% language=uk \environment luatex-style \environment luatex-logos \startcomponent luatex-modifications \startchapter[reference=modifications,title={Modifications}] \startsection[title=The merged engines] \startsubsection[title=The need for change] The first version of \LUATEX\ only had a few extra primitives and it was largely the same as \PDFTEX. Then we merged substantial parts of \ALEPH\ into the code and got more primitives. When we got more stable the decision was made to clean up the rather hybrid nature of the program. This means that some primitives have been promoted to core primitives, often with a different name, and that others were removed. This made it possible to start cleaning up the code base. In \in {chapter} [enhancements] we discussed some new primitives, here we will cover most of the adapted ones. Besides the expected changes caused by new functionality, there are a number of not|-|so|-|expected changes. These are sometimes a side|-|effect of a new (conflicting) feature, or, more often than not, a change neccessary to clean up the internal interfaces. These will also be mentioned. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Changes from \TEX\ 3.1415926] Of course it all starts with traditional \TEX. Even if we started with \PDFTEX, most still comes from the original. But we divert a bit. \startitemize \startitem The current code base is written in \CCODE, not \PASCAL. We use \CWEB\ when possible. As a consequence instead of one large file plus change files, we now have multiple files organized in categories like \type {tex}, \type {pdf}, \type {lang}, \type {font}, \type {lua}, etc. There are some artefacts of the conversion to \CCODE, but in due time we will clean up the source code and make sure that the documentation is done right. Many files are in the \CWEB\ format, but others, like those interfacing to \LUA, are \CCODE\ files. Of course we want to stay as close as possible to the original so that the documentation of the fundamentals behind \TEX\ by Don Knuth still applies. \stopitem \startitem See \in {chapter} [languages] for many small changes related to paragraph building, language handling and hyphenation. The most important change is that adding a brace group in the middle of a word (like in \type {of{}fice}) does not prevent ligature creation. \stopitem \startitem There is no pool file, all strings are embedded during compilation. \stopitem \startitem The specifier \type {plus 1 fillll} does not generate an error. The extra \quote{l} is simply typeset. \stopitem \startitem The upper limit to \type {\endlinechar} and \type {\newlinechar} is 127. \stopitem \startitem Magnification (\type {\mag}) is only supported in \DVI\ output mode. \stopitemize \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Changes from \ETEX\ 2.2] Being the de factor standard extension of course we provide the \ETEX\ functionality, but with a few small adaptations. \startitemize \startitem The \ETEX\ functionality is always present and enabled so the prepended asterisk or \type {-etex} switch for \INITEX\ is not needed. \stopitem \startitem The \TEXXET\ extension is not present, so the primitives \type {\TeXXeTstate}, \type {\beginR}, \type {\beginL}, \type {\endR} and \type {\endL} are missing. Instead we use the \OMEGA\ approach to directionality. \stopitem \startitem Some of the tracing information that is output by \ETEX's \type {\tracingassigns} and \type {\tracingrestores} is not there. \stopitem \startitem Register management in \LUATEX\ uses the \ALEPH\ model, so the maximum value is 65535 and the implementation uses a flat array instead of the mixed flat|\&|sparse model from \ETEX. \stopitem \startitem When kpathsea is used to find files, \LUATEX\ uses the \type {ofm} file format to search for font metrics. In turn, this means that \LUATEX\ looks at the \type {OFMFONTS} configuration variable (like \OMEGA\ and \ALEPH) instead of \type {TFMFONTS} (like \TEX\ and \PDFTEX). Likewise for virtual fonts (\LUATEX\ uses the variable \type {OVFFONTS} instead of \type {VFFONTS}). \stopitem \stopitemize \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Changes from \PDFTEX\ 1.40] Because we want to produce \PDF\ the most natural starting point was the popular \PDFTEX\ program. We inherit the stable features, dropped most of the experimental code and promoted some functionality to core \LUATEX\ functionality which in turn triggered renaming primitives. For compatibility reasons we still refer to \type {\pdf...