\documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx,listings,lmodern,luatextra} \newcommand\pkgversion{0.7} \newcommand*\pgsmall{\fontsize{8.5}{8.7}\selectfont\ttfamily} \lstset{basicstyle=\pgsmall, basewidth=0.55em, columns=fullflexible, breakautoindent=true, breaklines=true, prebreak=, postbreak=\mbox{$\hookrightarrow$}, } \begin{document} \title{The lua-visual-debug package (V\pkgversion)} \author{Patrick Gundlach} % \address{patrick@gundla.ch} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{About} This package aids debugging your \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ document by drawing rectangles around boxes and rules where glue is inserted. Other items are marked as well: kerns, hyphenation points and penalties. \section{How to use} When you load the package \texttt{lua-visual-debug} in your \LuaLaTeX\ document (or use \verb|\input lua-visual-debug.sty| in plain \TeX), \LuaTeX\ will highlight boxes, penalties, glues and kerns in the PDF. This package requires you to process the document with \LuaTeX\ (plain and \LaTeX formats). \section{A \LaTeX\ example} \lstinputlisting[language=tex]{sample.tex} \noindent yields \vspace{5mm} \noindent \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{sample-crop.pdf} \section{A plain \TeX\ example} \lstinputlisting[language=tex]{sample-plain.tex} \noindent yields \vspace{5mm} \noindent \includegraphics{sample-plain-crop.pdf} \section{How to interpret the markers} % (fold) \label{sec:how_to_interpret_the_markers} \noindent\includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{lvdebugdetail1-num} \begin{enumerate} \item A vertical glue. Beginning and end are marked with a small tick. At the mark 1, two vertical glues are connected. \item A horizontal glue. \item A negative kern. Positive kerns are yellow. \item A possible hyphenation point. \item Horizontal and vertical boxes are drawn with a border. \item Penalties are marked with a square. A penalty of 10,000 is marked with a blank square, a penalty less than 10,000 is filled with a gray square (that will improve in the future, currently it is grayness of penalty / 10000). \end{enumerate} A strut box (zero width box) is marked with a red rule: \noindent\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{strut} % section how_to_interpret_the_ (end) \section{Copying} Copyright 2012–2019 Patrick Gundlach (patrick@gundla.ch) and other authors (see Git for information), licensed under the MIT license. See the Lua file for details. \end{document}