.\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man 4.11 (Pod::Simple 3.35) .\" .\" Standard preamble: .\" ======================================================================== .de Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP) .if t .sp .5v .if n .sp .. .de Vb \" Begin verbatim text .ft CW .nf .ne \\$1 .. .de Ve \" End verbatim text .ft R .fi .. .\" Set up some character translations and predefined strings. \*(-- will .\" give an unbreakable dash, \*(PI will give pi, \*(L" will give a left .\" double quote, and \*(R" will give a right double quote. \*(C+ will .\" give a nicer C++. Capital omega is used to do unbreakable dashes and .\" therefore won't be available. \*(C` and \*(C' expand to `' in nroff, .\" nothing in troff, for use with C<>. .tr \(*W- .ds C+ C\v'-.1v'\h'-1p'\s-2+\h'-1p'+\s0\v'.1v'\h'-1p' .ie n \{\ . ds -- \(*W- . ds PI pi . if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch . if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch . ds L" "" . ds R" "" . ds C` "" . ds C' "" 'br\} .el\{\ . ds -- \|\(em\| . ds PI \(*p . ds L" `` . ds R" '' . ds C` . ds C' 'br\} .\" .\" Escape single quotes in literal strings from groff's Unicode transform. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" .\" If the F register is >0, we'll generate index entries on stderr for .\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.SS), items (.Ip), and index .\" entries marked with X<> in POD. Of course, you'll have to process the .\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion. .\" .\" Avoid warning from groff about undefined register 'F'. .de IX .. .nr rF 0 .if \n(.g .if rF .nr rF 1 .if (\n(rF:(\n(.g==0)) \{\ . if \nF \{\ . de IX . tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2" .. . if !\nF==2 \{\ . nr % 0 . nr F 2 . \} . \} .\} .rr rF .\" .\" Accent mark definitions (@(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2). .\" Fear. Run. Save yourself. No user-serviceable parts. . \" fudge factors for nroff and troff .if n \{\ . ds #H 0 . ds #V .8m . ds #F .3m . ds #[ \f1 . ds #] \fP .\} .if t \{\ . ds #H ((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*.13m) . ds #V .6m . ds #F 0 . ds #[ \& . ds #] \& .\} . \" simple accents for nroff and troff .if n \{\ . ds ' \& . ds ` \& . ds ^ \& . ds , \& . ds ~ ~ . ds / .\} .if t \{\ . ds ' \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\'\h"|\\n:u" . ds ` \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\`\h'|\\n:u' . ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'^\h'|\\n:u' . ds , \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)',\h'|\\n:u' . ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu-\*(#H-.1m)'~\h'|\\n:u' . ds / \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\z\(sl\h'|\\n:u' .\} . \" troff and (daisy-wheel) nroff accents .ds : \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H+.1m+\*(#F)'\v'-\*(#V'\z.\h'.2m+\*(#F'.\h'|\\n:u'\v'\*(#V' .ds 8 \h'\*(#H'\(*b\h'-\*(#H' .ds o \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu+\w'\(de'u-\*(#H)/2u'\v'-.3n'\*(#[\z\(de\v'.3n'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#] .ds d- \h'\*(#H'\(pd\h'-\w'~'u'\v'-.25m'\f2\(hy\fP\v'.25m'\h'-\*(#H' .ds D- D\\k:\h'-\w'D'u'\v'-.11m'\z\(hy\v'.11m'\h'|\\n:u' .ds th \*(#[\v'.3m'\s+1I\s-1\v'-.3m'\h'-(\w'I'u*2/3)'\s-1o\s+1\*(#] .ds Th \*(#[\s+2I\s-2\h'-\w'I'u*3/5'\v'-.3m'o\v'.3m'\*(#] .ds ae a\h'-(\w'a'u*4/10)'e .ds Ae A\h'-(\w'A'u*4/10)'E . \" corrections for vroff .if v .ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\s-2\u~\d\s+2\h'|\\n:u' .if v .ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'\v'-.4m'^\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u' . \" for low resolution devices (crt and lpr) .if \n(.H>23 .if \n(.V>19 \ \{\ . ds : e . ds 8 ss . ds o a . ds d- d\h'-1'\(ga . ds D- D\h'-1'\(hy . ds th \o'bp' . ds Th \o'LP' . ds ae ae . ds Ae AE .\} .rm #[ #] #H #V #F C .\" ======================================================================== .\" .IX Title "AUTOINST 1" .TH AUTOINST 1 "2020-07-29" "fontools" "Marc Penninga" .\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents. .if n .ad l .nh .SH "NAME" autoinst \- wrapper around the LCDF TypeTools, for installing and using OpenType fonts in LaTeX. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .IX Header "SYNOPSIS" \&\fBautoinst\fR \fI\-help\fR .PP \&\fBautoinst\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBfont(s)\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .IX Header "DESCRIPTION" Eddie Kohler's \fI\s-1LCDF\s0 TypeTools\fR are superb tools for installing OpenType fonts in LaTeX, but they can be hard to use: they need many, often long, command lines and don't generate the \fIfd\fR and \fIsty\fR files LaTeX needs. \&\fBautoinst\fR simplifies the use of the \fITypeTools\fR for font installation by generating and executing all commands for \fIotftotfm\fR and by creating and installing all necessary \fIfd\fR and \fIsty\fR files. .PP Given a family of font files (in \fIotf\fR or \fIttf\fR format), \&\fBautoinst\fR will create several LaTeX font families: .RS 2 .IP "\-" 3 Four text families (with lining and oldstyle digits, each in both tabular and proportional variants), all with the following shapes: .RS 3 .RS 2 .IP "\fIn\fR" 8 .IX Item "n" Roman (i.e., upright) text .IP "\fIit\fR, \fIsl\fR" 8 .IX Item "it, sl" Italic and slanted (sometimes called oblique) text .IP "\fIsc\fR" 8 .IX Item "sc" Small caps .IP "\fIscit\fR, \fIscsl\fR" 8 .IX Item "scit, scsl" Italic and slanted small caps .IP "\fIsw\fR" 8 .IX Item "sw" Swash .IP "\fInw\fR" 8 .IX Item "nw" `Upright swash' .RE .RS 2 .RE .RE .RS 3 .RE .IP "\-" 3 For each T1\-encoded text family: a family of TS1\-encoded symbol fonts, in roman, italic and slanted shapes. .IP "\-" 3 Families with superiors, inferiors, numerators and denominators, in roman, italic and slanted shapes. .IP "\-" 3 Families with `Titling' characters; these `... replace the default glyphs with corresponding forms designed specifically for titling. These may be all-capital and/or larger on the body, and adjusted for viewing at larger sizes' (according to the OpenType Specification). .IP "\-" 3 An ornament family, also in roman, italic and slanted shapes. .RE .RS 2 .RE .PP Of course, if your fonts don't contain italics, oldstyle digits, small caps etc., the corresponding shapes and families are not created. In addition, the creation of most families and shapes can be controlled by the user (see \*(L"COMMAND-LINE \s-1OPTIONS\*(R"\s0 below). .PP These families use the \fIFontPro\fR project's naming scheme: \&\fI\-\fR, where \fI\fR is: .IP "\fI\s-1LF\s0\fR" 8 .IX Item "LF" proportional (i.e., figures have varying widths) lining figures .IP "\fI\s-1TLF\s0\fR" 8 .IX Item "TLF" tabular (i.e., all figures have the same width) lining figures .IP "\fIOsF\fR" 8 .IX Item "OsF" proportional oldstyle figures .IP "\fITOsF\fR" 8 .IX Item "TOsF" tabular oldstyle figures .IP "\fISup\fR" 8 .IX Item "Sup" superior characters (note that most fonts have only an incomplete set of superior characters: digits, some punctuation and the letters \fIabdeilmnorst\fR; normal forms are used for other characters) .IP "\fIInf\fR" 8 .IX Item "Inf" inferior characters; usually only digits and some punctuation, normal forms for other characters .IP "\fITitl\fR" 8 .IX Item "Titl" Titling characters; see above .IP "\fIOrn\fR" 8 .IX Item "Orn" ornaments .IP "\fINumr\fR, \fIDnom\fR" 8 .IX Item "Numr, Dnom" numerators and denominators .PP The individual fonts are named \fI\-\-\-\fR, where \fI\fR is the same as above (but in lowercase), \&\fI\fR is either empty, `sc' or `swash', and \fI\fR is the encoding (also in lowercase). A typical name in this scheme would be `FiraSans\-Light\-osf\-sc\-ly1'. .SS "Using the fonts in your LaTeX documents" .IX Subsection "Using the fonts in your LaTeX documents" \&\fBautoinst\fR generates a style file for using the fonts in LaTeX documents, named \fI.sty\fR. This style file also takes care of loading the \fIfontenc\fR and \fItextcomp\fR packages. To use the fonts, add the command \f(CW\*(C`\eusepackage{\f(CI\f(CW}\*(C'\fR to the preamble of your document. .PP This style file defines a number of options: .ie n .IP """mainfont""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWmainfont\fR" 4 .IX Item "mainfont" Redefine \f(CW\*(C`\efamilydefault\*(C'\fR to make this font the main font for the document. This is a no-op if the font is installed as a serif font; but if the font is installed as a sanserif or typewriter font, this option saves you from having to redefine \f(CW\*(C`\efamilydefault\*(C'\fR yourself. .ie n .IP """lining"", ""oldstyle"", ""tabular"", ""proportional""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWlining\fR, \f(CWoldstyle\fR, \f(CWtabular\fR, \f(CWproportional\fR" 4 .IX Item "lining, oldstyle, tabular, proportional" Choose which figure style to use. The defaults are `oldstyle' and `proportional' (if available). .ie n .IP """scale=\fI\fP"", ""scale=MatchLowercase""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWscale=\f(CI\f(CW\fR, \f(CWscale=MatchLowercase\fR" 4 .IX Item "scale=, scale=MatchLowercase" Scale