} commands but \LUATEX\ has a different backend interface. Instead of these primitives there are three interfacing primitives: \type {\pdfextension}, \type {\pdfvariable} and \type {\pdffeedback} that take keywords and optional further arguments. This way we can extend the features when needed but don't need to adapt the core engine. The front- and backend are decoupled as much as possible. \startitemize \startitem The (experimental) support for snap nodes has been removed, because it is much more natural to build this functionality on top of node processing and attributes. The associated primitives that are now gone are: \type {\pdfsnaprefpoint}, \type {\pdfsnapy}, and \type {\pdfsnapycomp}. \stopitem \startitem The (experimental) support for specialized spacing around nodes has also been removed. The associated primitives that are now gone are: \type {\pdfadjustinterwordglue}, \type {\pdfprependkern}, and \type {\pdfappendkern}, as well as the five supporting primitives \type {\knbscode}, \type {\stbscode}, \type {\shbscode}, \type {\knbccode}, and \type {\knaccode}. \stopitem \startitem A number of \quote {\PDFTEX\ primitives} have been removed as they can be implemented using \LUA: \start \raggedright \type {\pdfelapsedtime}, \type {\pdfescapehex}, \type {\pdfescapename}, \type {\pdfescapestring}, \type {\pdffiledump}, \type {\pdffilemoddate}, \type {\pdffilesize}, \type {\pdfforcepagebox}, \type {\pdflastmatch}, \type {\pdfmatch}, \type {\pdfmdfivesum}, \type {\pdfmovechars}, \type {\pdfoptionalwaysusepdfpagebox}, \type {\pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel}, \type {\pdfresettimer}, \type {\pdfshellescape}, \type {\pdfstrcmp} and \type {\pdfunescapehex} \par \stop \stopitem \startitem The version related primitives \type {\pdftexbanner}, \type {\pdftexversion} and \type {\pdftexrevision} are no longer present as there is no longer a relationship with \PDFTEX\ development. \stopitem \startitem The experimental snapper mechanism has been removed and therefore also the primitives: \start \raggedright \type {\pdfignoreddimen}, \type {\pdffirstlineheight}, \type {\pdfeachlineheight}, \type {\pdfeachlinedepth} and \type {\pdflastlinedepth} \par \stop \stopitem \startitem The experimental primitives \type {\primitive}, \type {\ifprimitive}, \type {\ifabsnum} and \type {\ifabsdim} are promoted to core primitives. The \type {\pdf*} prefixed originals are not available. \stopitem \startitem The \PNG\ transparency fix from 1.40.6 is not applied as high|-|level support is pending. Because \LUATEX\ has a different subsystem for managing images, more diversion from its ancestor happened in the meantime. \stopitem \startitem Two extra token lists are provides, \type {\pdfxformresources} and \type {\pdfxformattr}, as an alternative to \type {\pdfxform} keywords. \stopitem \startitem The current version of \LUATEX\ no longer replaces and|/|or merges fonts in embedded \PDF\ files with fonts of the enveloping \PDF\ document. This regression may be temporary, depending on how the rewritten font backend will look like. \stopitem \startitem The primitives \type {\pdfpagewidth} and \type {\pdfpageheight} have been removed because \type {\pagewidth} and \type {\pageheight} have that purpose. \stopitem \startitem The primitives \type {\pdfnormaldeviate}, \type {\pdfuniformdeviate}, \type {\pdfsetrandomseed} and \type {\pdfrandomseed} have been promoted to core primitives without \type {pdf} prefix so the original commands are no longer recognized. \stopitem \startitem The primitives \type {\ifincsname}, \type {\expanded} and \type {\quitvmode} are now core primitives. \stopitem \startitem As the hz and protrusion mechanism are part of the core the related primitives \type {\lpcode}, \type {\rpcode}, \type {\efcode}, \type {\leftmarginkern}, \type {\rightmarginkern} are promoted to core primitives. The two commands \type {\protrudechars} and \type {\adjustspacing} replace their prefixed with \type {\pdf} originals. \stopitem \startitem The hz optimization code has been partially redone so that we no longer need to create extra font instances. The front- and backend have been decoupled and more efficient (\PDF) code is generated. \stopitem \startitem When \type {\adjustspacing} has value~2, hz