appear in |\rm| type. \Sect{color} The \cs{ListColors} macro was added. An example is now given in the manual showing how to automatically have every displayed equation printed in color, using |\PushColor| and |\aftergroup\PopColor|. \Sect{form} The file |TXSform.tex| has been renamed |Formletr.txs|, making this less-used feature a style file rather than a part of the core \TeXsis\ macros. \Sect{dcol} The bottom insertions code has been moved to the file |TXSdcol.tex| so that it can be used with Plain \TeX\ by inputing that file by itself. %-----------------------------------------------------------------------* \subsection{Revisions for Version 2.17 \label{rev.2.17}} Most of the changes are internal, and won't be noticed by most users. But there are also a few major useful additions, such as \BibTeX\ support. \Sect{fonts} One can now use \cs{scr} in subscripts and superscripts. \Sect{symb} Added symbols \CS{sun} and \CS{earth} for astronomical symbols \sun\ and \earth. \Sect{refs} Added support for \BibTeX. Reference counters and files are reset so that you can go on to collect more references (as for separate chapters in a book). Many internal improvements to the referencing macros. \Sect{labels} The format of the |.aux| file has changed, and now matches more closely the format used by \LaTeX. This allows it to be used with packages like \BibTeX. If you have problems with an old |.aux| file, just delete it. A new one will be created when you process the document again. \Sect{sects} First paragraph of a chapter, section or subsection is not indented. \Sect{fmts} Added {\tt color.txs} macros to change the colors of PostScript output. These macros should be backward compatible with {\tt colordvi.sty}. \Sect{letr} The letter writing macros can now print envelopes. The form letter macros have moved to a style file, {\tt Formletr.txs} \Sect{memo} Added \cs{faxmemo} and \cs{FAX}. \Sect{misc} Fixed \cs{undertext}. \cs{spine} has moved to a style file, {\tt spine.txs}, but it auto-loaded from it, so the user shouldn't notice the difference. %-----------------------------------------------------------------------* \subsection{Revisions for Version 2.16 \label{rev.2.16}} We created a single file |mtexsis.tex| which can be used for processing \TeXsis\ e-prints and other documents if you have not installed \TeXsis. \Sect{fonts} Added \cs{NFootnotes} to produce automatically numbered footnotes. \Sect{eqns} Added a number of useful symbols. Removed the raised |\zeta| and |\chi|, which caused trouble in some contexts. \Sect{refs} Improved the treatment of spacing for reference numbers and for multiple citations. \Sect{papers} Reorganized the documentation so that document formats, the title page, chapters and sections, running headlines, the table of contents, and the index are all described together here. \Sect{sects} Fixed spacing and hyphenation for long section titles. \Sect{sects} Changed default value of \cs{sectionskip} and \cs{subsectionskip}, so they are not quite so big. \Sect{conts} The page numbers for full-page tables and figures were wrong in the table of contents; this has been corrected. \Sect{conts} \cs{Contentstrue} and \cs{Contentsfalse} turn on and off the table of contents. The old |\ContentsSwitchtrue| is obsolete but still works. \Sect{figures} Figures and tables can now be inserted at the bottom of a page with \cs{bottominsert} or \cs{heavyinsert}. \Sect{figures} \cs{ListFigureCaptions} allow you to print the figure captions at the end of a document. \Sect{figures} In the previous version the obsolete \cs{Tablebody} was moved to a style file called |Tablebody.txs|. The name of this file has been changed to |Tablebod.txs| so that it can be used on a DOS PC. \Sect{fmts} Added \cs{PhysRevManuscript} style for manuscripts to be submitted to the {\sl Physical Review}, and \cs{PhysRev} and \cs{PhysRevLett} styles emulating the appearance of those journals. These are in the style files |PhysRev.txs|. Revised the |\IEEE| and |\WorldScientific| styles to follow those formats more closely. Moved twin page output to a style file. \Sect{fmts} Changed the method of loading site and style files so that they work even with OZ\TeX\ on a Macintosh. \Sect{dcol} Extensively revised the double column macros. They now support insertion of figures at the bottom of the page or of a column, allow figures to flow from one column to the next, and allow footnotes. The new version is backwards compatible except for the names of the headline and footline offsets, and can also be used by itself with Plain TeX. %-----------------------------------------------------------------------* \subsection{Revisions for Version 2.15 \label{rev.2.15}}% An index has been added to the manual, using the index making macros of |index.tex| and the MakeIndex program. We have included |index.tex| in the standard distribution of \TeXsis, but the only documentation at present is