%%% file mpcolornames.tex %%% Copyright 2009, 2011 Stephan Hennig % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license % or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this % license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % \RequirePackage{cmap} \documentclass[DIV=9, captions=tableheading]{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[charter]{mathdesign} \usepackage{berasans} \usepackage{textcomp} \renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{fvs} \setkomafont{disposition}{\normalfont\bfseries} \usepackage{caption} \captionsetup[table]{position=top} \usepackage{amsmath} % \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[x11names]{xcolor} \colorlet{framecol}{black!50} \usepackage{listings} \lstloadlanguages{MetaPost, [LaTeX]TeX} \lstdefinelanguage[ext]{MetaPost}[]{MetaPost}{ morekeywords={verbatimtex}, morekeywords=[2]{blackpart, cmykcolor, colormodel, colorpart, cyanpart, greypart, magentapart, rgbcolor, yellowpart}, morekeywords=[3]{withcmykcolor, withgreyscale, withoutcolor, withpostscript, withprescript, withrgbcolor}, morekeywords=[5]{defaultcolormodel, mpprocset, outputformat, outputtemplate}, morekeywords=[6]{mpversion}, % morecomment=[s][basicstyle]{\%}{&}, deletekeywords=[4]{z} } \colorlet{mpcolor}{RoyalBlue4} \colorlet{latexcolor}{IndianRed4} \colorlet{textcolor}{black} \lstset{ columns=fullflexible, breaklines=true, breakatwhitespace=true, escapechar=|, aboveskip=10pt, belowskip=10pt, frame=tb, framerule=2pt, framesep=6pt, framexleftmargin=10pt, framexrightmargin=10pt, xleftmargin=20pt, xrightmargin=20pt, } \lstdefinestyle{MP}{ language=[ext]MetaPost, basicstyle=\normalfont\ttfamily,%\color{mpcolor}, keywordstyle=\bfseries, commentstyle=\itshape, rulecolor=\color{mpcolor!40}, } \lstdefinestyle{LaTeX}{ language=[LaTeX]TeX, basicstyle=\normalfont\sffamily,%\color{latexcolor}, keywordstyle={}, commentstyle=\itshape, rulecolor=\color{latexcolor!40}, } \lstdefinestyle{text}{ basicstyle=\normalfont\sffamily,%\color{textcolor}, keywordstyle={}, commentstyle={}, rulecolor=\color{textcolor!40}, } \lstdefinestyle{textnof}{ style=text, frame=none } \lstMakeShortInline[style=MP, basicstyle=\normalfont\ttfamily\color{mpcolor}, keywordstyle={}, commentstyle={}]| \usepackage{array} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{graphicx} \setcounter{topnumber}{2} \setcounter{bottomnumber}{0} \usepackage[USenglish]{babel} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ pdfstartview={XYZ null null null},% Zoom factor is determined by viewer. pdfpagemode=UseNone, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=DarkOrange2, urlcolor=Chocolate4, citecolor=DeepPink2 } \newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*{\name}[1]{\textsf{\mdseries\emph{#1}}} \newcommand*{\pkg}{\name{mpcolornames}} \newcommand{\user}[1]{\emph{#1}} \newcommand*{\macro}[1]{% \marginpar{% \hspace*{-\marginparsep}% \hspace*{-\textwidth}% \hspace*{-\marginparsep}% \hspace*{-\marginparwidth}% \makebox[\marginparwidth][r]{% \color{mpcolor}% \texttt{#1}% }% }% } \urlstyle{same}% See url.sty. \newcommand*{\colorproof}[2][]{% \includegraphics{proof-spec-#1-#2.mps}% \hspace{5pt}% \nolinkurl{#2}% } \typearea{last} \begin{document} \title{The \pkg\ package\thanks{This document describes \pkg\ v0.20, last revised 2011/07/14.}} \author{Stephan Hennig\thanks{stephanhennig@arcor.de}} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The MetaPost format \cmd{plain.mp} provides only five built-in color names (variables), all defined in the RGB model: |red|, |green| and |blue| for the primary colors and |black| and |white| (\autoref{tab:spec-plain-mp}). The \pkg\ package makes more than 500 color names from different color sets in different color models available to MetaPost. Color sets include X11, SVG, DVIPS and \name{xcolor} specifications. \end{abstract} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} \begin{multicols}{2} \tableofcontents \end{multicols} \section{Color model constants} \label{sec:color-model-constants} Before discussing color names, lets have a look at some other constants that are provided by the \pkg\ package. MetaPost supports the CMYK and grey scale color models since version~1.000. At that time a new internal variable |defaultcolormodel| was introduced, whose value determines the color model of the black color used for drawing and filling in absence of a |withcolor| statement---either explicit or via |drawoptions|---and if the output format supports more than one color model (cf. section~9 of the MetaPost manual). Note, |defaultcolormodel| never triggers a color model conversion. Do you remember what value of variable |defaultcolormodel| corresponds to the CMYK color model? And do you remember what color model corresponds to a value of~3? Memoizing these numbers, which you need to know only once in a while, isn't easy and in code they are less descriptive than names. For that reason, the \pkg\ package declares a few internal variables with the values shown in \autoref{tab:color-model-constants} that should help switching between color models. \begin{table} \centering \caption{Color model constants.