This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license. ### Package information Package name: spelling Summary description: support for spell-checking of LuaTeX documents Version: v0.4 Date: 2013-05-23 License: [LPPL v1.3c]( Maintenance status: maintained Current maintainer: Stephan Hennig, ### Description This package supports spell-checking of TeX documents compiled with the LuaTeX engine. It can give visual feedback in PDF output similar to WYSIWYG word processors. The package relies on an external spell-checker application that can check a plain text file and output a list of bad spellings. The package should work with most spell-checkers, even dumb, TeX-unaware ones. ### Development The development repository is currently hosted at [GitHub]( Code documentation is in [LuaDoc]( format and can be generated via luadoc -d API *.lua Bugs and a wish list can be found in the [issue tracker]( Patches welcome! _Happy TeXing!_ ### File list CHANGES LICENSE README spelling.sty spelling-doc.bad spelling-doc.tex spelling-doc-lst-lua.tex spelling-main.lua spelling-recurse.lua spelling-stage-1.lua spelling-stage-2.lua spelling-stage-3.lua spelling-stage-4.lua