optimization will be applied to glyphs and kerns. When the value is~3, only glyphs will be treated. A value smaller than~2 disables this feature. \stopitem \startitem The \type {\tagcode} primitive is promoted to core primitive. \stopitem \startitem The \type {\letterspacefont} feature is now part of the core but will not be changed (improved). We just provide it for legacy use. \stopitem \startitem The \type {\pdfnoligatures} primitive is now \type {\ignoreligaturesinfont}. \stopitem \startitem The \type {\pdfcopyfont} primitive is now \type {\copyfont}. \stopitem \startitem The \type {\pdffontexpand} primitive is now \type {\expandglyphsinfont}. \stopitem \startitem Because position tracking is also available in \DVI\ mode the \type {\savepos}, \type {\lastxpos} and \type {\lastypos} commands now replace their \type {pdf} prefixed originals. \stopitem \startitem The introspective primitives \type {\pdflastximagecolordepth} and \type {\pdfximagebbox} have been removed. One can use external applications to determine these properties or use the built|-|in \type {img} library. \stopitem \startitem The initializers \type {\pdfoutput} has been replaced by \type {\outputmode} and \type {\pdfdraftmode} is now \type {\draftmode}. \stopitem \startitem The pixel multiplier dimension \type {\pdfpxdimen} lots its prefix and is now calles \type {\pxdimen}. \stopitem \startitem An extra \type {\pdfimageaddfilename} option has been added that can be used to block writing the filename to the \PDF\ file. \stopitem \startitem The primitive \type {\pdftracingfonts} is now \type {\tracingfonts} as it doesn't relate to the backend. \stopitem \startitem The experimental primitive \type {\pdfinsertht} is kept as \type {\insertht}. \stopitem \startitem The promotion of primitives to core primitives as well as the separation of font- and backend means that the initialization namespace \type {pdftex} is gone. \stopitem \stopitemize One change involves the so called xforms and ximages. In \PDFTEX\ these are implemented as so called whatsits. But contrary to other whatsits they have dimensions that need to be taken into account when for instance calculating optimal line breaks. In \LUATEX\ these are now promoted to normal nodes, which simplifies code that needs those dimensions. Another reason for promotion is that these are useful concepts. Backends can provide the ability to use content that has been rendered in several places, and images are also common. For that reason we also changed the names: \starttabulate[|l|l|] \NC \bf new name \NC \bf old name \NC \NR \NC \type {\saveboxresource} \NC \type {\pdfxform} \NC \NR \NC \type {\saveimageresource} \NC \type {\pdfximage} \NC \NR \NC \type {\useboxresource} \NC \type {\pdfrefxform} \NC \NR \NC \type {\useimageresource} \NC \type {\pdfrefximage} \NC \NR \NC \type {\lastsavedboxresourceindex} \NC \type {\pdflastxform} \NC \NR \NC \type {\lastsavedimageresourceindex} \NC \type {\pdflastximage} \NC \NR \NC \type {\lastsavedimageresourcepages} \NC \type {\pdflastximagepages} \NC \NR \stoptabulate There are a few \type {\pdffeedback} features that relate to this but these are typical backend specific ones. The index that gets returned is to be considered as \quote {just a number} and although it still has the same meaning (object related) as before, you should not depend on that. The protrusion detection mechanism is enhanced a bit to enable a bit more complex situations. When protrusion characters are identified some nodes are skipped: \startitemize[packed] \startitem zero glue \stopitem \startitem penalties \stopitem \startitem empty discretionaries \stopitem \startitem normal zero kerns \stopitem \startitem rules with zero dimensions \stopitem \startitem math nodes with a surround of zero \stopitem \startitem dir nodes \stopitem \startitem empty horizontal lists \stopitem \startitem local par nodes \stopitem \startitem inserts, marks and adjusts \stopitem \startitem boundaries \stopitem \startitem whatsits \stopitem \stopitemize Because this can not be enough, you can also use a protrusion boundary node to make the next node being ignored. When the value is~1 or~3, the next node will be ignored in the test when locating a left boundary condition. When the value is~2 or~3, the previous node will be ignored when locating a right boundary condition (the search goes from right to left). This permits protrusion combined with for instance content moved into the margin: \starttyping \protrusionboundary1\llap{!