.ds V 2.97 .de M .BR "\\$1" "(\\$2)\\$3" .. .de Sp .if n .sp .if t .sp 0.4 .. .TH T1REENCODE 1 "LCDF Typetools" "Version \*V" .SH NAME t1reencode \- reencode a PostScript Type 1 font .SH SYNOPSIS .B t1reencode \%\-e ENCODING \%[OPTIONS...] .I font .RI [ outputfile ] .SH DESCRIPTION .BR T1reencode changes a PostScript Type\~1 font's embedded encoding. The reencoded font is written to the standard output (but see the .B \-\-output option). If no input font file is supplied, .B t1reencode reads a PFA or PFB font from the standard input. ' .SH OPTIONS .PD 0 .TP 5 .BR \-\-encoding "=\fIfile\fR, " \-e " \fIfile" Read the encoding from .IR file , which must contain an encoding in .M dvips 1 format. Alternatively, .I file can be one of the following special names, in which case the corresponding standard encoding is used. .Sp .RS .TP 23 .B Name .B Source .TP StandardEncoding Adobe .TP ISOLatin1Encoding Adobe/ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_1_Encoding) .TP ExpertEncoding Adobe .TP ExpertSubsetEncoding Adobe .TP SymbolEncoding Adobe .TP ISOLatin2Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_2_Encoding) .TP ISOLatin3Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_3_Encoding) .TP ISOLatin4Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_4_Encoding) .TP ISOCyrillicEncoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_5_Encoding) .TP ISOGreekEncoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_7_Encoding) .TP ISOLatin5Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_9_Encoding) .TP ISOLatin6Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_10_Encoding) .TP ISOThaiEncoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_11_Encoding) .TP ISOLatin7Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_13_Encoding) .TP ISOLatin8Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_14_Encoding) .TP ISOLatin9Encoding ISO (synonym: ISO_8859_15_Encoding) .TP KOI8REncoding - .RE ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-\-encoding\-text "=\fItext\fR, " \-E " \fItext" Use the encoding in the .I text argument, which must be formatted as a .M dvips 1 encoding. One of .B \-\-encoding and .B \-\-encoding\-text must be supplied. ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-\-name "=\fIname\fR, " \-n " \fIname" Set the output font's PostScript name to .IR name . The default is the input font name followed by the encoding's name. ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-\-full-name "=\fIname\fR, " \-N " \fIname" Set the output font's FullName to .IR name . The default is the input FullName followed by the encoding's name. ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-\-output "=\fIfile\fR, " \-o " \fIfile" Send output to .I file instead of standard output. ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-\-pfb ", " \-b Output a PFB font. This is the default. ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-\-pfa ", " \-a Output a PFA font. ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Print usage information and exit. ' .Sp .TP 5 .BR \-\-version Print the version number and some short non-warranty information and exit. .PD ' .SH "RETURN VALUES" .B T1reencode exits with value 0 if a reencoded font was successfully generated, and 1 otherwise. ' .SH "NOTES" .LP .B T1reencode should be used only in special situations. It's generally much better to use PostScript commands to reencode a font; for instance, executing the PostScript commands to generate two differently-encoded versions of a single font will take up much less memory than loading two .BR t1reencode d fonts. ' .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP This command reencodes Frutiger Roman in the ISO Latin\~1 encoding. The new font will have the PostScript name Frutiger-RomanISOLatin1Encoding. .Sp .nf \fBt1reencode\fR \fB\-e\fR ISOLatin1Encoding FrutiRom.pfb \e \fB\-o\fR FrutiRomISOL1.pfb .fi .Sp This series of commands, which use .M cfftot1 1 and .M otftotfm 1 as well as .B t1reencode itself, generate a version of Warnock Pro Regular with old-style figures in the slots for numbers (because of .BR otftotfm 's .BR \-f onum option). The new font will be called WarnockPro-RegularOsF. .Sp .nf \fBotftotfm\fR \fB\-f\fRonum WarnockPro-Regular.otf \e \fB\-\-output\-encoding\fR /tmp/osf.enc \fBcfftot1\fR WarnockPro-Regular.otf | \fBt1reencode\fR \fB\-e\fR /tmp/osf.enc \e \fB\-n\fR WarnockPro-RegularOsF \fB\-N\fR "Warnock Pro Regular OsF" \e \fB\-o\fR WarnoProRegOsF.pfb .fi ' .SH "SEE ALSO" .LP .IR "Adobe Type 1 Font Format" , .M dvips 1 , .M cfftot1 1 , .M otftotfm 1 ' .SH AUTHOR Eddie Kohler (ekohler@gmail.com)