.TH TEXLOGSIEVE "1" "February 2022" "texlogsieve 1.0.0-beta-3" "User Commands" .SH NAME texlogsieve \- filter and summarize LaTeX log files .SH SYNOPSIS \fBtexlogsieve\fR [\fI\,OPTION\/\fR]... [\fI\,INPUT FILE\/\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION texlogsieve reads a LaTeX log file (or the standard input if no file is specified), filters out less relevant messages, and displays a summary report. texlogsieve \fBmust\fR be run from the same directory as [pdf|lua|xe]latex, because it searches for the files used during compilation (packages loaded from the current directory, files included with \einput etc.). Also, since it cannot detect if LaTeX stops for user input, you should \fBreally\fR run LaTeX in \fI\,nonstopmode\/\fR when texlogsieve is reading from a pipe. The program goes to great lengths to correctly handle TeX line wrapping. It understands the \fI\,max_print_line\/\fR TeX configuration variable and reads its value from the same places as TeX. Setting \fI\,max_print_line\/\fR to a value larger than 9999 makes texlogsieve ignore line wrapping. The defaults are reasonable; hopefully, you can just do .RS 3 .EX [pdf|lua|xe]latex \-interaction nonstopmode myfile.tex | texlogsieve .EE .RE or .RS 3 .EX texlogsieve myfile.log .EE .RE and be satisfied with the result. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-\-page\-delay\fR, \fB\-\-no\-page\-delay\fR Enable/disable grouping messages by page before display. When enabled, messages are only output after the current page is finished (shipout). \ The advantage is that the page number is included in the message (default enabled). .TP \fB\-\-summary\fR, \fB\-\-no\-summary\fR Enable/disable final summary (default enabled). .TP \fB\-\-only\-summary\fR No messages, show only the final summary (default disabled). .TP \fB\-\-shipouts\fR, \fB\-\-no\-shipouts\fR Enable/disable reporting shipouts (default disabled with page-delay, enabled with no-page-delay). .TP \fB\-\-repetitions\fR, \fB\-\-no\-repetitions\fR Allow/prevent repeated messages (default disabled, i.e., repeated messages are supressed). .TP \fB\-\-be\-redundant\fR, \fB\-\-no\-be\-redundant\fR Present/suppress ordinary messages that will also appear in the summary. This affects messages that have special summaries (such as under/overfull boxes or undefined citations). With \-\-no\-be\-redundant (the default), these messages are filtered out and only appear in the final summary. .TP \fB\-\-box\-detail\fR, \fB\-\-no\-box\-detail\fR Include/exclude detailed information on under/overfull boxes in the final summary. With \-\-no\-box\-detail, the summary presents only a list of pages and files that had under/overfull boxes (default enabled). .TP \fB\-\-ref\-detail\fR, \fB\-\-no\-ref\-detail\fR Include/exclude detailed information on undefined references in the final summary. With \-\-no\-ref\-detail, the summary presents only a list of undefined references, without page numbers and filenames (default enabled). .TP \fB\-\-cite\-detail\fR, \fB\-\-no\-cite\-detail\fR Include/exclude detailed information on undefined citations in the final summary. With \-\-no\-cite\-detail, the summary presents only a list of undefined citations, without page numbers and filenames (default enabled). .TP \fB\-\-summary\-detail\fR, \fB\-\-no\-summary\-detail\fR Toggle \-\-box\-detail, \-\-ref\-detail, and \-\-cite\-detail at once. .TP \fB\-\-heartbeat\fR, \fB\-\-no\-heartbeat\fR Enable/disable progress gauge in page-delay mode (default enabled). .TP \fB\-l\fR \fI\,LEVEL\/\fR, \fB\-\-minlevel\fR=\fI\,LEVEL\/\fR Filter out messages with severity level lower than LEVEL. Valid levels are DEBUG (no filtering), INFO, WARNING, CRITICAL, and UNKNOWN (default WARNING). .TP \fB\-u\fR, \fB\-\-unwrap\-only\fR Do not filter messages and do not output the summary, only unwrap long, wrapped lines. The output should be very similar (but not equal) to the input file, but with wrapped lines reconstructed. This activates \-l debug, \-\-no\-summary, \-\-no\-page\-delay, \-\-repetitions, \-\-be\-redundant, and \-\-shipouts, and also supresses the verbose \[lq]open/close file\[rq] and \[lq]shipout\[rq] messages, simulating instead the TeX format, with parens and square brackets. This is useful if you prefer the reports generated by some other tool but want to benefit from texlogsieve's line unwrapping algorithm; the output generated by this option should be parseable by other tools (but you probably need to coerce the other tool not to try to unwrap lines). .TP \fB\-\-silence\-package\fR=\fI\,PKGNAME\/\fR Filter out messages that can be identified as coming from the given package. \ Use this option multiple times to suppress messages from several different packages. .TP \fB\-\-silence\-string\fR=\fI\,EXCERPT OF UNWANTED MESSAGE\/\fR Filter out messages that contain the given string (you only need to provide part of the message text for the whole message to be suppressed). Use this option multiple times to suppress several different messages. The string should be a single line, but that is not a problem for multiline log messages: space characters in the provided string match any sequence of whitespace characters in the message, including newlines. If needed, you may precede the string with \[lq]////\[rq], in which case you can use lua-style pattern matching (\c .UR https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html .UE ). Note that the string is used verbatim: you may need to enclose it in quotes or escape special characters such as \[lq]\e\[rq] for the benefit of the shell, but