\quad}«Who needs protrusion?» \stoptyping \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Changes from \ALEPH\ RC4] Because we wanted proper directional typesetting the \ALEPH\ mechanisms looked most attractive. These are rather close to the ones provided by \OMEGA, so what we say next applies to both these programs. \startitemize \startitem The extended 16-bit math primitives (\type {\omathcode} etc.) have been removed. \stopitem \startitem The \OCP\ processing has been removed completely and as a consequence, the following primitives have been removed: \start \raggedright \type {\ocp}, \type {\externalocp}, \type {\ocplist}, \type {\pushocplist}, \type {\popocplist}, \type {\clearocplists}, \type {\addbeforeocplist}, \type {\addafterocplist}, \type {\removebeforeocplist}, \type {\removeafterocplist} and \type {\ocptracelevel} \par \stop \stopitem \startitem \LUATEX\ only understands 4~of the 16~direction specifiers of \ALEPH: \type {TLT} (latin), \type {TRT} (arabic), \type {RTT} (cjk), \type {LTL} (mongolian). All other direction specifiers generate an error. \stopitem \startitem The input translations from \ALEPH\ are not implemented, the related primitives are not available: \start \raggedright \type {\DefaultInputMode}, \type {\noDefaultInputMode}, \type {\noInputMode}, \type {\InputMode}, \type {\DefaultOutputMode}, \type {\noDefaultOutputMode}, \type {\noOutputMode}, \type {\OutputMode}, \type {\DefaultInputTranslation}, \type {\noDefaultInputTranslation}, \type {\noInputTranslation}, \type {\InputTranslation}, \type {\DefaultOutputTranslation}, \type {\noDefaultOutputTranslation}, \type {\noOutputTranslation} and \type {\OutputTranslation} \par \stop \stopitem \startitem Several bugs have been fixed an confusing implementation details have been sorted out. \stopitem \startitem The scanner for direction specifications now allows an optional space after the direction is completely parsed. \stopitem \startitem The \type {^^} notation has been extended: after \type {^^^^} four hexadecimal characters are expected and after \type {^^^^^^} six hexadecimal characters have to be given. The original \TEX\ interpretation is still valid for the \type {^^} case but the four and six variants do no backtracking, i.e.\ when they are not followed by the right number of hexadecimal digits they issue an error message. Because \type{^^^} is a normal \TEX\ case, we don't support the odd number of \type {^^^^^} either. \stopitem \startitem Glues {\it immediately after} direction change commands are not legal breakpoints. \stopitem \startitem Several mechanisms that need to be right|-|to|-|left aware have been improved. For instance placement of formula numbers. \stopitem \startitem The page dimension related primitives \type {\pagewidth} and \type {\pageheight} have been promoted to core primitives. The \type {\hoffset} and \type {\voffset} primitives have been fixed. \stopitem \startitem The primitives \type {\charwd}, \type {\charht}, \type {\chardp} and \type {\charit} have been removed as we have the \ETEX\ variants \type {\fontchar*}. \stopitem \startitem The two dimension registers \type {\pagerightoffset} and \type {\pagebottomoffset} are now core primitives. \stopitem \startitem The direction related primitives \type {\pagedir}, \type {\bodydir}, \type {\pardir}, \type {\textdir}, \type {\mathdir} and \type {\boxdir} are now core primitives. \stopitem \startitem The promotion of primitives to core primitives as well as the removed of all others means that the initialization namespace \type {aleph} is gone. \stopitem \stopitemize The above let's itself summarize as: we took the 32 bit aspects and much of the directional mechanisms. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Changes from standard \WEBC] The compilation framework is \WEBC\ and we keep using that but without the \PASCAL\ to \CCODE\ step. This framework also provides some common features that deal with reading bytes from files and locating files in \TDS. This is what we do different: \startitemize \startitem There is no mltex support. \stopitem \startitem There is no enctex support. \stopitem \startitem The following encoding related command line switches are silently ignored, even in non|-|\LUA\ mode: \type {-8bit}, \type {-translate-file}, \type {-mltex}, \type {-enc} and \type {-etex}. \stopitem \startitem The \type {\openout} whatsits are not written to the log file. \stopitem \startitem Some of the so|-|called \WEBC\ extensions are hard to set up in non|-|\KPSE\ mode because \type {texmf.cnf} is not read: \type {shell-escape} is off (but that is not a problem because of \LUA's \type {os.execute}), and the paranoia checks on \type {openin} and \type {openout} do not happen. However, it is easy for a \LUA\ script to do this itself by overloading \type {io.open}. \stopitem \startitem The \quote{E} option does not do anything useful. \stopitem \stopitemize \stopsubsection \startsubsection[reference=backendprimitives,title=The backend primitives \type {\pdf*}] In a previous section we mentioned that some \PDFTEX\ primitives were removed and others promoted to core \LUATEX\ primitives. That is only part of the story. In order to separate the backend specific primitives in de code these commands are now replaced by only a few. In traditional \TEX\ we only had the \DVI\ backend but now we have two: \DVI\ and \PDF. Additional functionality is implemented as \quote {extensions} in \TEX speak. By separating more strickly we are able to keep the core (fontend) clean and stable. If for some reason an extra backend option is needed, it can be implemented without touching the core. The three \PDF\ backend related primitives are \starttyping \pdfextension command [specification] \pdfvariable name \pdffeedback name \stoptyping An extension triggers further parsing, depending on the command given. A variable is a (kind of) register and can be read and written, while a feedback is reporting something (as it comes from the backend it's normally a sequence of tokens). In order for \LUATEX\ to be more than just \TEX\ you need to enable primitives. That has already be the case right from the start. If you want the traditional \PDFTEX\ primitives (for as far their functionality is still around) you now can do this: \starttyping \protected\def\pdfliteral {\pdfextension literal} \protected\def\pdfcolorstack {\pdfextension colorstack} \protected\def\pdfsetmatrix {\pdfextension setmatrix} \protected\def\pdfsave {\pdfextension save\relax} \protected\def\pdfrestore {\pdfextension restore\relax} \protected\def\pdfobj {\pdfextension obj } \protected\def\pdfrefobj {\pdfextension refobj } \protected\def\pdfannot {\pdfextension annot } \protected\def\pdfstartlink {\pdfextension startlink } \protected\def\pdfendlink {\pdfextension endlink\relax} \protected\def\pdfoutline {\pdfextension outline } \protected\def\pdfdest {\pdfextension dest } \protected\def\pdfthread {\pdfextension thread } \protected\def\pdfstartthread {\pdfextension startthread } \protected\def\pdfendthread {\pdfextension endthread\relax} \protected\def\pdfinfo {\pdfextension info } \protected\def\pdfcatalog {\pdfextension catalog } \protected\def\pdfnames {\pdfextension names } \protected\def\pdfincludechars {\pdfextension includechars } \protected\def\pdffontattr {\pdfextension fontattr } \protected\def\pdfmapfile {\pdfextension mapfile } \protected\def\pdfmapline {\pdfextension mapline } \protected\def\pdftrailer {\pdfextension trailer } \protected\def\pdfglyphtounicode {\pdfextension glyphtounicode } \stoptyping The introspective primitives can be defined as: \starttyping \def\pdftexversion {\numexpr\pdffeedback version\relax} \def\pdftexrevision {\pdffeedback revision} \def\pdflastlink {\numexpr\pdffeedback lastlink\relax} \def\pdfretval {\numexpr\pdffeedback retval\relax} \def\pdflastobj {\numexpr\pdffeedback lastobj\relax} \def\pdflastannot {\numexpr\pdffeedback lastannot\relax} \def\pdfxformname {\numexpr\pdffeedback xformname\relax} \def\pdfcreationdate {\pdffeedback creationdate} \def\pdffontname {\numexpr\pdffeedback fontname\relax} \def\pdffontobjnum {\numexpr\pdffeedback fontobjnum\relax} \def\pdffontsize {\dimexpr\pdffeedback fontsize\relax} \def\pdfpageref {\numexpr\pdffeedback pageref\relax} \def\pdfcolorstackinit {\pdffeedback colorstackinit} \stoptyping The configuration related registers have become: \starttyping \edef\pdfcompresslevel {\pdfvariable compresslevel} \edef\pdfobjcompresslevel {\pdfvariable objcompresslevel} \edef\pdfdecimaldigits {\pdfvariable decimaldigits} \edef\pdfgamma {\pdfvariable gamma} \edef\pdfimageresolution {\pdfvariable imageresolution} \edef\pdfimageapplygamma {\pdfvariable imageapplygamma} \edef\pdfimagegamma {\pdfvariable imagegamma} \edef\pdfimagehicolor {\pdfvariable imagehicolor} \edef\pdfimageaddfilename {\pdfvariable imageaddfilename} \edef\pdfpkresolution {\pdfvariable pkresolution} \edef\pdfpkfixeddpi {\pdfvariable pkfixeddpi} \edef\pdfinclusioncopyfonts {\pdfvariable inclusioncopyfonts} \edef\pdfinclusionerrorlevel {\pdfvariable inclusionerrorlevel} \edef\pdfignoreunknownimages {\pdfvariable ignoreunknownimages} \edef\pdfgentounicode {\pdfvariable gentounicode} \edef\pdfpagebox {\pdfvariable pagebox} \edef\pdfminorversion {\pdfvariable minorversion} \edef\pdfuniqueresname {\pdfvariable uniqueresname} \edef\pdfhorigin {\pdfvariable horigin} \edef\pdfvorigin {\pdfvariable vorigin} \edef\pdflinkmargin {\pdfvariable linkmargin} \edef\pdfdestmargin {\pdfvariable destmargin} \edef\pdfthreadmargin {\pdfvariable threadmargin} \edef\pdfxformmargin {\pdfvariable xformmargin} \edef\pdfpagesattr {\pdfvariable pagesattr} \edef\pdfpageattr {\pdfvariable pageattr} \edef\pdfpageresources {\pdfvariable pageresources} \edef\pdfxformattr {\pdfvariable xformattr} \edef\pdfxformresources {\pdfvariable xformresources} \edef\pdfpkmode {\pdfvariable pkmode} \edef\pdfsuppressoptionalinfo {\pdfvariable suppressoptionalinfo } \edef\pdftrailerid {\pdfvariable trailerid } \stoptyping The variables are internal ones, so they are anonymous. When you ask for the meaning of a few previously defined ones: \starttyping \meaning\pdfhorigin \meaning\pdfcompresslevel \meaning\pdfpageattr \stoptyping you will get: \starttyping macro:->[internal backend dimension] macro:->[internal backend integer] macro:->[internal backend tokenlist] \stoptyping The \type {\edef} can also be an \type {\def} but it's a bit more efficient to expand the lookup related register beforehand. After that you can adapt the defaults; these are: \starttyping \pdfcompresslevel 9 \pdfobjcompresslevel 1 % used: (0,9) \pdfdecimaldigits 4 % used: (3,6) \pdfgamma 1000 \pdfimageresolution 71 \pdfimageapplygamma 0 \pdfimagegamma 2200 \pdfimagehicolor 1 \pdfimageaddfilename 1 \pdfpkresolution 72 \pdfpkfixeddpi 0 \pdfinclusioncopyfonts 0 \pdfinclusionerrorlevel 0 \pdfignoreunknownimages 0 \pdfgentounicode 0 \pdfpagebox 0 \pdfminorversion 4 \pdfuniqueresname 0 \pdfhorigin 1in \pdfvorigin 1in \pdflinkmargin 0pt \pdfdestmargin 0pt \pdfthreadmargin 0pt \pdfxformmargin 0pt \stoptyping If you also want some backward compatibility, you can add: \starttyping \let\pdfpagewidth \pagewidth \let\pdfpageheight \pageheight \let\pdfadjustspacing \adjustspacing \let\pdfprotrudechars \protrudechars \let\pdfnoligatures \ignoreligaturesinfont \let\pdffontexpand \expandglyphsinfont \let\pdfcopyfont \copyfont \let\pdfxform \saveboxresource \let\pdflastxform \lastsavedboxresourceindex \let\pdfrefxform \useboxresource \let\pdfximage \saveimageresource \let\pdflastximage \lastsavedimageresourceindex \let\pdflastximagepages\lastsavedimageresourcepages \let\pdfrefximage \useimageresource \let\pdfsavepos \savepos \let\pdflastxpos \lastxpos \let\pdflastypos \lastypos \let\pdfoutput \outputmode \let\pdfdraftmode \draftmode \let\pdfpxdimen \pxdimen \let\pdfinsertht \insertht \let\pdfnormaldeviate \normaldeviate \let\pdfuniformdeviate \uniformdeviate \let\pdfsetrandomseed \setrandomseed \let\pdfrandomseed \randomseed \let\pdfprimitive \primitive \let\ifpdfprimitive \ifprimitive \let\ifpdfabsnum \ifabsnum \let\ifpdfabsdim \ifabsdim \stoptyping And even: \starttyping \newdimen\pdfeachlineheight \newdimen\pdfeachlinedepth \newdimen\pdflastlinedepth \newdimen\pdffirstlineheight \newdimen\pdfignoreddimen \stoptyping The backend is derived from \PDFTEX\ so the same syntax applies. However, the \type {outline} command accepts a \type {objnum} followed by a number. No checking takes place so when this is used it had better be a valid (flushed) object. In order to be (more or less) compatible with \PDFTEX\ we also support the option to suppress some info: \starttyping \pdfvariable suppressoptionalinfo \numexpr 0 + 1 % PTEX.FullBanner + 2 % PTEX.FileName + 4 % PTEX.PageNumber + 8 % PTEX.InfoDict + 16 % Creator + 32 % CreationDate + 64 % ModDate + 128 % Producer + 256 % Trapped + 512 % ID \relax \stoptyping In addition you can overload the trailer id, but we don't do any checking on validity, so you have to pass a valid array. The following is like the ones normally generated