% !TeX root = selnolig-english-test.tex % !TEX TS-program = lualatex % Last updated: 2013/05/28 % For use with the 'selnolig' package and the % driver program 'selnolig-english-test.tex'. \section*{Part 1: f-ligatures suppressed in any case} \begin{itemize} \item ff to f\hspace{0pt}f shelfful shelffuls bookshelfful selffulfilling \item fi to f\hspace{0pt}i (None in basic set) \item fl to f\hspace{0pt}l beefless briefless hoofless leafless roofless selfless turfless selflessly selflessness calflike dwarflike elflike gulflike hooflike leaflike rooflike serflike sheaflike shelflike surflike turflike waiflike wolflike halflife shelflife halflives shelflives halfline roofline halflines rooflines leaflet leaflets leafleted leafleting leafletting leafletted leafleteer pdflatex (even better: pdfLaTeX or pdf\LaTeX\ldots) \item ffi to ff\hspace{0pt}i Pfaffian Wolffian Wulffian \item ffl to ff\hspace{0pt}l cuffless stuffless cufflessly stufflessness scofflaw scofflaws cufflink cufflinks offline offload offloads offloading offloaded rufflike clifflike \item ffi to f\hspace{0pt}fi chaffinch chaffinches wolffish wolffishly \item ffl to f\hspace{0pt}fl safflower \item ft to f\hspace{0pt}t chieftain chieftaincy chieftaincies chieftainship chieftainships halftime halftone halftimes halftones rooftop rooftops rooftree rooftrees wolftrap calftrap leaftrap offtrack fifth fifths fifthly twelfth twelfths \item \emph{fr} to \emph{f\hspace{0pt}r} (italic font shape only) \emph{proofread proofreader proofroom} \item \bgroup \ebg \mbox{fb}, \mbox{fh}, \mbox{fj}, and \mbox{fk} ligatures \egroup halfback golfball goofball wolfberry halfbeak hoofbeat surfbird surfboard surfboarder surfboat halfhearted selfheal leafhopper selfhood serfhood wolfhound offbeat puffball snuffbox cliffhanger offhand offhanded offhandedly cliffjumper offkey \emph{but:} {\ebg Kafka, Sognefjord, Dovrefjell} \end{itemize} \section*{Part 2: Further f-ligatures suppressed if ``broadf'' option is set} \begin{itemize} \item ff to f\hspace{0pt}f (No extra cases in broadf set) \item fi to f\hspace{0pt}i elfin chafing leafing loafing sheafing strafing vouchsafing beefing reefing briefing debriefing coifing fifing jackknifing knifing midwifing waifing wifing airproofing childproofing fireproofing flameproofing mothproofing rustproofing soundproofing waterproofing weatherproofing proofing goofing hoofing reroofing roofing spoofing whoofing woofing begulfing engulfing ingulfing gulfing golfing rolfing selfing wolfing barfing bedwarfing dwarfing enserfing kerfing scarfing snarfing surfing turfing wharfing windsurfing deafish dwarfish elfish oafish selfish serfish unselfish wolfish deafishly dwarfishly elfishly oafishly selfishly serfishly unselfishly wolfishly deafishness dwarfishness elfishness oafishness selfishness serfishness unselfishness wolfishness beefier comfier goofier gulfier leafier surfier turfier beefiest comfiest goofiest gulfiest leafiest surfiest turfiest beefily goofily goofiness \item fl to f\hspace{0pt}l aloofly briefly chiefly deafly liefly \item ffi to ff\hspace{0pt}i baffing biffing outbluffing bluffing boffing buffing chaffing cheffing chuffing coffing coiffing handcuffing uncuffing cuffing daffing doffing enfeoffing infeoffing feoffing fluffing gaffing gruffing huffing luffing miffing muffing offing piaffing puffing quaffing rebuffing reffing restaffing restuffing riffing crossruffing overruffing underruffing ruffing sclaffing scoffing scuffing shroffing sluffing sniffing snuffing spiffing overstaffing understaffing staffing stiffing overstuffing stuffing tariffing tiffing waffing whiffing yaffing draffish giraffish gruffish offish raffish sniffish standoffish stiffish toffish draffishly giraffishly raffishly buffier chaffier chuffier cliffier daffier fluffier gruffier huffier iffier miffier puffier scruffier sniffier snuffier spiffier stuffier buffiest chaffiest chuffiest cliffiest daffiest fluffiest gruffiest huffiest iffiest miffiest puffiest scruffiest sniffiest snuffiest spiffiest stuffiest daffily fluffily gruffily huffily puffily scruffily sniffily snuffily spiffily stuffily fluffiness huffiness iffiness