.TH PLTOTF 1 "27 December 1992" "Web2C 2013" .\"===================================================================== .if n .ds MF Metafont .if t .ds MF M\s-2ETAFONT\s0 .if t .ds TX \fRT\\h'-0.1667m'\\v'0.20v'E\\v'-0.20v'\\h'-0.125m'X\fP .if n .ds TX TeX .ie t .ds OX \fIT\v'+0.25m'E\v'-0.25m'X\fP for troff .el .ds OX TeX for nroff .\" the same but obliqued .\" BX definition must follow TX so BX can use TX .if t .ds BX \fRB\s-2IB\s0\fP\*(TX .if n .ds BX BibTeX .\" LX definition must follow TX so LX can use TX .if t .ds LX \fRL\\h'-0.36m'\\v'-0.15v'\s-2A\s0\\h'-0.15m'\\v'0.15v'\fP\*(TX .if n .ds LX LaTeX .if n .ds WB Web .if t .ds WB W\s-2EB\s0 .\"===================================================================== .SH NAME pltotf \- convert property list files to TeX font metric (tfm) format .SH SYNOPSIS .B pltotf .RB [ \-verbose ] .IR pl_file_name [ \fB.pl\fP ] .RI [ tfm_file_name [ \fB.tfm\fP ]] .\"===================================================================== .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page is not meant to be exhaustive. The complete documentation for this version of \*(TX can be found in the info file or manual .IR "Web2C: A TeX implementation" . .PP The .B pltotf program translates a (human-oriented) property list file to a (program-oriented) \*(TX font metric file. Thus, after editing the property list file, a TFM file can be generated for use with, for example, .BR tex (1). .PP The .I pl_file_name is extended with .B .pl if it lacks a suffix. No path searching is done. .PP If no .I tfm_file_name is given, the basename of .I pl_file_name with suffix .B .tfm is used; otherwise .I tfm_file_name is extended with .B .tfm if it lacks a suffix. .\"===================================================================== .SH OPTIONS Without the .B \-verbose option, .B pltotf operates silently. With it, a banner and progress report are printed on .IR stdout . .\"===================================================================== .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR tftopl (1). .br Donald E. Knuth, .IR "\*(OXware" . .br Donald E. Knuth, .IR "The \*(MFbook" , (Volume C of .IR "Computers and Typesetting" ), Addison-Wesley, 1986, ISBN 0-201-13445-4. .\"===================================================================== .SH AUTHORS Donald E. Knuth wrote the program. It was published as part of the .I \*(OXware technical report, available from the \*(TX Users Group. Howard Trickey, Pavel Curtis, and Richard Furuta originally ported it to Unix.