such quoting and escaping is unnecessary (and harmful) in the configuration file. .TP \fB\-\-silence\-file\fR=\fI\,FILENAME OR FILE GLOB\/\fR Filter out messages that have been generated while the given file was being processed. Do \fBnot\fR use absolute or relative paths, only filenames. Simple file globs, such as \[lq]*.cls\[rq], work as expected. If you are only using packages you already know, silencing \[lq]*.sty\[rq] may be a good idea (note that this does not suppress all messages from all packages, only the messages generated while the packages are being loaded). Use this option multiple times to suppress messages from several different files. .TP \fB\-\-semisilence\-file\fR=\fI\,FILENAME OR FILE GLOB\/\fR Just like the previous option, but non-recursive. This means that messages generated while the given file was being processed are excluded, but messages generated by some other file that was opened by it are not. For example, if \[lq]chapters.tex\[rq] includes (with \einput) the files \[lq]chapter1.tex\[rq] and \[lq]chapter2.tex\[rq], using \[lq]\-\-silence\-file=chapters.tex\[rq] will prevent messages generated by any of the three files from being displayed. If, however, you use \[lq]\-\-semisilence\-file=chapters.tex\[rq], messages generated by chapters.tex will be suppressed, but messages generated by chapter1.tex or chapter2.tex will not. .TP \fB\-\-add\-[debug|info|warning|critical]\-message\fR=\fI\,MESSAGE\/\fR Add MESSAGE to the list of messages known to the program with the given severity level; see Section UNRECOGNIZED MESSAGES below for more information about this. Like \-\-silence\-string, these should be a single line; unlike \-\-silence\-string, you need to embed \en explicitly to indicate line breaks (this is literally a backslash character followed by the letter \[lq]n\[rq], \fBnot\fR a linefeed character). You may precede the string with \[lq]////\[rq] to use lua-style pattern matching, but embedding \en to indicate line breaks is unavoidable. Use these options multiple times to add many different messages. .TP \fB\-\-set\-to\-level\-[debug|info|warning|critical]\fR=\fI\,EXCERPT OF MESSAGE\/\fR Redefine the severity level of messages that contain the provided string to the given level. Check the explanation for \-\-silence\-string, as this works in a similar way. Use these options multiple times to change the severity level of many different messages. .TP \fB\-c\fR \fI\,CFGFILE\/\fR, \fB\-\-config\-file\fR=\fI\,CFGFILE\/\fR Read options from the given configuration file in addition to \fI\,texlogsieverc\/\fR. .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Show concise options description. .TP \fB\-\-version\fR Print program version. .SH UNRECOGNIZED MESSAGES texlogsieve automatically handles messages such as \[lq]Package blah Info:...\[rq] or \[lq]LaTeX Warning:...\[rq]. However, many messages do not follow this pattern. To do its thing, texlogsieve should know about these other messages beforehand. .PP While texlogsieve recognizes quite a few messages out of the box, you may run into a message generated by some package that it does not know about (you can check for this using \[lq]\-l unknown\[rq]). If that is the case, you can use the \-\-add\-[debug|info|warning|critical]\-message options to add it to the list of messages known to the program. .SH CONFIGURATION FILE texlogsieve always searches automatically for the (optional) \fI\,texlogsieverc\/\fR configuration file in the TeX path (i.e., it searches using Kpathsea). In the default configuration, the current directory is in the search path, so adding a config file with that name to the project directory is enough to make it work. Options in the config file are exactly the same as the long command-line options described above, but without the preceding \[lq]\-\-\[rq] characters. Lines starting with a \[lq]#\[rq] sign are comments. An example configuration file: .RS .EX no\-page\-delay .br # no\-page\-delay enables shipouts, but we do not want that .br no\-shipouts .br silence\-string = Hyperreferences in rotated content will be misplaced .br # no need to escape the \[dq]\e\[dq] (or any other) character .br silence\-string = Using \eoverbracket and \eunderbracket from \[ga]mathtools\[aq] .br # silence a string using lua pattern matching .br silence\-string = ////luaotfload | aux : font no %d+ %(.\-%) .br silence\-files = *.sty .EE .RE .SH LIMITATIONS texlogsieve does not try to do anything smart about error messages (at least for now); if there is an error, you probably want to take a look directly at the log file anyway. It also cannot detect if LaTeX stops for user input, so you should \fBreally\fR run LaTeX in \fI\,nonstopmode\/\fR when texlogsieve is reading from a pipe. Since it needs to know what messages to expect, texlogsieve is currently geared towards LaTeX; I have no idea how it would work with ConTeXt or plain TeX. Still, adding support to them should not be too difficult. .SH SEE ALSO The pdf documentation (in TeXLive, try \fI\,texdoc texlogsieve\/\fR). If you want to know more about the TeX log file and the workings of the program, check the initial comments in the code. .SH BUGS AND DEVELOPMENT .UR https://gitlab.com/lago/texlogsieve .UE .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \[co] 2021, 2022 Nelson Lago .br License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later .UR https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html .UE . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. \ There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.