% !TEX program = LuaLaTeX+se % This is a simple template for a LuaLaTeX document using gregorio scores. \documentclass[11pt]{article} % use larger type; default would be 10pt % usual packages loading: \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options \usepackage{geometry} % See geometry.pdf to learn the layout options. There are lots. \geometry{a4paper} % or letterpaper (US) or a5paper or.... \usepackage{gregoriotex} % for gregorio score inclusion \usepackage{fullpage} % to reduce the margins \usepackage{libertine} % Decent (free) font for Gregorian, but should be changed if you have high standards \begin{document} % The title: \begin{center}\begin{huge}\textsc{Populus Sion}\end{huge}\end{center} % Here we set the space around the initial. % Please report to http://gregorio-project.github.io/gregoriotex/details.html for more details and options \grechangedim{beforeinitialshift}{2.2mm}{scalable} \grechangedim{afterinitialshift}{2.2mm}{scalable} % Here we set the initial font. Change 43 if you want a bigger initial. \grechangestyle{initial}{\fontsize{43}{43}\selectfont}% % We set red lines here, comment it if you want black ones. \gresetlinecolor{gregoriocolor} % We set VII above the initial manually \grechangestyle{annotation}{\small\bfseries} \greannotation{Intr.} \greannotation{\textsc{vii}} % We use the "commentary" field of the score in the top right corner: \gresetheadercapture{commentary}{grecommentary}{string} % and finally we include the scores. The file must be in the same directory as this one. \gregorioscore[a]{PopulusSion} \bigskip \begin{center}\begin{huge}\textsc{Factus Est}\end{huge}\end{center} \gregorioscore[a]{FactusEst} \end{document}