% LTeX: language=en % wordcloud : draw word cloud with MetaPost and Lua % % Originally written by Maxime Chupin , % 2023. % \documentclass[english]{ltxdoc} \input{wordcloud-preamble} \usepackage{wordcloud} \usepackage[english]{babel} \makeindex[title=Command Index, columns=2] %\lstset{moredelim=*[s][\color{red}\rmfamily\itshape]{<}{>}} %\lstset{moredelim=*[s][\color{blue}\rmfamily\itshape]{<<}{>>}} \begin{document} \title{{Wordcloud} : drawing wordclouds with \hologo{METAPOST} and Lua} \author{Maxime Chupin, \url{notezik@gmail.com}} \date{\today} %% === Page de garde =================================================== \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay] \node[below right, shift={(-4pt,4pt)}] at (current page.north west) {% \includegraphics{fond.pdf}% }; \end{tikzpicture}% \noindent {\Huge \texttt{wordcloud}}\par\bigskip \noindent {\Large drawing wordclouds \\[0.2cm]with \hologo{METAPOST} and Lua}\\[3cm] \parbox{0.6\textwidth}{ \wordcloud[scale=2,rotate=0,margin=0.5pt,usecolor]{(Wordcloud,10);(\hologo{METAPOST},6);(\LaTeX,7);(Lua,4);(algorithm,3);(code,2);(mathematics,2);(CTAN,2);(mplib,4);(\hologo{LuaTeX},4);(latexmp,3);(graphism,2)} }\hfill \parbox{0.5\textwidth}{\Large\raggedleft \textbf{Contributor}\\ Maxime \textsc{Chupin}\\ \url{notezik@gmail.com} } \vfill \begin{center} Version 0.2, 2023, September, 7th \\ \url{https://plmlab.math.cnrs.fr/mchupin/mchupin/wordcloud} \end{center} %% == Page de garde ==================================================== \newpage %\maketitle \begin{abstract} These \hologo{METAPOST} and \hologo{LuaLaTeX} packages allows drawing wordclouds from a list of words and weights. The algorithm is implemented with \hologo{METAPOST} whereas Lua is used to parse \LaTeX{} commands, to build the list of words and weights from a text file, and to generate \hologo{METAPOST} code interpreted by \package{luamplib}. \end{abstract} \begin{center} \url{https://plmlab.math.cnrs.fr/mchupin/wordcloud} \url{https://github.com/chupinmaxime/wordcloud} \end{center} \tableofcontents \bigskip \begin{tcolorbox}[ arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt, colback=darkred!3, colframe=darkred, breakable, boxsep=0pt,left=5pt,right=5pt,top=5pt,bottom=5pt, bottomtitle = 3pt, toptitle=3pt, boxrule=0pt,bottomrule=0.5pt,toprule=0.5pt, toprule at break = 0pt, bottomrule at break = 0pt,] \itshape This package is in beta version---do not hesitate to report bugs, as well as requests for improvement, or better: to help me to improve it. \end{tcolorbox} \section{Installation} \wordcloudpkg is on \ctan{} and can also be installed via the package manager of your distribution. \begin{center} \url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/wordcloud} \end{center} \subsection{With \TeX live under Linux or macOS} To install \wordcloudpkg with \TeX Live, you will have to create the directory \lstinline+texmf+ in your \lstinline+home+. \begin{commandshell} mkdir ~/texmf \end{commandshell} Then, you will have to place the \lstinline+wordcloud.mp+ file in \begin{center} \verb+~/texmf/metapost/wordcloud/+ \end{center} You will also have to place the \lstinline+wordcloud.lua+ file in \begin{center} \verb+~/texmf/scripts/wordcloud/+ \end{center} And finally, you will have to place the \lstinline+wordcloud.sty+ file in \begin{center} \verb+~/texmf/tex/latex/wordcloud/+ \end{center} Once this is done, \wordcloudpkg will be loaded with the classic \MP{} input code \begin{mpcode} input wordcloud \end{mpcode} And for the \hologo{LuaLaTeX} side, \wordcloudpkg will be loaded with \begin{latexcode} \usepackage{wordcloud} \end{latexcode} \subsection{With Mik\TeX{} and Windows} These two systems are unknown to the author of \wordcloudpkg, so we refer you to the Mik\TeX documentation concerning the addition of local packages: \begin{center} \url{http://docs.miktex.org/manual/localadditions.html} \end{center} \subsection{Dependencies} \wordcloudpkg depends, for the \MP side, of course on \MP~\cite{ctan-metapost}, but also on \package{metapost-colorbrewer}~\cite{ctan-metapost-colorbrewer} and the \package{latexmp} package~\cite{ctan-latexmp}. For the \hologo{LuaLaTeX} side~\cite{ctan-lualatex-doc}, \wordcloudpkg depends on the \package{luamplib} package~\cite{ctan-luamplib} and the \package{xcolor}~\cite{ctan-xcolor}. \section{\hologo{METAPOST} side} \subsection{Description of the algorithm} Given a set of words and weights, we first use a \emph{scale function} of the weights to scale the words. In this beta version of \package{wordcloud}, we only provide a log-based function\footnote{Other scale options could be provided in the next versions.}. Then, we compute a spiral line starting at the center\footnote{There is variants of the algorithm that use different line: squared spiral, etc.}. Then the algorithm is quite simple: \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Require set of words $(W_i)_{i\in\{1,\dots,N}$ and corresponding weight $(w_i)_{i\in\{1,\dots,N}$, and a spiral line $\mathcal{S}$ \ForAll{$i\in\{1, \dots,N\}$} \State Place $W_i$ at the start of $\mathcal{S}$ \Repeat \State Set $b_\text{draw}:=\text{true}$ \ForAll{$j\in{1,\dots,i}$} \If{$W_i\cap W_j\neq\emptyset$} \State Set $b_\text{draw}:=\text{false}$ \EndIf \EndFor \If{$b_\text{draw}==\text{true}$} \State Draw $W_i$ \Else \State Move $W_i$ along $\mathcal{S}$ \EndIf \Until{$W_i$ is drawn} \EndFor \end{algorithmic} The hard part is making it perform efficiently! According to Jonathan Feinberg, Wordle\footnote{One of the first web application to build wordcloud.} uses a combination of hierarchical bounding boxes and quadtrees to achieve reasonable speeds. Here, with \hologo{METAPOST}, we compute intersections with the bounding box of the word. \begin{remark} \begin{itemize} \item The words with \hologo{METAPOST} are built with the \lstinline+textext()+ function of \package{latexmp} or \package{luamplib}. We are trying to use the bounding boxes of the letters when we get an intersection between ``global'' bounding boxes to allow placing words nearer of each other. Unfortunately, this does not work for the moment. Any help is welcomed. \medskip \item We first tried to compute intersections between words by decomposing the letter using their contours and compute intersection of contours (with \lstinline+intersectiontimes+). Unfortunately, this is much too slow. \end{itemize} \end{remark} Some explanations can be found here: \begin{center} \url{https://www.jasondavies.com/wordcloud/about/} \end{center} \subsection{Main command} The main command is \commande|draw_wordcloud(«words», «weights»,«rotation»,«size»)|\smallskip\index{draw_wordcloud@\lstinline+draw_wordcloud+} \begin{description} \item[\meta{words}:] array of strings ; \item[\meta{weights}:] array of numerics ; \item[\meta{rotation}:] angle for wordcloud drawing; \item[\meta{size}:] number of elements in arrays. \end{description} \begin{ExempleMP} input wordcloud beginfig(0); string words[]; numeric weights[]; words[1]:="\LaTeX"; words[2]:="\hologo{METAPOST}"; words[3]:="Document"; words[4]:="Lua"; words[5]:="\TeX"; weights[1]:=5; weights[2]:=4; weights[3]:=3.5; weights[4]:=3; weights[5]:=3; draw_wordcloud(words,weights,0,5); endfig; \end{ExempleMP} \begin{remark} The ``unity'' of weights is not important because internally, \package{wordcloud} compute new weights to work with the internal scaling function. \end{remark} \subsection{Parameters} There are few parameters. \subsubsection{Colors}\label{sec:colors} You can use set of colors to draw the wordcloud. For that, you have to use the following command: \commande|wordcloud_use_color(«bool»)|\smallskip\index{wordcloud_use_color@\lstinline+wordcloud_use_color+} \begin{description} \item[\meta{bool}:] boolean \lstinline+true+ or \lstinline+false+ (default \lstinline+false+). \end{description} \package{wordcloud} provides a set of five colors using the \hologo{METAPOST} package \package{metapost-colorbrewer}~\cite{ctan-metapost-colorbrewer}. \package{wordcloud} defines an array of \lstinline+color+s and a \lstinline+numeric+ to set the colors to use.\index{wordcloud_colors@\lstinline+wordcloud_colors+}\index{wordcloud_colors_number@\lstinline+wordcloud_colors_number+} \begin{mpcode} % default colors wordcloud_colors[1]:=Reds[3][3]; wordcloud_colors[2]:=Greens[3][3]; wordcloud_colors[3]:=Blues[3][3]; wordcloud_colors[4]:=Oranges[3][3]; wordcloud_colors[5]:=black; wordcloud_colors_number:=5; \end{mpcode} Feel free to modify that variables to customize the colors. \subsubsection{Scaling} You can globally scale the picture using the following command: \commande|set_wordcloud_scale(«scale»)|\smallskip\index{set_wordcloud_scale@\lstinline+set_wordcloud_scale+} \begin{description} \item[\meta{scale}:] \lstinline+numeric+. \end{description} \subsubsection{Margins} You can adjust the margins of the global bounding boxes of words using the following command: \commande|set_box_margin(«dim»)|\smallskip\index{set_box_margin@\lstinline+set_box_margin+} \begin{description} \item[\meta{dim}:] a dimension with units (default 0.3pt). \end{description} \section{\hologo{LuaLaTeX} side} \package{wordcloud} provides a \hologo{LuaLaTeX} package. It uses the package \package{luamplib} to interpret the \hologo{METAPOST} code produced by Lua. \subsection{Main commands} The first \LaTeX{} command provided by \wordcloudpkg is: \commande|\wordcloud[«options»]{«list of words and weights»}|\smallskip\index{\wordcloud@\lstinline+\wordcloud+} where \begin{description} \item[\meta{list of words and weights}:] is a list of couples of the form \lstinline+(word1,weight1);(word2,weight2);(word3,weight3);...