} \label{tab:color-model-constants} \begin{tabular}{lc} internal variable & value\\ \addlinespace\toprule\addlinespace |nomodel| & 1\\ |greyscalemodel| & 3\\ |rgbmodel| & 5\\ |cmykmodel| & 7\\ \end{tabular} \end{table} \section{Color sets} \label{sec:colorsets} This package provides color names from four color sets in three different color models. Color definitions are taken from X11 (\autoref{tab:spec-x11nam-def}), SVG (\autoref{tab:spec-svgnam-def}) and DVIPS (\autoref{tab:spec-dvipsnam-def}) specifications as distributed by packages \name{color} and \name{xcolor}. Additionally, there is a small set of colors that are defined by package \name{xcolor} (\autoref{tab:spec-xcolor-sty}). All color specifications have automatically been translated into MetaPost code by scripts. Colors defined in the X11 and SVG specifications are in the RGB color space, i.e., the corresponding variables are of type |rgbcolor|. Colors defined in the DVIPS specification are in the CMYK color space, i.e., the corresponding variables are of type |cmykcolor|. The set of colors from the \name{xcolor} package are in the CMYK, RGB and grey scale color model. The corresponding variable identifiers have been augmented by a prefix |cmyk_|, |rgb_| and |grey_| that indicates the color model used. Variables are of type |cmykcolor|, |rgbcolor| and |numeric|, resp. The package can be loaded by writing \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] input mpcolornames \end{lstlisting} % in the MetaPost source file. After that, all color names defined in the above mentioned color specifications are available as (array) variables. This is possible, because the sets of color names defined in the color specifications are nearly disjoint. Only a few color names are defined in more than one color specification. Array variables can be indexed the usual way. As long as the index is a constant number, brackets can be omitted. That way, color names, like e.g., |VioletRed1| from X11 specification, can easily be used in MetaPost. If the index is a not a constant, brackets are mandatory. As an example, the color definitions of colors |VioletRed1| to |VioletRed4| can be output like this \lstinputlisting[style=MP, firstline=9]{expl-array-index.mp} % and the result would look like \lstinputlisting[style=text, firstline=9]{expl-array-index.log} \section{SVG and DVIPS color name clash} \label{sec:nameclash} There is a name clash between forty of the color names defined by the SVG and DVIPS specifications. The problem is that both specifications define colors in different color models, RGB for the SVG specification and CMYK for the DVIPS specification. Additionally, the visual impression of most colors with the same name varies quite drastically, e.g., for the name |Lavender| (see \autoref{fig:clash-svg-dvips}). The set of clashing color names is listed in \autoref{tab:clash-svg-dvips}. Here is how name clashes are handled by the \pkg\ package: When loading the \pkg\ package, definitions of the SVG specification are processed after those of the DVIPS specification and hence, for the clashing names, definitions of the SVG specification ``win.'' Note, the variable type of all clashing color names is therefore |rgbcolor|. To control the active set of clashing color definitions two user macro are provided: |svgnames|\macro{svgnames} and |dvipsnames|\macro{dvipsnames}. Calling any of both macros re-applies all SVG or DVIPS color name declarations, overwriting all current definitions of the respective set. As an example, DVIPS definitions for all clashing color names can be activated in the preamble by loading the \pkg\ package as follows: \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] input mpcolornames dvipsnames; \end{lstlisting} One can switch back and forth between SVG and DVIPS definitions by repeatedly calling macros |dvipsnames| and |svgnames| within one figure. A better alternative, however, is to call these macros within a group, since both macros save the set of clashing identifiers w.\,r.\,t. the current group before setting the new definitions into effect. As an example, \autoref{fig:clash-svg-dvips} has been drawn with the following code: \lstinputlisting[style=MP, firstline=10]{fig-clash-svg-dvips.mp} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{fig-clash-svg-dvips-1.mps} \caption{Color \texttt{\color{mpcolor}Lavender} with DVIPS and SVG definitions within one figure.} \label{fig:clash-svg-dvips} \end{figure} \section{Related packages} \label{sec:relatedpkg} Package \name{mfpic} distributes a file \cmd{dvipsnam.mp} that contains the same color definitions from the DVIPS specification that this package provides. For backwards compatibility, package \name{mfpic} converts all colors into the RGB color model for MetaPost version that don't support the CMYK color model. Be careful when using both packages in parallel! \begin{flushleft} \itshape% Happy \TeX ing!\par Stephan Hennig \end{flushleft} \appendix \section{Proof tables} \label{sec:prooftables} The following proof tables are sorted by color model. \clearpage % Enlarge width of typearea. \areaset{1.2\textwidth}{\textheight} \setlength{\columnsep}{3pt} \subsection{Color names for multiple color models} \label{sec:multinames} %%% names from xcolor.sty \newlength{\tabcolwidth} \begingroup \renewcommand*{\colorproof}[2][]{% \includegraphics{proof-spec-#1-rgb_#2.mps}% \hspace{5pt}% \nolinkurl{rgb_#2}% & \includegraphics{proof-spec-#1-cmyk_#2.mps}% \hspace{5pt}% \nolinkurl{cmyk_#2}% & \includegraphics{proof-spec-#1-grey_#2.mps}% \hspace{5pt}% \nolinkurl{grey_#2}% } \input{tab-spec-xcolor-sty} \endgroup \clearpage \subsection{RGB color names} \label{sec:rgbnames} %%% names from plain.mp \input{tab-spec-plain-mp} %%% names from x11nam.def \input{tab-spec-x11nam-def} %%% names from svgnam.def \input{tab-spec-svgnam-def} \clearpage \subsection{CMYK color names} \label{sec:cmyknames} %%% names from dvipsnam.def \input{tab-spec-dvipsnam-def} \clearpage \section{Color name clashes} \label{sec:nameclashes} % svgnam.def and dvipsnam.def name clash \begingroup \renewcommand*{\colorproof}[2][]{% \includegraphics{proof-spec-svgnam-def-#2.mps}% \includegraphics{proof-spec-dvipsnam-def-#2.mps}% \hspace{5pt}% \nolinkurl{#2}% } \input{tab-clash-svg-dvips} \endgroup \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-PDF-mode: t %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: