.TH LUATEX 1 "16 June 2015" "Web2C 2017" .\"===================================================================== .if n .ds MF Metafont .if t .ds MF Metafont .if t .ds TX \fRT\\h'-0.1667m'\\v'0.20v'E\\v'-0.20v'\\h'-0.125m'X\fP .if n .ds TX TeX .if n .ds WB Web .if t .ds WB W\s-2EB\s0 .\"===================================================================== .SH NAME luatex, dviluatex, luajittex, texlua, texluac \- An extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language .\"===================================================================== .SH SYNOPSIS .B luatex .RB [ \-\-lua=\fIFILE\fP ] .RI [ OPTION ].\|.\|. .RI [ TEXNAME [ \fB.tex\fP ]] .RI [ COMMANDS ] .br .B luatex .RB [ \-\-lua=\fIFILE\fP ] .RI [ OPTION ].\|.\|. .BI \e FIRST\-LINE .br .B luatex .RB [ \-\-lua=\fIFILE\fP ] .RI [ OPTION ].\|.\|. .BI & FMT .RI [ ARGS ] .\"===================================================================== .SH DESCRIPTION Run the lua\*(TX typesetter on .IR TEXNAME , usually creating .IR TEXNAME\fB.pdf\fP . Any remaining .I COMMANDS are processed as lua\*(TX input, after .I TEXNAME is read. Alternatively, if the first non\-option argument begins with a backslash, interpret all non\-option arguments as a line of lua\*(TX input. Alternatively, if the first non\-option argument begins with a \fB&\fR, the next word is taken as the \fIFMT\fR to read, overriding all else. Any remaining arguments are processed as above. If no arguments or options are specified, prompt for input. If called as \fBtexlua\fR it acts as lua interpreter. If called as \fBtexluac\fR it acts as lua bytecode compiler. Lua\*(TX is an extended version of pdf\*(TX with Unicode and OpenType font support, embeded \fBLua\fR scripting language, the \fBe-\*(TX\fR and \fBOmega\fR extensions, as well as integrated MetaPost engine, that can create \fIPDF\fR files as well as \fIDVI\fR files. For more information about luatex, see http://www.luatex.org, you can read Lua\*(TX manual using texdoc utility (\fBtexdoc luatex\fR). All Lua\*(TX text input and output is considered to be Unicode text. In \fIDVI\fR mode, lua\*(TX can be used as a complete replacement for the \*(TX engine. In \fIPDF\fR mode, lua\*(TX can natively handle the \fIPDF\fR, \fIJPG\fR, \fIJBIG2\fR, and \fIPNG\fR graphics formats. lua\*(TX cannot include PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) graphics files; first convert them to PDF using \fBepstopdf\fR (1). .\"===================================================================== .SH "OPTIONS" When the Lua\*(TX executable starts, it looks for the \fB\-\-lua\fR commandline option. If there is no \fB\-\-lua\fR option, the commandline is interpreted in a similar fashion as in traditional pdf\*(TX and Aleph. But if the option is present, Lua\*(TX will enter an alternative mode of commandline parsing in comparison to the standard web2c programs. The presence of \fB--lua\fR makes most of other options unreliable, because the lua initialization file can disable kpathsea and/or hook functions into various callbacks. .ig Here is the list of possibly affected switches/functionality, and why: .. .TP .BI "\-\-lua=" FILE The lua initialization file. .PP The following two options alter the executable behaviour: .TP .B \-\-luaonly Start Lua\*(TX as a Lua interpreter. In this mode, it will set Lua's \fIarg[0]\fR to the found script name, pushing preceding options in negative values and the rest of the commandline in the positive values, just like the Lua interpreter. Lua\*(TX will exit immediately after executing the specified Lua script. .TP .BI \-\-luaconly Start Lua\*(TX as a Lua byte compiler. In this mode, Lua\*(TX is exactly like \fBluac\fR from the standalone Lua distribution, except that it does not have the \fB\-l\fR switch, and that it accepts (but ignores) the \fB\-\-luaconly\fR switch. .PP Then the regular web2c options: .TP .B \-\-debug\-format .br Debug format loading. .TP .B \-\-draftmode Sets \epdfdraftmode so lua\*(TX doesn't write a PDF and doesn't read any included images, thus speeding up execution. .TP .B \-\-enable\-write18 .br Synonym for \fB\-\-shell\-escape\fR. .TP .B \-\-disable\-write18 .br Synonym