%%% Two notes on column specification: %%% (i) Column widths are manually chosen as small as possible to allow %%% for a wider last X column. %%% (ii) In the first column \linepenalty=100 prefers shorter paragraphs %%% (less lines), where plain \raggedright were indifferent and %%% sometimes caused a dangling line, e.g., for 'directionpoint of' %%% or 'directiontime of'. \begin{longtable}{|>{\raggedright\linepenalty=100\ttfamily}p{.793in}*{3}{|>{\raggedright}p{.715in}}|>{\raggedleft}p{1.5em}|>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X|} \caption{\strut Operators}\label{optab}\\ \hline Name& \multicolumn3{c|}{Argument/result types}& \makebox[.2in][c]{Page}& Explanation\\\cline{2-4} & \multicolumn1{c|}{Left}& \multicolumn1{c|}{Right}& \multicolumn1{c|}{Result}& & \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead \caption[]{\strut Operators \emph{(continued)}}\\ \hline Name& \multicolumn3{c|}{Argument/result types}& \makebox[.2in][c]{Page}& Explanation\\\cline{2-4} & \multicolumn1{c|}{Left}& \multicolumn1{c|}{Right}& \multicolumn1{c|}{Result}& & \\ \hline \hline \endhead \&\index{&?\texttt{\&}}& string\par path& string\par path & string\par path& \pageref{Damp}& Concatenation---works for paths $l\hbox{\tt\&}r$ if $r$ starts exactly where the $l$ ends\\\hline *\index{*?\texttt{*}}& numeric& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dmldiv}& Multiplication\\\hline *\index{*?\texttt{*}}& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& numeric& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dmldiv}& Multiplication\\\hline **\index{**?\texttt{**}}& numeric& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dpow}& Exponentiation\\\hline +\index{+?\texttt{+}}& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dadd}& Addition\\\hline ++\index{++?\texttt{++}}& numeric& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dpyadd}& Pythagorean addition $\sqrt{l^2+r^2}$\\\hline +-+\index{+-+?\texttt{+-+}}& numeric& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dpysub}& Pythagorean subtraction $\sqrt{l^2-r^2}$\\\hline -\index{-?\texttt{-}}& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dadd}& Subtraction\\\hline -\index{-?\texttt{-}}& --& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dneg}& Negation\\\hline /\index{/?\texttt{/}}& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& numeric& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dmldiv}& Division\\\hline <\index{\index{>?\texttt{>}}\par <=\index{<=?\texttt{<=}} >=\index{=>?\texttt{=>}}\par <>\index{<>?\texttt{<>}}& string\par numeric\par pair\par (cmyk)color\par transform& string\par numeric\par pair\par (cmyk)color\par transform& boolean& \pageref{Dcmpar}& Comparison operators\\\hline \pl abs\index{abs?\texttt{abs}}& --& numeric\par pair& numeric& \pageref{Dabs}& Absolute value\par Euclidean length $\sqrt{(\mbox{\ttfamily xpart\ } r)^2+(\mbox{\ttfamily ypart\ } r)^2}$\\\hline and\index{and?\texttt{and}}& boolean& boolean& boolean& \pageref{Dand}& Logical and\\\hline angle\index{angle?\texttt{angle}}& --& pair& numeric& \pageref{Dangle}& 2$-$argument arctangent (in degrees)\\\hline arclength\index{arclength?\texttt{arclength}}& --& path& numeric& \pageref{Darclng}& Arc length of a path\\\hline arctime of\index{arctime of?\texttt{arctime of}}& numeric& path& numeric& \pageref{Darctim}& Time on a path where arc length from the start reaches a given value\\\hline ASCII\index{ASCII?\texttt{ASCII}}& --& string& numeric& --& ASCII value of first character in string\\\hline \pl bbox\index{bbox?\texttt{bbox}}& --& picture\par path\par pen& path& \pageref{Dbbox}& A rectangular path for the bounding box\\\hline blackpart\index{blackpart?\texttt{blackpart}}& --& cmykcolor& numeric& \pageref{Dcmykprt}& Extract the fourth component\\\hline bluepart\index{bluepart?\texttt{bluepart}}& --& color& numeric& \pageref{Drgbprt}& Extract the third component\\\hline boolean\index{boolean?\texttt{boolean}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dboolop}& Is the expression of type boolean?\\\hline \pl bot\index{bot?\texttt{bot}}& --& numeric\par pair& numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dbot}& Bottom of current pen when centered at the given coordinate(s)\\\hline bounded\index{bounded?\texttt{bounded}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dbounded}& Is argument a picture with a bounding box?\\\hline \pl ceiling\index{ceiling?\texttt{ceiling}}& --& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dceil}& Least integer greater than or equal to\\\hline \pl center\index{center?\texttt{center}}& --& picture\par path\par pen& pair& \pageref{Dcenter}& Center of the bounding box\\\hline char\index{char?\texttt{char}}& --& numeric& string& \pageref{Dchar}& Character with a given ASCII code\\\hline clipped\index{clipped?\texttt{clipped}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dclipped}& Is argument a clipped picture?\\\hline cmykcolor\index{cmykcolor?\texttt{cmykcolor}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dccolrop}& Is the expression of type cmykcolor?\\\hline color\index{color?\texttt{color}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dcolrop}& Is the expression of type color?\\\hline colormodel\index{colormodel?\texttt{colormodel}}& --& image object& numeric& \pageref{Dcolormodel}& What is the color model of the image object?\\\hline \pl colorpart\index{colorpart?\texttt{colorpart}}& --& image object& (cmyk)color\par numeric\par boolean& \pageref{Dcolorpart}& What is the color of the image object?\\\hline cosd\index{cosd?\texttt{cosd}}& --& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dcosd}& Cosine of angle in degrees\\\hline \pl cutafter\index{cutafter?\texttt{cutafter}}& path& path& path& \pageref{Dcuta}& Left argument with part after the intersection dropped\\\hline \pl cutbefore\index{cutbefore?\texttt{cutbefore}}& path& path& path& \pageref{Dcutb}& Left argument with part before the intersection dropped\\\hline cyanpart\index{cyanpart?\texttt{cyanpart}}& --& cmykcolor& numeric& \pageref{Dcmykprt}& Extract the first component\\\hline cycle\index{cycle?\texttt{cycle}}& --& path& boolean& \pageref{Dcycop}& Determines whether a path is cyclic\\\hline dashpart\index{dashpart?\texttt{dashpart}}& --& picture& picture& \pageref{Ddashpart}& Dash pattern of a path in a stroked picture\\\hline decimal\index{decimal?\texttt{decimal}}& --& numeric& string& \pageref{Ddecop}& The decimal representation\\\hline \pl dir\index{dir?\texttt{dir}}& --& numeric& pair& \pageref{Ddirop}& $(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)$ given $\theta$ in degrees\\\hline \pl direction of\index{direction of?\texttt{direction of}}& numeric& path& pair& \pageref{Ddirof}& The direction of a path at a given `time'\\\hline \pl direction\-point of\index{directionpoint of?\texttt{directionpoint of}}& pair& path& numeric& \pageref{Ddpntof}& Point where a path has a given direction\\\hline direction\-time of\index{directiontime of?\texttt{directiontime of}}& pair& path& numeric& \pageref{Ddtimof}& `Time' when a path has a given direction\\\hline \pl div\index{div?\texttt{div}}& numeric& numeric& numeric& --& Integer division $\lfloor l/r\rfloor$\\\hline \pl dotprod\index{dotprod?\texttt{dotprod}}& pair& pair& numeric& \pageref{Ddprod}& vector dot product\\\hline filled\index{filled?\texttt{filled}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dfilled}& Is argument a filled outline?\\\hline floor\index{floor?\texttt{floor}}& --& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dfloor}& Greatest integer less than or equal to\\\hline fontpart\index{fontpart?\texttt{fontpart}}& --& picture& string& \pageref{Dfontpart}& Font of a textual picture component\\\hline fontsize\index{fontsize?\texttt{fontsize}}& --& string& numeric& \pageref{Dfntsiz}& The point size of a font\\\hline greenpart\index{greenpart?\texttt{greenpart}}& --& color& numeric& \pageref{Drgbprt}& Extract the second component\\\hline greypart\index{greypart?\texttt{greypart}}& --& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dgreyprt}& Extract the first (only) component\\\hline hex\index{hex?\texttt{hex}}& --& string& numeric& --& Interpret as a hexadecimal number\\\hline infont\index{infont?\texttt{infont}}& string& string& picture& \pageref{Sinfont}& Typeset string in given font\\\hline \pl intersec\-tionpoint\index{intersectionpoint?\texttt{intersectionpoint}}& path& path& pair& \pageref{Disecpt}& An intersection point\\\hline intersec\-tiontimes\index{intersectiontimes?\texttt{intersectiontimes}}& path& path& pair& \pageref{Disectt}& Times ($t_l,t_r)$ on paths $l$ and $r$ when the paths intersect\\\hline \pl inverse\index{inverse?\texttt{inverse}}& --& transform& transform& \pageref{Dinv}& Invert a transformation\\\hline known\index{known?\texttt{known}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dknown}& Does argument have a known value?\\\hline length\index{length?\texttt{length}}& --& path\par string\par picture& numeric& \pageref{Dlength}\par \pageref{DlengthString}\par \pageref{DlengthPicture}& Number of components (arcs, characters, strokes, \ldots) in the argument\\\hline \pl lft\index{lft?