% This is the master file producing interpreter-doc.pdf. The version of the % documentation readable in a text editor is interpreter-doc.txt (input below). % % Paul Isambert - zappathustra AT free DOT fr - December 2011 \input pitex \overfullrule=0pt \OutputRoutine remove {headers}{shipout} \setparameter page : hsize = 25pc left = 60pt width = "\dimexpr 25pc + 120pt\relax" lines = 35 height = 20cm \setparameter section : font = \bf link = true number = none numbercommand = \llap beforeskip = 1 \setparameter navigator : title = "Interpreter documentation" author = "Paul Isambert" mode = outlines \setfont\mainfont: name = "Chaparral Pro" bold = Semibold big = 18pt \setfont\codefont: name = "Lucida Console" slant = 15 bold italic = none size = 8pt features = "-tlig, -trep, space = mono" \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fill \def\describe#1#2#3{% \unless\ifdim\lastskip=\baselineskip \vskip\baselineskip \fi \needspace{2\baselineskip}% \noindent\color{.8 0 0}{% {\outline{#3}{\directlua{% local t = string.gsub("\luaescapestring{#1}", "[ (].*", "") tex.print(t)}}% \codefont#1}% \reverse\iffemptystring{#2} {\kern1em \hfil\penalty0\hbox{\ital{(#2)}}}}% \par \removenextindent} \newverbatim\source{} {\vskip\baselineskip \hfuzz=1em \codefont\parindent=0pt \pdfcolorstack0 push {.8 0 0 rg} \printverbatim \pdfcolorstack0 pop \vskip\baselineskip} % The verbatim facilities in PiTeX aren't gated yet, so I must rely on % this horrible hack! \directlua{ function do_verbatim (name, exec) if exec then tex.print(pitex.verbatims[name]) else for n, l in ipairs(pitex.verbatims[name]) do if n == \string#pitex.verbatims[name] then tex.print("\noexpand\\penalty\noexpand\\widowpenalty") end tex.print(pitex.verbatims[name].regime, l) if n == 1 and \string#pitex.verbatims[name] > 2 then tex.print("\noexpand\\penalty\noexpand\\widowpenalty") end end end end } \def\arg#1{{\codefont\char"2039 #1\char"203A}} \pdfdef\ital#1{#1} \pdfdef\verb`#1`{#1} % Not optimal, but hey, with all the "intepreter.core.classes" stuff... \hyphenation{li-nes cla-sses} \input interpreter % Title \vbox to 3\baselineskip{ \hbox to \hsize{\big Interpreter\hfil\normalsize Paul Isambert} \hbox to \hsize{v.1.1, December 2011 \hfil \tcode{zappathustra AT free DOT fr}} \vfil } % Bulk of the doc. \interpretfile{doc}{interpreter-doc.txt} \vskip0pt plus 1filll \noindent \bgroup\it Typeset with Lua\TeX\ 0.71 in Chaparral Pro and Lucida Console ... nonetheless this documentation looks dull, I don't know why. \egroup \bye