\svnInfo $Id: mpman-app-numbersystems.tex 2023 2014-05-21 08:47:19Z stephanhennig $ \section{High-precision arithmetic with MetaPost} \label{hparith} In addition to the fixed-point arithmetics inherited from \MF, MetaPost can also do higher-precision arithmetics. In total, MetaPost can handle numeric quantities in four internal representation formats or number systems. Number systems differ in rounding errors\index{rounding error} introduced by and the speed of arithmetic operations. Simply storing a numeric value in a variable may already introduce a rounding error, so that can already be considered an arithmetic operation. The internal representation format used for numeric quantities can be determined by a command-line switch \texttt{-numbersystem}\index{command-line!mpost?\texttt{mpost}!-numbersystem?\texttt{-numbersystem}} when invoking the MetaPost executable. Argument is a string and can be one of \texttt{scaled}, \texttt{double}, \texttt{binary}, or \texttt{decimal}. The argument is stored in an internal string variable \texttt{numbersystem}\index{numbersystem?\texttt{numbersystem}}\label{Dnumbersystem}. Assigning a value to this variable at run-time triggers an error. The \texttt{scaled}\index{scaled?\texttt{scaled}} number system refers to 32~bit fixed-point arithmetics described in Section~\ref{datatypes}. This is the default number system. Precision is ca. 10~decimal digits, 5 digits before and after the comma. All arithmetic operations are done in software. The \texttt{double}\index{double?\texttt{double}} number system does IEEE standard floating-point arithmetics with 64~bits (or double) precision. In the internal representation, double floating-point numbers use $52+1$~bits for the mantissa, which determines precision, 11~bits for the exponent, which determines the valid range of numbers, and one bit for the sign. The smallest absolute value that can be represented is ca. $2.2\cdot10^{-308}$, the largest value is ca. $1.8\cdot10^{308}$. The 53~bit mantissa makes for a precision of ca. 15 decimal digits. The smallest possible difference between two distinct numbers in double floating-point number representation is $2^{-53} \approx 1.1\cdot10^{-16}$. The largest integer value that can be represented exactly is $2^{53}-1 \approx 9,0\cdot10^{15}$. Variable \texttt{warningcheck}\index{warningcheck?\texttt{warningcheck}} is set to $2^{52}$ in \texttt{double} mode. Arithmetic operations make use of a hardware floating-point unit (FPU), if available. While the IEEE double precision floating-point format provides plenty room for storing numeric values, still, precision and range are finite and fix. For users that need higher precision or range, MetaPost provides support for (almost) arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetics. The \texttt{binary}\index{binary?\texttt{binary}} number system is similar to the \texttt{double} number system, except that the number of bits used for the mantissa is not fixed, but variable. Precision is determined by an internal variable \texttt{numberprecision}\index{numberprecision?\texttt{numberprecision}}\label{Dnumberprecision} in decimal digits. Valid numbers are in the range 1 to 1000. Higher values make for better precision at the expense of performance of arithmetic operations. Default precision is 34~decimal digits (ca. 113~bits in the mantissa). Exponent in the internal representation is an integer in the range $[-9,999,999; +9,999,999]$. All arithmetic operations are done in software using the MPFR library~\cite{lib:mpfr} and are usually orders of magnitude slower than in \texttt{double} mode. Number system \texttt{decimal}\index{decimal?\texttt{decimal}} provides arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetics similar to the \texttt{binary} number system. Except that it uses a base of~10 for the internal representation instead of a base of~2. The point is that with base~2 floating-point numbers some decimal numbers cannot be represented exactly, among them such strange numbers like $0.1$. In a base~2 floating-point number format, this value has an infinit repeating representation, which cannot be stored in a mantissa of finite precision without introducing a rounding error. While such initial errors may be small, they use to accummulate when doing calculations. Sometimes increasing precision by switching from \texttt{double} to \texttt{binary} mode is sufficient to get satisfying results again. On the other hand, there's a demand for doing calculations exactly like humans do with pencil and paper, e.g., for certain financial calculations. The only way to ensure exact result is switching base of the internal representation to~10. Again, precision can be determined by assigning a value to variable \texttt{numberprecision}\index{numberprecision?\texttt{numberprecision}}. Valid numbers are in the range 1 to 1000. Default precision is 34~decimal digits. Exponent in the internal representation is an integer in the range $[-9,999,999; +9,999,999]$. All arithmetic operations are done in software using the decNumber library~\cite{lib:decnumber} and are usually slower than in \texttt{binary} mode. In all number systems except the traditional fixed-point (\texttt{scaled}) number system, numbers can be given in scientific notation, i.e., input like \texttt{1.23e4} is interpreted as the value $12,300$ instead of the product of the numeric value $1.23$ and (array) variable \verb|e[4]|. %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-PDF-mode: t %%% TeX-master: "mpman" %%% End: