% BibTeX entries for MetaPost doc, by John Hobby. Public domain. @string{dcg = "Discrete and Computational Geometry"} @book{kn:a, author = "D. E. Knuth", note = "Volume A of {\it Computers and Typesetting}", title = "The {\TeX}book", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = 1986 } @book{kn:c, author = "D. E. Knuth", note = "Volume C of {\it Computers and Typesetting}", title = "The {\MF}book", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = 1986 } @article{kn:mf3, author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "The New Versions of {\TeX} and {\MF}", journal = "{TUG}boat, the\/ {\TeX} User's Group Newsletter", volume = 10, number = 3, pages = "325--328", month = nov, year = 1989 } @book{kn:e, author = "D. E. Knuth", note = "Volume E of {\it Computers and Typesetting}", title = "Computer Modern Typefaces", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = 1986 } @book{ad:red, author = "{Adobe Systems Inc.}", title = "{P}ost{S}cript Language Reference Manual", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = 1986 } @book{ad:red2, author = "{Adobe Systems Inc.}", title = "{P}ost{S}cript Language Reference Manual", publisher = "Addison Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", edition = "second", year = 1990 } @article{ho:mp1, author = "J. D. Hobby", title = "A {\MF}-like System with {P}ost{S}cript Output", journal = "{TUG}boat, the\/ {\TeX} User's Group Newsletter", volume = 10, number = 4, pages = "505--512", month = dec, year = 1989 } @article{ho:splin, key = "Hobby", author = "J. D. Hobby", title = "Smooth, Easy to Compute Interpolating Splines", journal = dcg, volume = 1, number = 2, pagest = "123--140", year = 1986 } @manual{w3c:svg1.1, organization = "World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)", title = "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)~1.1 Specification", month = jan, year = 2003, note = "\url{http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/}" } @manual{reckdahl:epslatex, author = "Keith Reckdahl", title = "Using Imported Graphics in {\LaTeX} and {pdf\LaTeX}", month = jan, year = 2006, edition = "3.0.1", note = "\texttt{CTAN://info/epslatex}" } @manual{hagen:metafun, author = "Hans Hagen", title = "Metafun", month = jan, year = 2002, note = "\url{http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/metafun-s.pdf}" } @manual{luatex:manual, organization = "Lua\TeX\ development team", title = "Lua\TeX: Reference Manual", note = "\url{http://www.luatex.org/svn/trunk/manual/luatexref-t.pdf}" } @manual{hagen:luamplib, author = "Hans Hagen and Taco Hoekwater and Elie Roux", title = "The luamplib package", note = "\texttt{CTAN://macros/luatex/generic/luamplib/luamplib.pdf}" } @misc{lib:cairo, key = "Cairo", title = "Cairo graphics library", note = "\texttt{http://cairographics.org/}" } % taken from http://www.mpfr.org/faq.html#cite @Article{lib:mpfr, author = "Laurent Fousse and Guillaume Hanrot and Vincent Lef\`evre and Patrick P\'elissier and Paul Zimmermann", title = "{MPFR}: A Multiple-Precision Binary Floating-Point Library with Correct Rounding", journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software", volume = "33", number = "2", month = jun, year = "2007", pages = "13:1--13:15", URL = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1236463.1236468", abstract = "This paper presents a multiple-precision binary floating-point library, written in the ISO C language, and based on the GNU MP library. Its particularity is to extend to arbitrary-precision ideas from the IEEE 754 standard, by providing \emph{correct rounding} and \emph{exceptions}. We demonstrate how these strong semantics are achieved --- with no significant slowdown with respect to other arbitrary-precision tools --- and discuss a few applications where such a library can be useful.", } @misc{lib:decnumber, key = "decnumber", title = "dec{N}umber {ANSI} {C} implementation of General Decimal Arithmetic", note = "\texttt{http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decnumber.html}" }