for \fB\-\-no\-shell\-escape\fR. .TP .B \-\-shell\-escape .br Enable the .BI \ewrite18{ command } construct, and Lua functions \fBos.execute()\fR, \fBos.exec()\fR, \fBos.spawn()\fR, and \fBio.popen()\fR. The \fIcommand\fR can be any shell command. This construct is normally disallowed for security reasons. .TP .B \-\-no\-shell-escape .br Disable the .BI \ewrite18{ command } construct and the other Lua functions, even if it is enabled in the \fItexmf.cnf\fR file. .TP .B \-\-shell-restricted Enable restricted version of \fB\ewrite18\fR, \fBos.execute()\fR, \fBos.exec()\fR, \fBos.spawn()\fR, and \fBio.popen()\fR, only commands listed in \fItexmf.cnf\fR file are allowed. .TP .B \-\-file\-line\-error Print error messages in the form \fIfile:line:error\fR which is similar to the way many compilers format them. .TP .B \-\-no\-file\-line\-error Disable printing error messages in the \fIfile:line:error\fR style. .TP .BI "\-\-fmt=" FORMAT Use \fIFORMAT\fR as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name by which lua\*(TX was called or a \fI%&\fR line. .TP .B \-\-help Print help message and exit. .TP .B \-\-ini Start in \fIINI\fR mode, which is used to dump formats. The \fIINI\fR mode can be used for typesetting, but no format is preloaded, and basic initializations like setting catcodes may be required. .TP .BI "\-\-interaction=" MODE Sets the interaction mode. The \fIMODE\fR can be either .IR batchmode , .IR nonstopmode , .IR scrollmode , and .IR errorstopmode . The meaning of these modes is the same as that of the corresponding \ecommands. .TP .BI "\-\-jobname=" NAME Use \fINAME\fR for the job name, instead of deriving it from the name of the input file. .TP .BI "\-\-kpathsea-debug=" BITMASK Sets path searching debugging flags according to the \fIBITMASK\fR. See the \fIKpathsea\fR manual for details. .TP .BI "\-\-mktex=" FMT Enable mktex\fIFMT\fR generation, where \fIFMT\fR must be either \fItex\fR or \fItfm\fR. .TP .B \-\-nosocket Disable the luasocket (network) library. .TP .TP .BI "\-\-output\-comment=" STRING In \fIDVI\fR mode, use \fISTRING\fR for the \fIDVI\fR file comment instead of the date. This option is ignored in\fIPDF\fR mode. .TP .BI "\-\-output\-directory=" DIRECTORY Write output files in \fIDIRECTORY\fR instead of the current directory. Look up input files in \fIDIRECTORY\fR first, then along the normal search path. .TP .BI "\-\-output\-format=" FORMAT Set the output format mode, where \fIFORMAT\fR must be either \fIpdf\fR or \fIdvi\fR. This also influences the set of graphics formats understood by lua\*(TX. .TP .BI "\-\-progname=" NAME Pretend to be program \fINAME\fR (only for kpathsea). .TP .B \-\-recorder Enable the filename recorder. This leaves a trace of the files opened for input and output in a file with extension \fI.fls\fR. .TP .B \-\-safer Disable some Lua commands that can easily be abused by a malicious document. .TP .BI "\-\-synctex=" NUMBER Enable/disable Sync\*(TX extension. .TP .B \-\-version Print version information and exit. .TP .B \-\-credits Print credits and version details. .TP The following options are ignored: .TP .BR \-\-8bit ,\ \-\-etex ,\ \-\-parse\-first\-line ,\ \-\-no\-parse\-first\-line These are always on. .TP .BR \-\-default\-translate\-file=\fITCXNAME\fP ,\ \-\-translate\-file=\fITCXNAME\fP These are always off. .\"===================================================================== .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR pdftex (1), .BR etex (1), .BR aleph (1), .BR lua (1). .\"===================================================================== .SH "AUTHORS" The primary authors of Lua\*(TX are Taco Hoekwater, Hartmut Henkel, Hans Hagen, and Luigi Scarso, with help from Martin Schr\[:o]der, Karel Skoupy, and Han The Thanh. .PP \*(TX was designed by Donald E. Knuth, who implemented it using his \*(WB system for Pascal programs. It was ported to Unix at Stanford by Howard Trickey, and at Cornell by Pavel Curtis. The version now offered with the Unix \*(TX distribution is that generated by the \*(WB to C system (\fBweb2c\fR), originally written by Tomas Rokicki and Tim Morgan. .PP The Lua\*(TX home page is http://luatex.org.