the font by a factor of \fI\fR. E.g., to increase the size of the font by 5%, use \&\f(CW\*(C`\eusepackage[scale=1.05]{\f(CI\f(CW}\*(C'\fR. The special value \f(CW\*(C`MatchLowercase\*(C'\fR may be used to scale the font so that its x\-height matches that of the previously active font (which is usually Computer Modern, unless you have loaded another font package before this one). The name \f(CW\*(C`scaled\*(C'\fR may be used as a synonym for \f(CW\*(C`scale\*(C'\fR. .ie n .IP """medium"", ""book"", ""text"", ""normal"", ""regular""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWmedium\fR, \f(CWbook\fR, \f(CWtext\fR, \f(CWnormal\fR, \f(CWregular\fR" 4 .IX Item "medium, book, text, normal, regular" Select the weight that LaTeX will use as the `regular' weight. .ie n .IP """heavy"", ""black"", ""extrabold"", ""demibold"", ""semibold"", ""bold""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWheavy\fR, \f(CWblack\fR, \f(CWextrabold\fR, \f(CWdemibold\fR, \f(CWsemibold\fR, \f(CWbold\fR" 4 .IX Item "heavy, black, extrabold, demibold, semibold, bold" Select the weight that LaTeX will use as the `bold' weight. .PP The last two groups of options will only work if you have the \fImweights\fR package installed. The default here is not to change LaTeX's default, i.e. use the `m' and `b' weights. .PP The style file will also try to load the \fIfontaxes\fR package (on \s-1CTAN\s0), which gives easy access to various font shapes and styles. Using the machinery set up by \fIfontaxes\fR, the generated style file defines a number of commands (which take the text to be typeset as argument) and declarations (which don't take arguments, but affect all text up to the end of the current group) to access titling, superior and inferior characters: .PP .Vb 1 \& DECLARATION COMMAND SHORT FORM OF COMMAND \& \& \etlshape \etexttitling \etexttl \& \esupfigures \etextsuperior \etextsup, \etextsu \& \einffigures \etextinferior \etextinf, \etextin .Ve .PP In addition, the \f(CW\*(C`\eswshape\*(C'\fR and \f(CW\*(C`\etextsw\*(C'\fR commands are redefined to place swash on \fIfontaxes\fR' secondary shape axis (\fIfontaxes\fR places it on the primary shape axis) to make them behave properly when nested, so that \&\f(CW\*(C`\eswshape\eupshape\*(C'\fR will give upright swash. .PP There are no commands for accessing the numerator and denominator fonts; these can be selected using \fIfontaxes\fR' standard commands, e.g., \f(CW\*(C`\efontfigurestyle{numerator}\eselectfont\*(C'\fR. .PP These commands are only generated for existing shapes and number styles; no commands are generated for shapes and styles that don't exist, or whose generation was turned off by the user. Also these commands are built on top of \fIfontaxes\fR, so if that package cannot be found, you're limited to using the lower-level commands from standard \s-1NFSS\s0 (\f(CW\*(C`\efontfamily\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`\efontseries\*(C'\fR, \f(CW\*(C`\efontshape\*(C'\fR etc.). .PP By default, \fBautoinst\fR generates text fonts with \s-1OT1, LY1\s0 and T1 encodings, and the generated style files use T1 as the default text encoding. Other encodings can be chosen using the \fI\-encoding\fR option (see \*(L"COMMAND-LINE \s-1OPTIONS\*(R"\s0 below). .SS "Maths" .IX Subsection "Maths" This is an experimental feature; \fB\s-1USE AT YOUR OWN RISK\s0!\fR Test the results thoroughly before using them in real documents, and be warned that future versions of \fBautoinst\fR may introduce incompatible changes. .PP The \fI\-math\fR option tells \fBautoinst\fR to generate basic math fonts. When enabled, the generated style file defines a few extra options to access these math fonts: .ie n .IP """math""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWmath\fR" 4 .IX Item "math" Use these fonts for the maths in your document. .ie n .IP """mathlining"", ""matholdstyle""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWmathlining\fR, \f(CWmatholdstyle\fR" 4 .IX Item "mathlining, matholdstyle" Choose which figure style to use in maths. The default is `mathlining'. .ie n .IP """mathcal""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWmathcal\fR" 4 .IX Item "mathcal" Use the swash characters from your fonts as the \f(CW\*(C`\emathcal\*(C'\fR alphabet. (This option only exists if your fonts actually contain swash characters and a \f(CW\*(C`swsh\*(C'\fR feature to access them). .ie n .IP """nomathgreek""" 4 .el .IP "\f(CWnomathgreek\fR" 4 .IX Item "nomathgreek" Don't redeclare greek letters in math. .ie n .IP """math\-style=\fI