.TH ALBATROSS 1 "09 December 2020" "v0.2.0" .SH NAME albatross \- a tool for finding fonts that contain a given (Unicode) glyph. .SH SYNOPSIS .B albatross .RI [ options ] .IR glyphs ... .SH DESCRIPTION \fBalbatross\fP is a command line tool for finding fonts that contain a given (Unicode) glyph. It relies on Fontconfig, a library for configuring and customizing font access. .PP Albatross takes a list of glyphs as input. Two formats are supported: .IP #1 The glyph itself, e.g, ß (Eszett). Internally, the tool will convert it to the corresponding Unicode code point. .IP #2 The glyph as a Unicode code point in the hexadecimal notation, e.g, \fC0xDF\fP. The \fC0x\fP prefix is mandatory. Note that the tool takes the value as case insensitive, e.g, \fC0xDF\fP is equal to \fC0xdf\fP (or any case combination thereof). .SH OPTIONS .IP \fB--show-styles\fP Show available font styles .IP \fB--detailed\fP Show a detailed font list .IP \fB--ansi-level\fP [n|a16|a256|tc] Set the default ANSI level .IP \fB--border-style\fP [1|2|3|4|5|6] Set the border style .IP \fB--version\fP Show the version and exit .IP \fB--help\fP Show a help message and exit. .SH BUGS Issue tracker at .UR https://gitlab.com/islandoftex/albatross/-/issues .UE .