% signalvertexSD.mp % L. Nobre G. % 2003 %input featpost3Dplus2D; % Draw a torus with NP dots, a section of 3.14*RS^2 % and a total diameter of 2*(RB+RS). The dots are placed % on a single closed line that turns around the $z$ axis % NB times and around the section NS times. f := 0.45f; %SphericalDistortion := true; Spread := 11; beginfig(1); NP:=2000; RB:=1; RS:=0.2; R3:=0.0; NB:=8; NS:=5; jB:=360*NB/NP; jS:=360*NS/NP; for i=1 upto NP: phi :=i*jS; theta :=i*jB; first :=(RB+(RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*cosd(phi))*cosd(theta); second:=(RB+(RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*cosd(phi))*sind(theta); third := (RS+R3*sind(4*theta))*sind(phi); signalvertex( (first,second,third), 1, black ); endfor; endfig; end;