% List of References for job Manual - created: 2004/6/5 23:{0}2 % ==================================== % % (1) Reference text for "Knuth" defined on page 1. \@refitem{1}{Knuth} D.E.~Knuth, \booktitle {The \TeX book} (Addison-Wesley, 1986) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (2) Reference text for "LaTeX" defined on page 1. \@refitem{2}{LaTeX} L. Lamport, \booktitle {\LaTeX , A Document Preparation System}, (Addison-Wesley, 1985) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (3) Reference text for "Doob" defined on page 1. \@refitem{3}{Doob} M.~Doob, \booktitle {A Gentle Introduction to \TeX \ (A Manual for Self-Study)}, (\TeX \ User's Group, Providence). Also available as a plain \TeX \ file from CTAN or at\n \URL {ftp://ftp.texsis.org/pub/tex/gentle.tex} \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (4) Reference text for "Spivak" defined on page 1. \@refitem{4}{Spivak} M.~Spivak, \booktitle {PC\TeX \ User's Guide.} (Documentation distributed with PC\TeX ) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (5) Reference text for "Feynman, 1949" defined on page 21. \@refitem{5}{Feynman, 1949} R.P.~Feynman, Phys.\ Rev.\ \vol {76}, 749 (1949) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (6) Reference text for "Pauli and Villars, 1949" defined on page 23. \@refitem{6}{Pauli and Villars, 1949} W.~Pauli and F.~Villars, \journal Rev. Mod. Phys.;21,434(1949) \@endrefitem \@refpunct ; % ... Reference text for "*Schwinger, 1948" defined on page 23. \hfill \penalty -\@M J.~Schwinger, \journal Phys. Rev.;74,1439(1948) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (7) Reference text for "BCS" defined on page 31. \@refitem{7}{BCS} J.~Bardeen, L.~N.~Cooper, and J.~R.~Schrieffer, \journal Phys. Rev.;108,1175(1957) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (8) Reference text for "DIS" defined on page 35. \@refitem{8}{DIS} E.D. Bloom, et al., Phys.\ Rev.\ Letters \vol {23}, 930 (1969) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (9) Reference text for "makeindex" defined on page 44. \@refitem{9}{makeindex} Pehong Chen and Michael A. Harrison, ``Index Preparation and Processing'', in {\sl Software: Practice and Experience}, \vol {19}, 897-915 (1988) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (10) Reference text for "Rokicki" defined on page 48. \@refitem{10}{Rokicki} Tomas Rokicki, \booktitle {{\tt dvips} User's Manual}. The source code for {\tt dvips} is available from CTAN in the directory {\tt dviware/dvips} \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (11) Reference text for "FeynDiagram" defined on page 50. \@refitem{11}{FeynDiagram} Dimm, Bill, \booktitle {FeynDiagram Tutorial}, available at \URL {ftp://ftp.hepth.cornell.edu} \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (12) Reference text for "Masters" defined on page 52. \@refitem{12}{Masters} \relax D.E.~Knuth, {\sl The \TeX book} (Addison Wesley, 1986), page 245 \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (13) Reference text for "Cowan" defined on page 52. \@refitem{13}{Cowan} Ray F.~Cowan, {\sl Making Tables with Macros} (unpublished) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (14) Reference text for "Bozek, 1991" defined on page 54. \@refitem{14}{Bozek, 1991} J.D.~Bozek, Ph.D. thesis (unpublished), Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario CANADA \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (15) Reference text for "Weinberg, 1972" defined on page 65. \@refitem{15}{Weinberg, 1972} S.~Weinberg, \booktitle {Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity} (Wiley, New York, 1972) pg.~3 \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (16) Reference text for "K&R" defined on page 67. \@refitem{16}{K&R} Brian W.~Kernighan and Dennis M.~Ritchie, \booktitle {The C Programming Language}, (Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifs, NJ, 1978) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (17) Reference text for "Banzai, 1984" defined on page 69. \@refitem{17}{Banzai, 1984} \booktitle {The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the Eighth Dimension}, (Twentieth Century Fox, 1984) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (18) Reference text for "colordvi" defined on page 79. \@refitem{18}{colordvi} Hafner, Jim, the {\tt COLORDVI.TEX} macros are included in the {\tt dvips} distribution. See \Ref {Rokicki} \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (19) Reference text for "CRC" defined on page 93. \@refitem{19}{CRC} \booktitle {Handbook of Chemistry and Physics}, 56th Edition, (CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1974), pg. B-9 \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (20) Reference text for "TeXsis-1.00" defined on page 116. \@refitem{20}{TeXsis-1.00} E.~Myers, \booktitle {\TeX sis Version 1.00} (unpublished) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (21) Reference text for "Myers, 1984" defined on page 116. \@refitem{21}{Myers, 1984} E.~Myers, \booktitle {Calculation of the Gravitational Casimir Energy and Gauge Field Couplings in Non-Abelian Kaluza-Klein Theories}, Ph.D.\ thesis (unpublished), Yale University, 1984 \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % % (22) Reference text for "Groppe" defined on page 116. \@refitem{22}{Groppe} W.~Groppe, \booktitle {TechRpt} (unpublished) \@endrefitem \@refpunct . % >>> EOF Manual.ref <<<