+ \end{description} The second \LaTeX{} command allows to read a text file, to build the list of words and weights and draw the wordcloud up to a certain number of words. \commande|\wordcloudFile[«options»]{«text file»}{«number of words»}|\smallskip\index{\wordcloudFile@\lstinline+\wordcloudFile+} where: \begin{description} \item[\meta{text file}:] is a text file to analyze and from which the wordcloud is build ; \item[\meta{number of words}:] is the number of words composing the wordcloud. \end{description} \subsubsection{Options} Both of these functions (\lstinline+\wordcloud+ and \lstinline+\wordcloudFile+) have the same options: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{scale=}\meta{value}:] to scale the picture\footnote{Beware that scaling increases the computation time and the values manipulated by \hologo{METAPOST}.} ; \item[\texttt{margin=}\meta{value with units}:] to adjust the margins (default \lstinline+0.3pt+) ; \item[\texttt{rotate=}\meta{angle}:] to rotate (degrees) the words with $\pm$\meta{angle} alternatively (default 0) ; \item[\texttt{usecolor}:] to use color for word drawing (boolean, default \lstinline+false+) as described in section~\ref{sec:colors} ; \item[\texttt{colors=}\meta{list of colors}:] to define a new set of colors as described in section~\ref{sec:colors}\footnote{This needs \package{xcolor} because the colors are converted to rgb coding and then transferred to \hologo{METAPOST}.}. \end{description} Here an example: \begin{ExempleLaTeX} \wordcloud[scale=1,rotate=45,margin=0.5pt,usecolor,colors={red!40,blue!40,green!20!black}]{(Wordcloud,10);(\hologo{METAPOST},6);(\LaTeX,7);(Lua,4);(algorithm,3);(code,2);(mathematics,2);(CTAN,2);(mplib,4);(\hologo{LuaTeX},4);(\texttt{latexmp},3);(graphism,2)} \end{ExempleLaTeX} Since version 0.2, you could use any \LaTeX{} code to define words for the wordcloud. In the definition of the \LaTeX{} command, \wordcloudpkg{} uses \lstinline+\luaescapestring+ to deals with commands. For example, as far as we know, this \wordcloudpkg package is the only wordcloud tool that could build a wordcloud of mathematical formulas. \begin{remark} Because the \hologo{METAPOST} side uses \lstinline+textext+ command to build words, \lstinline+\mplibtextextlabel{enable}+ is used to enable string labels typeset via \lstinline+textext()+ instead of \emph{infont} operator. \end{remark} \subsection{Add ignored words} The Lua function that builds words and weights from a text file ignores some words (and characters). For the moment, \package{wordcloud} only includes word lists to ignore for English and French. However, you can add a list of words to ignore with the following command: \commande|\wordcloudIgnoreWords{«word list»}|\smallskip\index{\wordcloudIgnoreWords@\lstinline+\wordcloudIgnoreWords+} \begin{description} \item[\meta{word list}:] the list of words, separated with commas, to ignore \lstinline+word1,word2,word3, etc.+ \end{description} \section{With \texttt{pdftotext}} Thanks to \package{wordcloud} and the program \texttt{pdftotext}\footnote{It should be possible to parse a \pdf{} with \hologo{LuaTeX}, though. See \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/692930/recovering-the-textual-content-of-a-pdf-file-with-luatex}.} one can easily produce the wordcloud of the current \pdf. For that, you can produce the text file of the \pdf{}: \begin{commandshell} pdftotext wordcloud-doc-en.pdf \end{commandshell} and then, you can use the following code: \begin{latexcode} \wordcloudFile[usecolor]{wordcloud-doc-en.txt}{50} \end{latexcode} This produce the following wordcloud\footnote{Note that, because the wordcloud production is slow, we used a separate file to only produce the \pdf{} of the wordcloud, without any scaling, and we inserted the result scaling it with \package{graphicx}\cite{ctan-graphicx}.} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{doc-wc.pdf} \end{center} \section{To do} Some things to do: \begin{itemize} \item Improve intersection of words by using the letters bounding boxes. \item Work on speed of the algorithm. \item Add supported languages (ignored words). \item Improve text file analysis with Lua to build the set of words and weights. \item Build wordcloud inside a shape. \item Add options for rotation of words. \end{itemize} \section{History} \begin{description} \item[v0.2 (09/2023):] Deal with \lstinline+\luaescapestring+ for list with \lstinline+\wordcloud+. Typos in doc. \item[v0.1 (08/2023):] First publication. \end{description} \printbibliography \printindex \newpage \end{document}