%% file: Install.tex (TeXsis version 2.17) % $Revision: 17.2 $ : $Date: 1997/08/27 21:44:25 $ : $Author: myers $ %======================================================================* % Installation Instructions for TeXsis E. Myers and F.E. Paige % % This file can be used with Plain TeX to print the installation % instructions for TeXsis (which is an appendix of the manual). % % For quick installation instructions see the Makefile. % % Dependencies: TXSmacs.tex, TXSenvmt.tex, TXSinstl.doc %======================================================================* % TeXsis -- Installation Instructions : This file is a part ot TeXsis % (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1997 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige %======================================================================* % first load just the parts of TeXsis we need to do the job % \input TXSmacs % main macros common to all components \input TXSenvmt % center and flush environments, etc.. % % now some stand-in definitions for full TeXsis macros % \def\appendix#1#2{\centerline{\bf\uppercase{#2}}\bigskip} \def\revdate{17 September 1994}% \def\subsection#1{\bigskip\goodbreak \noindent{\bf\uppercase{#1}}\bigskip} \def\subsubsection#1{\medskip\noindent{\bf{#1}}\medskip} \def\nosechead#1{\medskip\noindent{\bf #1}\medskip} \def\label#1{\relax} \def\ORGANIZATION{} \def\URL#1{{\tt #1}} \def\checktags{\relax}\def\pagecheck#1{\relax} \def\TeXsis{\TeX sis} \def\square{\hbox{{$\sqcup$}\llap{$\sqcap$}}} % box \def\ATunlock{\catcode`@=11}\ATunlock % @ is a letter \def\singlespaced{\relax}\def\twelvepoint{\relax}% \long\def\vfootnote#1#2{} \def\idx#1{#1}\def\index#1{} % \newskip\ttglue \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em \newskip\sectionminspace\sectionminspace=0pt \newskip\sectionskip \sectionskip=0pt \newskip\subsectionskip \subsectionskip=0pt % \newcount\refnum \refnum=\z@ % counter for reference numbers \newcount\@firstrefnum \@firstrefnum=1 % first of a series of refs \newcount\@lastrefnum \@lastrefnum=1 % last of a series of refs \newcount\tabnum \tabnum=\z@ % table number \newcount\fignum \fignum=\z@ % figure number \newcount\eqnum \eqnum=\z@ % equation number in section \def\@chaptID{}\def\@sectID{} % start with these null \newif\ifContents \newif\ifRunningHeads % Simpler versions of manual macros \def\meta#1{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$\rm #1\/$\rangle$}} % new \meta \def\cs#1{{\tt\string#1}} \def\CS#1{{\tt\string#1}} \TeXquoteon \parskip=0.75\baselineskip \input TXSinstl.doc % Installation instructions from manual \bye