that contained in the source file. \Sect{intro} Added a separate file called |Example.tex| which contains a short example physics paper which uses the \TeXsis\ macros. \Sect{fonts} Support added for \cs{scr} using Ralph Smith's Formal Script fonts, assuming that they are available. \Sect{fonts} Added \cs{Footnote} to act like \cs{footnote} but with the text of the footnote singlespaced and in 10\pt\ type. (The font can be changed by changing \cs{FootFont}.) \Sect{refs} Modified \cs{reference}, \cs{cite}, etc., to insert extra space after a reference following the end of a sentence. \Sect{sects} Added \cs{pagecheck} to \cs{section} and \cs{subsection}, etc. These macros skip to to a new page if less than \cs{sectionminspace} space is left on the page. The initial setting for \cs{sectionminspace} is |0.25\vsize|. Also made the skips before the titles of sections and subsections variables \cs{sectionskip} and \cs{subsectionskip} in place of the previous fixed values. \Sect{fmts} The definition of \cs{thesis} has been moved to the style file |thesis.txs| so that it is easier to make local changes. The \cs{thesis} command automatically loads from this file. \Sect{fmts} Added the style file |PhysRev.txs| containing a definition of \cs{PhysRev} for a Physical Review format. A page proof layout should be available in the future. \Sect{figures} Added |epsf.tex| to the standard \TeXsis\ distribution and included documentation for \cs{epsfbox} and related macros. \Sect{figures} The macros for making lists of figures and tables have been improved (along the lines of the new table of contents macros). \Sect{letr} Modified \cs{formletters} to have a complete \cs{letterhead} macro or even more complicated things as one of the arguments, rather than just the phone number. This allows you to create more complicated letterheads. Note also that the order of arguments is now reversed from what it was previously! The first argument is the \cs{letterhead} stuff (it gets done {\sl before} the address) and the second argument is the name of the text file (it controls what is printed {\sl after} the address. \Sect{dcol} Introduced \cs{longequation} and \cs{endlongequation} for equations which span both columns. The definitions of these can vary from style to style, so they may or may not include a \cs{leftcolrule} and \cs{rightcolrule}. \Sect{misc} Added this section to the manual to explain miscellaneous useful macros which don't fit anywhere else. \Sect{misc} Added \cs{Ignore} and |\endIgnore| to ignore large blocks of text. This is slightly more clever than |\comment|, which remains available. %-----------------------------------------------------------------------* \subsection{Revisions for Version 2.14 \label{rev.2.14}} \smallskip \Sect{fonts} \cs{TrueDoubleSpacing} generates a document with 2 times the normal spacing, in contrast to \cs{doublespaced}, which gives 1.5 times the normal spacing. \Sect{eqns} Fixed a bug in \cs{bordermatrix}. \Sect{refs} An error which occurred if \cs{endreference} was followed by additional text on the same line has been fixed. \Sect{refs} Extra space is now inserted after a reference number which follows a period. \Sect{refs} \cs{refrange} can now be used with \cs{reference} or \cs{cite}; the correct numbers and ranges separated by commas are printed. \Sect{envmt} The internal spacing mechanism for environments has been modified to work with arbitrary \cs{baselineskip} and \cs{parskip} values. Some minor changes have been made to the center and flush environments. \Sect{envmt} The \cs{Listing} environment has been modified so that the characters |{} % & () $ #| and~{\tt \VT} are just ordinary printable characters and so that |\\| gives a printed |\|. \Sect{envmt} |\@startenv| and |\@endenv| to begin and end environments have been replaced with \cs{begEnv} and \cs{endEnv}, which are accessible to the user because the do not have |@| in their names. \Sect{ruled} The \cs{ruledtable} macros can now use \cs{tabskip} glue to produce a table of arbitrary width. Spacing of the tables has been improved and made more robust. \Sect{sects} |\addsectioncont| has been replaced with \cs{addTOC}, i.e., "add to Table Of Contents." The new macro is simpler and produces better-looking output. \Sect{sects} Spacing such as \cs{singlespaced} placed after the \cs{texsis} initialization now sets the spacing for the entire document; the explicit spacing commands in \cs{abstract}, etc., have been removed. \Sect{sects} A macro \cs{setSectionID} has been added to allow one to place a figure or table for one section in a different section if necessary and still get the correct number. \Sect{fmts} The \cs{NorthHolland} format now gives the more common single-column North-Holland/Elsevier format. \cs{NorthHollandTwo} produces the previous double-column oversized format. \cs{Manuscript} produces a preprint with true double spacing as requested by The Physical Review. \Sect{fmts} \cs{endtitle}, \cs{endauthor}, etc., can now be omitted from the titlepage material, since \cs{title}, \cs{author}, etc., now close the previous mode automatically. \Sect{letr} Letters and memos can now be ended with \cs{bye}. %----------------------------------------------------------------------* \pagecheck{0.2\vsize} \subsection{Revisions for Version 2.13 \label{rev.2.13}}% \smallskip \Sect{fonts} Italic fonts are now available in large sizes, e.g. for \cs{slides}. Math italic bold fonts have been added for titles. \Sect{eqns} By default parentheses and brackets are now ordinary characters except in math mode and so can be used, e.g., in file names. As a result, automatic sizing of parentheses works only in {\sl displayed\/} equations. You can restore the old behavior by saying |\onparens| at the beginning of the document. \Sect{refs} The text for references is now written with \cs{unexpandedwrite}. In practice this means that references can contain almost anything, including a \cs{Ref}. \Sect{refs} The \cs{journal} macro was added to make it easier to create standard citations to journal articles, and to be able to switch between the American and European styles. \Sect{refs} Superscript references are now in \cs{citestyle}, which is initially set to \cs{scriptstyle} but can be changed. \Sect{tbls} A way was created to save all figure and table insertions until the end of the document with \cs{FiguresLast}, and then print them with \cs{PrintFigures}, and similarly for tables. \Sect{fmts} The \cs{NorthHolland} document layout was added to produce camera-ready copy for Proceedings published by North-Holland/Elsevier. This is a double column format with titles left justified and eleven point type. Saying \cs{singlespaced} immediately after \cs{texsis} or its equivalent will now make the whole document single spaced. \Sect{dcol} The double column macros have been modified so that removing the \cs{setdoublecolumns} will produce a single column document. %----------------------------------------------------------------------* \subsection{Revisions for Version 2.12 \label{rev.2.12}}% \smallskip \Sect{start} A new command \cs{texsis} performs the initialization, and calling it more than once no longer causes an error. |\inittexsis| remains as a synonym. \Sect{fonts} \cs{ninepoint}, \cs{twentypoint}, and \cs{twentyfourpoint} commands have been added to select these sizes. The 9~pt.\ size is really too small for a standard laser printer, but it is useful if you must print IEEE format on $8.5\,{\rm in} \times 11\,{\rm in}$ paper. The large sizes are useful for slides and other special purposes. \Sect{tbls} The table and figure insertion macros has been extensively modified, and the syntax has been changed. |\topTable|, etc., have been replaced by |\table|, etc., which make the insertion and define the number for the tag. |\Tbl| and |\Fig| use the number. References to tables defined later in the paper are satisfied using the |.aux| file, so |\TOPTABLE|, etc., are no longer needed. The old names remain as synonyms but their use is discouraged. \Sect{tbls} \cs{ruledtable} and many associated macros have been added to make complex ruled tables, including those with entries spanning more than one column. |\Tablebody| is still available, but the new macros are much more flexible and should be used instead. \Sect{tbls} New macros have been added to list figures and tables. \Sect{fmts} New formats have been added. \cs{WorldScientific} and \cs{IEEEreduced} make conference proceedings in World Scientific format and in IEEE format at 75\% of full size. \cs{referee} is based on the memo format and can be used for referee reports. \cs{slides} uses large type to make transparencies for overhead projectors and similar material. \Sect{fmts} An \cs{authors} macro for papers with multiple authors and facilities for putting footnotes on titles have been added. \Sect{fmts} \cs{bookpagenumbers} causes odd page numbers to be placed in the upper right corner and even ones in the upper left corner. Additional information on headlines is given. \Sect{letr} The form letter macros have been rewritten. The syntax is the same except that |\v| has been replaced by \cs{V} to avoid conflict with the Plain \TeX\ accent. Also, \cs{V} now also works with \cs{formlabels}. \Sect{letr} The new \cs{referee} format is described. \Sect{dcol} The double column format has been extended to handle floating insertions. \cs{topinsert} and \cs{pageinsert} produce insertions within a column, while \cs{widetopinsert} and \cs{widepageinsert} produce insertions across both columns. \Sect{labels} The tagging mechanism has been changed to add an |@| before and after the name. The practical effect is that using the name of a defined control sequence like |book| for a tag no longer produces an error. \endgroup % -- \everysubsection back to what it was %>>> EOF TXSrevs.doc <<<