.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText. . .TH LUAOTFLOAD-TOOL 1 "2013-05-06" "2.2" "text processing" .SH NAME luaotfload-tool \- generate and query the Luaotfload font names database . .nr rst2man-indent-level 0 . .de1 rstReportMargin \\$1 \\n[an-margin] level \\n[rst2man-indent-level] level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] - \\n[rst2man-indent0] \\n[rst2man-indent1] \\n[rst2man-indent2] .. .de1 INDENT .\" .rstReportMargin pre: . RS \\$1 . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin] . nr rst2man-indent-level +1 .\" .rstReportMargin post: .. .de UNINDENT . RE .\" indent \\n[an-margin] .\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .nr rst2man-indent-level -1 .\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]] .in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u .. .SH SYNOPSIS .sp \fBluaotfload\fP [ \-cfFiquvVh ] .sp \fBluaotfload\fP \-\-update [ \-\-force ] [ \-\-quiet ] [ \-\-verbose ] [ \-\-dry\-run ] .sp \fBluaotfload\fP \-\-find=FONTNAME [ \-\-fuzzy ] [ \-\-info ] .sp \fBluaotfload\fP \-\-flush\-lookups .sp \fBluaotfload\fP \-\-cache=DIRECTIVE .sp \fBluaotfload\fP \-\-list=CRITERION[:VALUE] [ \-\-fields=F1,F2,...,Fn ] .sp \fBluaotfload\fP \-\-help .sp \fBluaotfload\fP \-\-version .SH DESCRIPTION .sp luaotfload\-tool accesses the font names database that is required by the \fILuaotfload\fP package. There are two general modes: \fBupdate\fP and \fBquery\fP. .INDENT 0.0 .IP \(bu 2 \fBupdate\fP: update the database or rebuild it entirely; .IP \(bu 2 \fBquery\fP: resolve a font name or display close matches. .UNINDENT .sp A third mode for clearing the lookup cache is currently experimental. .sp Note that if the script is named \fBmkluatexfontdb\fP it will behave like earlier versions (<=1.3) and always update the database first. Also, the verbosity level will be set to 2. .SH OPTIONS .SS update mode .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B \-\-update, \-u Update the database; indexes new fonts. .TP .B \-\-force, \-f Force rebuilding of the database; re\-indexes all fonts. .TP .B \-\-dry\-run, \-D Don’t load fonts, scan directories only. (For debugging file system related issues.) .UNINDENT .SS query mode .INDENT 0.0 .TP .BI \-\-find\fB= NAME Resolve a font name; this looks up in the database and prints the file name it is mapped to. .TP .B \-\-fuzzy, \-F Show approximate matches to the file name if the lookup was unsuccessful (requires \fB\-\-find\fP). .TP .B \-\-info, \-i Display basic information to a resolved font file (requires \fB\-\-find\fP). .TP .BI \-\-list\fB= CRITERION Show entries, where \fICRITERION\fP is one of the following: .INDENT 7.0 .IP 1. 3 the character \fB*\fP, selecting all entries; .IP 2. 3 a field of a database entry, for instance \fIfullname\fP or \fIunits_per_em\fP, according to which the output will be sorted; or .IP 3. 3 an expression of the form \fBfield:value\fP to limit the output to entries whose \fBfield\fP matches \fBvalue\fP. .UNINDENT .TP .BI \-\-fields\fB= FIELDS Comma\-separated list of fields that should be printed. The default is \fIfullname,version\fP. (Only meaningful with \fB\-\-list\fP.) .UNINDENT .SS font and lookup caches .INDENT 0.0 .TP .B \-\-flush\-lookups Clear font name lookup cache (experimental). .TP .BI \-\-cache\fB= DIRECTIVE Cache control, where \fIDIRECTIVE\fP is one of the following: .INDENT 7.0 .IP 1. 3 \fBpurge\fP \-> delete Lua files from cache; .IP 2. 3 \fBerase\fP \-> delete Lua and Luc files from cache; .IP 3. 3 \fBshow\fP \-> print stats. .UNINDENT .UNINDENT .SS miscellaneous .INDENT 0.0 .TP .BI \-\-verbose\fB= N, \ \-v Set verbosity level to \fIn\fP or the number of repetitions of \fB\-v\fP. .TP .B \-\-quiet No verbose output (log level set to zero). .TP .BI \-\-log\fB= stdout Redirect log output to terminal (for database troubleshooting). .TP .B \-\-version, \-V Show version number and exit. .TP .B \-\-help, \-h Show help message and exit. .UNINDENT .SH FILES .sp The font name database is usually located in the directory \fBtexmf\-var/luatex\-cache/generic/names/\fP (\fB$TEXMFCACHE\fP as set in \fBtexmf.cnf\fP) of your \fITeX Live\fP distribution as \fBluaotfload\-names.lua\fP. The experimental lookup cache will be created as \fBluaotfload\-lookup\-cache.lua\fP in the same directory. Both files are safe to delete, at the cost of regenerating them with the next run of \fILuaTeX\fP. .SH SEE ALSO .sp \fBluatex\fP (1), \fBlua\fP (1) .INDENT 0.0 .IP \(bu 2 \fBtexdoc luaotfload\fP to display the manual for the \fILuaotfload\fP package .IP \(bu 2 Luaotfload development \fI\%https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload\fP .IP \(bu 2 LuaLaTeX mailing list \fI\%http://tug.org/pipermail/lualatex\-dev/\fP .IP \(bu 2 LuaTeX \fI\%http://luatex.org/\fP .IP \(bu 2 ConTeXt \fI\%http://wiki.contextgarden.net\fP .IP \(bu 2 Luaotfload on CTAN \fI\%http://ctan.org/pkg/luaotfload\fP .UNINDENT .SH BUGS .sp Tons, probably. .SH AUTHORS .sp \fILuaotfload\fP is maintained by the LuaLaTeX dev team (\fI\%https://github.com/lualatex/\fP). The fontloader code is provided by Hans Hagen of Pragma ADE, Hasselt NL (\fI\%http://pragma\-ade.com/\fP). .sp This manual page was written by Philipp Gesang <\fI\%philipp.gesang@alumni.uni\-heidelberg.de\fP>. .SH COPYRIGHT GPL v2.0 .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer. .