puffiness scruffiness sniffiness spiffiness stuffiness baffies biffies jiffies stuffies taffies toffies waffie waffies \item ffl to ff\hspace{0pt}l bluffly gruffly ruffly snuffly stiffly \item ffi to f\hspace{0pt}fi (No extra cases in broadf set) \item ffl to f\hspace{0pt}fl (No extra cases in broadf set) \item ft to f\hspace{0pt}t fifty fiftyish fifties fiftieth fiftieths fifteen fifteens fifteenth fifteenths \end{itemize} \section*{Part 3: Ligatures suppressed if ``hdlig'' option is set} \begin{itemize} \item ct to c\hspace{0pt}t arctangent coarctation \item st to s\hspace{0pt}t First, some words with ``th'' (from $\theta$ or $\vartheta$) after ``s'': asthma isthmus aesthetic \medskip Other reasons for suppressing st ligature: painstaker painstaking dogstail crosstalk gastight distant distasteful distillation distemperate distended distort distract distraught distribute distributed distribution district distrust disturb Maastricht \emph{But}, do not suppress the st ligature for distelfink, castle forecastle, nestle wrestle, bristle bristletail epistle glisten gristle listen mistletoe thistle whistle, apostle jostle, bustle hustle rustle \item sp to s\hspace{0pt}p First, some words with ``ph'' (from $\phi$ or $\varphi$) after ``s'': asphalt asphodel asphyxiate blaspheme blasphemy dysphagia dysphonia dysphoria sphagnum sphinx atmosphere bathysphere biosphere blogosphere ecosphere exosphere hemisphere hydrosphere ionosphere magnetosphere stratosphere spherical sphericity spheroid phosphorous phosphates phosphorescent \medskip Words with other reasons for suppressing sp ligature: clothespin clothespress businesspeople congresspeople craftspeople dispeople newspeople salespeople spokespeople townspeople tradespeople tribespeople businessperson congressperson craftsperson draftsperson newsperson salesperson spokesperson transpacific transparent transpersonal transpierce transplant transplacental transpolar transport transpose transposon (but: transpicuous transpire transponder) (also: respond despondent corespond correspond) trespass trespassing cisplatin disparage disparaged disparagement disparagements disparager disparagers disparages disparaging disparagingly disparate disparately disparateness disparatenesses disparities disparity dispart disparted disparting disparts dispassion dispassionate dispassionately dispassionateness dispassionatenesses dispassions dispatch dispatched dispatcher dispatchers dispatches dispatching dispel dispelled dispelling dispels dispend dispended dispending dispends dispensabilities dispensability dispensable dispensaries dispensary dispensation dispensational dispensations dispensatories dispensatory dispense dispensed dispenser dispensers dispenses dispensing dispeople dispeopled dispeoples dispeopling dispersal dispersals dispersant dispersants disperse dispersed dispersedly disperser dispersers disperses dispersible dispersing dispersion dispersions dispersive dispersively dispersiveness dispersivenesses dispersoid dispersoids dispirit dispirited dispiritedly dispiritedness dispiritednesses dispiriting dispirits dispiteous displace displaceable displaced displacement displacements displaces displacing displant displanted displanting displants display displayable displayed displaying displays displease displeased displeases displeasing displeasure displeasures displode disploded displodes disploding displosion displosions displume displumed displumes displuming disport disported disporting disportment disportments disports disposabilities disposability disposable disposables disposal disposals dispose disposed disposer disposers disposes disposing disposition dispositional dispositions dispositive dispossess dispossessed dispossesses dispossessing dispossession dispossessions dispossessor dispossessors disposure disposures dispraise dispraised dispraiser dispraisers dispraises dispraising dispraisingly dispread dispreading dispreads disprize disprized disprizes disprizing disproof disproofs disproportion disproportional disproportionate disproportionated disproportionately disproportionates disproportionating disproportionation