by the engine: \starttyping \pdfvariable trailerid {[ ]} \stoptyping So, you even need to include the brackets! \stopsubsection \stopsection \startsection[title=Implementation notes] \startsubsection[title=Memory allocation] The single internal memory heap that traditional \TEX\ used for tokens and nodes is split into two separate arrays. Each of these will grow dynamically when needed. The \type {texmf.cnf} settings related to main memory are no longer used (these are: \type {main_memory}, \type {mem_bot}, \type {extra_mem_top} and \type {extra_mem_bot}). \quote {Out of main memory} errors can still occur, but the limiting factor is now the amount of RAM in your system, not a predefined limit. Also, the memory (de)allocation routines for nodes are completely rewritten. The relevant code now lives in the C file \type {texnode.c}, and basically uses a dozen or so \quote {avail} lists instead of a doubly|-|linked model. An extra function layer is added so that the code can ask for nodes by type instead of directly requisitioning a certain amount of memory words. Because of the split into two arrays and the resulting differences in the data structures, some of the macros have been duplicated. For instance, there are now \type {vlink} and \type {vinfo} as well as \type {token_link} and \type {token_info}. All access to the variable memory array is now hidden behind a macro called \type {vmem}. We mention this because using the \TEX book as reference is still quite valid but not for memory related details. Another significate detail is that we have double linked node lists and that some nodes carry more data. The implementation of the growth of two arrays (via reallocation) introduces a potential pitfall: the memory arrays should never be used as the left hand side of a statement that can modify the array in question. Details like this are of no concern to users. The input line buffer and pool size are now also reallocated when needed, and the \type {texmf.cnf} settings \type {buf_size} and \type {pool_size} are silently ignored. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Sparse arrays] The \type {\mathcode}, \type {\delcode}, \type {\catcode}, \type {\sfcode}, \type {\lccode} and \type {\uccode} (and the new \type {\hjcode}) tables are now sparse arrays that are implemented in~\CCODE. They are no longer part of the \TEX\ \quote {equivalence table} and because each had 1.1 million entries with a few memory words each, this makes a major difference in memory usage. The \type {\catcode}, \type {\sfcode}, \type {\lccode}, \type {\uccode} and \type {\hjcode} assignments do not yet show up when using the \ETEX\ tracing routines \type {\tracingassigns} and \type {\tracingrestores}. A side|-|effect of the current implementation is that \type {\global} is now more expensive in terms of processing than non|-|global assignments. The glyph ids within a font are also managed by means of a sparse array as glyph ids can go up to index $2^{21}-1$. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Simple single-character csnames] Single|-|character commands are no longer treated specially in the internals, they are stored in the hash just like the multiletter csnames. The code that displays control sequences explicitly checks if the length is one when it has to decide whether or not to add a trailing space. Active characters are internally implemented as a special type of multi|-|letter control sequences that uses a prefix that is otherwise impossible to obtain. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Compressed format] The format is passed through \type {zlib}, allowing it to shrink to roughly half of the size it would have had in uncompressed form. This takes a bit more \CPU\ cycles but much less disk \IO, so it should still be faster. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Binary file reading] All of the internal code is changed in such a way that if one of the \type {read_xxx_file} callbacks is not set, then the file is read by a \CCODE\ function using basically the same convention as the callback: a single read into a buffer big enough to hold the entire file contents. While this uses more memory than the previous code (that mostly used \type {getc} calls), it can be quite a bit faster (depending on your \IO\ subsystem). \stopsubsection \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent