@string{jcompstatg = {Journal of Computational and Statistical Graphics}} @incollection{BenKer90, author = "Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan", title = "Grap---A language for Typesetting Graphs", booktitle = "Unix Research System Papers", publisher = "{AT\&T} Bell Laboratories", address = "Murray Hill, New Jersey", edition = "Tenth", volume = "{II}", pages = "109--146", year = 1990 } @book{Cleve85, author = "William S. Cleveland", title = "The Elements of Graphing Data", publisher = "Hobart Press", address = "Summit, New Jersey", year = 1985 } @book{Cleve93, author = "Cleveland, William S.", title = "Visualizing Data", publisher = "Hobart Press", address = "Summit, New Jersey", year= "to appear", } @book{Tufte83, author = "Edward R. Tufte", title = "Visual Display of Quantitative Information", publisher = "Graphics Press", address = "Box 430, Cheshire, Connecticut 06410", year = 1983 } @article{Cleve93a, author = "Cleveland, William S.", title = "A Model for Studying Display Methods of Statistical Graphics (with discussion)", journal = jcompstatg, year = "to appear", volume = 3 } @book{Census92, author = "U.S. Bureau of the Census", title = "Statistical Abstracts of the United States: 1992", edition = "112th", address = "Washington, D.C.", year = 1992 } @book{LaTeXman, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "{\LaTeX}: A Document Preparation System", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = 1986 } @book{ad:red, author = "Adobe Systems Inc.", title = "{P}ost{S}cript Language Reference Manual", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", edition = "second", year = 1990 } @inproceedings{ho:mp4, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "Introduction to {MetaPost}", booktitle = "Euro{\TeX} '92 Proceedings", month = sep, year = 1992, pages = "21--36" } [An updated version appeared in the April 1999 Issue of "Eutupon", the news lettter for the Greek TeX friends group. ] @techreport{ho:mp3, title = "A User's manual for {MetaPost}", author = "John D. Hobby", institution = "AT\&T Bell Laboratories", address = "Murray Hill, New Jersey", type = "Computing Science Technical Report", number = "no.~162", note = {Available as http://cm.bell-labs.com/cs/cstr/162.ps.gz}, month = apr, year = 1992 } @book{kn:d, author = "Donald E. Knuth", note = "Volume D of {\it Computers and Typesetting}", title = "{\MF} the Program", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = 1986 }