\texttt{lft}}& --& numeric\par pair& numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dlft}& Left side of current pen when its center is at the given coordinate(s)\\\hline llcorner\index{llcorner?\texttt{llcorner}}& --& picture\par path\par pen& pair& \pageref{Dcornop}& Lower-left corner of bounding box\\\hline lrcorner\index{lrcorner?\texttt{lrcorner}}& --& picture\par path\par pen& pair& \pageref{Dcornop}& Lower-right corner of bounding box\\\hline magentapart\index{magentapart?\texttt{magentapart}}& --& cmykcolor& numeric& \pageref{Dcmykprt}& Extract the second component\\\hline makepath\index{makepath?\texttt{makepath}}& --& pen& path& \pageref{Dmkpath}& Cyclic path bounding the pen shape\\\hline makepen\index{makepen?\texttt{makepen}}& --& path& pen& \pageref{Dmkpen}& A polygonal pen made from the convex hull of the path knots\\\hline mexp\index{mexp?\texttt{mexp}}& --& numeric& numeric& --& The function $\exp(x/256)$\\\hline mlog\index{mlog?\texttt{mlog}}& --& numeric& numeric& --& The function $256\ln(x)$\\\hline \pl mod\index{mod?\texttt{mod}}& --& numeric& numeric& --& The remainder function $l-r\lfloor l/r\rfloor$\\\hline normal\-deviate\index{normaldeviate?\texttt{normaldeviate}}& --& --& numeric& --& Choose a random number with mean~0 and standard deviation~1\\\hline not\index{not?\texttt{not}}& --& boolean& boolean& \pageref{Dnot}& Logical negation\\\hline numeric\index{numeric?\texttt{numeric}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dnumop}& Is the expression of type numeric?\\\hline oct\index{oct?\texttt{oct}}& --& string& numeric& --& Interpret string as octal number\\\hline odd\index{odd?\texttt{odd}}& --& numeric& boolean& --& Is the closest integer odd or even?\\\hline or\index{or?\texttt{or}}& boolean& boolean& boolean& \pageref{Dor}& Logical inclusive or\\\hline pair\index{pair?\texttt{pair}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dpairop}& Is the expression of type pair?\\\hline path\index{path?\texttt{path}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dpathop}& Is the expression of type path?\\\hline pathpart\index{pathpart?\texttt{pathpart}}& --& picture& path& \pageref{Dpathpart}& Path of a stroked picture component\\\hline pen\index{pen?\texttt{pen}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dpenop}& Is the expression of type pen?\\\hline penoffset of\index{penoffset of?\texttt{penoffset of}}& pair& pen& pair& --& Point on the pen furthest to the right of the given direction\\\hline penpart\index{penpart?\texttt{penpart}}& --& picture& pen& \pageref{Dpenpart}& Pen of a stroked picture component\\\hline picture\index{picture?\texttt{picture}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dpictop}& Is the expression of type picture?\\\hline point of\index{point of?\texttt{point of}}& numeric& path& pair& \pageref{Dpntof}& Point on a path given a time value\\\hline postcontrol of\index{postcontrol?\texttt{postcontrol}}& numeric& path& pair& --& First B\'ezier control point on path segment starting at the given time\\\hline precontrol of\index{precontrol?\texttt{precontrol}}& numeric& path& pair& --& Last B\'ezier control point on path segment ending at the given time\\\hline readfrom\index{readfrom?\texttt{readfrom}}& --& string& string& \pageref{Dreadfrom}& Read a line from file\\\hline redpart\index{redpart?\texttt{redpart}}& --& color& numeric& \pageref{Drgbprt}& Extract the first component\\\hline reverse\index{reverse?\texttt{reverse}}& --& path& path& \pageref{Drevrse}& `time'-reversed path, beginning swapped with ending\\\hline rgbcolor\index{rgbcolor?\texttt{rgbcolor}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Drcolrop}& Is the expression of type color?\\\hline rotated\index{rotated?\texttt{rotated}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& numeric& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtranop}& Rotate counterclockwise a given number of degrees\\\hline \pl round\index{round?\texttt{round}}& --& numeric\par pair& numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dround}& round each component to the nearest integer\\\hline \pl rt\index{rt?\texttt{rt}}& --& numeric\par pair& numeric\par pair& \pageref{Drt}& Right side of current pen when centered at given coordinate(s)\\\hline scaled\index{scaled?\texttt{scaled}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& numeric& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtranop}& Scale all coordinates by the given amount\\\hline scantokens\index{scantokens?\texttt{scantokens}}& --& string& token sequence& \pageref{Dscantokens}& Converts a string to a token or token sequence. Provides string to numeric conversion, etc.\\\hline shifted\index{shifted?\texttt{shifted}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& pair& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtranop}& Add the given shift amount to each pair of coordinates\\\hline sind\index{sind?\texttt{sind}}& --& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dsind}& Sine of an angle in degrees\\\hline slanted\index{slanted?\texttt{slanted}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& numeric& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtranop}& Apply the slanting transformation that maps $(x,y)$ into $(x+sy,y)$, where~$s$ is the numeric argument\\\hline sqrt\index{sqrt?\texttt{sqrt}}& --& numeric& numeric& \pageref{Dsqrt}& Square root\\\hline str\index{str?\texttt{str}}& --& suffix& string& \pageref{Dstr}& String representation for a suffix\\\hline string\index{string?\texttt{string}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dstrgop}& Is the expression of type string?\\\hline stroked\index{stroked?\texttt{stroked}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dstroked}& Is argument a stroked line?\\\hline subpath of\index{subpath?\texttt{subpath}}& pair& path& path& \pageref{Dsubpth}& Portion of a path for given range of time values\\\hline substring of\index{substring of?\texttt{substring of}}& pair& string& string& \pageref{Dsubstr}& Substring bounded by given indices\\\hline textpart\index{textpart?\texttt{textpart}}& --& picture& string& \pageref{Dtextpart}& Text of a textual picture component\\\hline textual\index{textual?\texttt{textual}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dtextual}& Is argument typeset text?\\\hline \pl top\index{top?\texttt{top}}& --& numeric\par pair& numeric\par pair& \pageref{Dtop}& Top of current pen when centered at the given coordinate(s)\\\hline transform\index{transform?\texttt{transform}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dtrnfop}& Is the argument of type transform?\\\hline transformed\index{transformed?\texttt{transformed}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& transform& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtrfrmd}& Apply the given transform to all coordinates\\\hline ulcorner\index{ulcorner?\texttt{ulcorner}}& --& picture\par path\par pen& pair& \pageref{Dcornop}& Upper-left corner of bounding box\\\hline uniform\-deviate\index{uniformdeviate?\texttt{uniformdeviate}}& --& numeric& numeric& --& Random number between zero and the value of the argument\\\hline \pl unitvector\index{unitvector?\texttt{unitvector}}& --& pair& pair& \pageref{Duvec}& Rescale a vector so its length is~1\\\hline unknown\index{unknown?\texttt{unknown}}& --& any& boolean& \pageref{Dunknwn}& Is the value unknown?\\\hline urcorner\index{urcorner?\texttt{urcorner}}& --& picture\par path\par pen& pair& \pageref{Dcornop}& Upper-right corner of bounding box\\\hline \pl whatever\index{whatever?\texttt{whatever}}& --& --& numeric& \pageref{Dwhatev}& Create a new anonymous unknown\\\hline xpart\index{xpart?\texttt{xpart}}& --& pair\par transform& number& \pageref{Dxprt}& $x$ or $t_x$ component\\\hline xscaled\index{xscaled?\texttt{xscaled}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& numeric& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtranop}& Scale all $x$ coordinates by the given amount\\\hline xxpart\index{xxpart?\texttt{xxpart}}& --& transform& number& \pageref{Dtrprt}& $t_{xx}$ entry in transformation matrix\\\hline xypart\index{xypart?\texttt{xypart}}& --& transform& number& \pageref{Dtrprt}& $t_{xy}$ entry in transformation matrix\\\hline yellowpart\index{yellowpart?\texttt{yellowpart}}& --& cmykcolor& numeric& \pageref{Dcmykprt}& Extract the third component\\\hline ypart\index{ypart?\texttt{ypart}}& --& pair\par transform& number& \pageref{Dyprt}& $y$ or $t_y$ component\\\hline yscaled\index{yscaled?\texttt{yscaled}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& numeric& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtranop}& Scale all $y$ coordinates by the given amount\\\hline yxpart\index{yxpart?\texttt{yxpart}}& --& transform& number& \pageref{Dtrprt}& $t_{yx}$ entry in transformation matrix\\\hline yypart\index{yypart?\texttt{yypart}}& --& transform& number& \pageref{Dtrprt}& $t_{yy}$ entry in transformation matrix\\\hline zscaled\index{zscaled?\texttt{zscaled}}& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& pair& picture\par path\par pair\par pen\par transform& \pageref{Dtranop}& Rotate and scale all coordinates so that $(1,0)$ is mapped into the given pair; i.e., do complex multiplication.\\\hline \end{longtable}