disproportionations disproportioned disproportioning disproportions disprovable disprove disproved disproven disproves disproving disputable disputably disputant disputants disputation disputations disputatious disputatiously disputatiousness disputatiousnesses dispute disputed disputer disputers disputes disputing indispensabilities indispensability indispensable indispensableness indispensablenesses indispensables indispensably indispose indisposed indisposes indisposing indisposition indispositions indisputable indisputableness indisputablenesses indisputably misperception misphrase misplace misplant misplay misprice misprint mispronounce monodisperse nondispersive polydisperse polydispersities polydispersity predispose predisposed predisposes predisposing predisposition predispositions redisplay redisplayed redisplaying redisplays redispose redisposed redisposes redisposing redisposition redispositions undisputable undisputed suspend suspended suspends suspension \end{itemize} \bigskip Note: The test words in the remainder of this document are generally set in \emph{italics} because the text font that's used by the ``driver'' program, \emph{selnolig-english-test.tex}, does not feature the applicable ligatures in the upright font shape. \begin{itemize} \item \emph{th} to \emph{t\hspace{0pt}h} \bgroup \em bathouse boathouse cathouse courthouse hothouse lighthouse nuthouse outhouse penthouse pilothouse pothouse guesthouse oasthouse pesthouse bolthead cathead fathead flathead gilthead hothead lightheaded masthead meathead pithead pothead printhead softhead softheaded fainthearted greathearted lighthearted softhearted stouthearted sweetheart sweethearts adulthood aunthood knighthood parenthood priesthood prophethood sainthood servanthood bolthole knothole porthole posthole pesthole pothole rathole boathook meathook pothook foothold potholder roothold anthill foothill goatherd neatherd outhaul outhear outhit outhomer outhowl outhumor outhunt outhustle shorthair shorthanded shorthorn % a breed of sheep... antiapartheid apartheid dustheap firsthand nighthawk posthumous posthumously pothunt warthog watthour kilowatthour \egroup \item \emph{at} to \emph{a\hspace{0pt}t} \bgroup \em anathema aromatherapy intrathoracic metathesis ultrathin ultrathick \egroup \item \emph{et} to \emph{e\hspace{0pt}t} \bgroup \em ninetieth ninetieths ninety nineteen nametag betake betatter betray betroth detach detain detail detect undetectable detective detent detention detest detract detrain detribalize detriment detritus bristletail dovetail horsetail cheetah chetah caretaker foretell fortunetelling detergent deteriorate determent determinant preterm pretext retext teletext bluetick detick betide yuletide betime beforetime lifetime peacetime sometime detrain drivetrain housetrain pretrain retrain firetrap livetrap mousetrap axletree saddletree shoetree timetable preteen pretend pretence pretense pretentious pretest pretext pretitling pretreat pretrim pretrial retag retape retake reteach retie retile retime retint retire retiring retitle retrace retrack retract retrans retransmit retread retreat retrench retrieve retribution retries retrim retune return unreturnable entirety entireties surety sureties safety safeties archetype archetypal subtlety teletype teletypewriter \egroup \item \emph{as} to \emph{a\hspace{0pt}s} \bgroup \em teaspoon infrastructure seastrand infraspecific intraspecies intraspecific \egroup \item \emph{is} to \emph{i\hspace{0pt}s} \bgroup \em antisag antisatellite antiscience antisecrecy antisense antiseptic antishark antiship antishock antiskid antislavery antislip antismog antismoke antismuggling antismut antisocial antisolar antispasmodic antispeculative antistatic antistick antistress antistrike antisubmarine antisubversion antisymmetric antisyphilitics (but: mantissa, gigantism, sycophantism, sycophantish) \egroup \item {\ebg\emph{\mbox{sk}}} to {\ebg{\emph{s\hspace{0pt}k}}} (EB Garamond) \bgroup \ebg \em greenskeeper groundskeeper triskaidekaphobia rathskeller miskeep miskept miskick misknow Catskills Peekskill \egroup \item \emph{ll} to \emph{l\hspace{0pt}} \bgroup \em animallike bowllike eellike jewellike owllike petallike seallike snaillike soullike taillike tunnellike veillike woollike bowelless coalless goalless heelless idealless keelless mailless mealless recoilless skilless skillessness skillessnesses soilless soulless soullessly soullessness soullessnesses tailless toolless trailless wheelless \egroup \end{itemize} \section*{Part 4: Cases where one ligature pre-empts the use of a subsequent ligature} \subsection*{Cases of \emph{as}, \emph{is}, and \emph{us} ligatures pre-empting use of \emph{st} ligature} \bgroup \em \begin{itemize} \item as \emph{pre-empting} st abreast aghast alabaster antipasto astern astir astonish astound astride astringent astronomy astute avast bastard baste beast blast boast breakfast breast cast caste coast catastrophe chaste coast contrast devastate disaster drastic dynasty east ecclesiastic fast fasten feast forecast ghastly gastronomy gymnastics haste lambast last least mast master megastar metastable nasty oast oasthouse past pasta pastel pastor pasteurize plastic roast scholastic spastic steadfast stochastic toast upcoast waste yeast \item is \emph{pre-empting} st fist gist grist heist list mist administer statistics statistically \emph{plus, \emph{hundreds} of words ending in -ist:} activist agronomist biologist \emph{etc.} \ \ \ \emph{but:} misthink misthrow calisthenic \item us \emph{pre-empting} st bust crust disgust dust exhaust joust just lust must oust rust thrust wanderlust \end{itemize} \egroup \subsection*{Cases of \emph{at} and \emph{et} ligatures pre-empting a \emph{th} ligature} \begin{itemize} \item \emph{at} ligature preempting the \emph{th} ligature \bgroup \em bath math lath lathe path atheism athlete beneath bequeath blather breath catharsis catheter cathode catholic catholicism death empathy father fathom feather gather heath heathen loath marathon oath pathetic pathology rather rathskeller scathe sheath slather strath swath triathlon triathlete weather wrath wreath \egroup \medskip Words for which the \emph{at} ligature need \emph{not} be suppressed in favor of the \emph{th} ligature: \emph{bathouse boathouse cathouse boathook meathook goatherd neatherd cathead fathead flathead meathead rathole greathearted} \item \emph{et} ligature preempting the \emph{th} ligature \bgroup \em bethank bethink bethorn bethought bethump dethrone doublethink firethorn flamethrower forethought freethinker methinks nonetheless nonethical rethink rethread something whitethroat twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundreth amethyst bellwether brethren ethical ethane ether ethnic ethyl lethal lethargic methadone method plethora seethe teeth teethe tether together urethane \egroup \medskip Words for which the \emph{et}-ligature need \emph{not} be suppressed: \emph{Beethoven prophethood sweetheart sweethearts } \end{itemize} \subsection*{Cases of \emph{as}-, \emph{is}-, and \emph{us}-ligatures pre-empting use an \emph{sp}-ligature} \bgroup \em asparagus aspect aspire Casper Caspar clasp gasp grasp hasp Jasper rasp raspberry wasp \emph{(but what to do about } asp?\emph{)} megaspores tetraspore crisp lisp whisper wisp \emph{but:} disparity dispart mispackage misplace auspicious cusp suspicious tricuspid \emph{but:} suspect suspend \egroup \subsection*{Cases of an \emph{et} ligature pre-empting a \emph{ta} ligature} Note: It would appear that in all cases where an \emph{et} ligature should be suppressed in favor of a subsequent \emph{ta} ligature, the \emph{et} ligature spans a morpheme boundary and hence shouldn't be used anyway. Some examples: \bgroup \em betake betatter bristletail caretaker cheetah detach detail detain dovetail foretaste horsetail nametag pretake pretape pretaste pretax retable retack retag retape retake retaliate retard retarget whitetail wiretap \egroup \medskip Note that the \emph{et}-ligature should not be suppressed \emph{globally} in favor of a subsequent \emph{ta} ligature, because of the following groups of words: \bgroup \em \begin{itemize} \item \emph{Words ending in -et-ary:} budgetary dietary monetary planetary proprietary secretary \item \emph{Words ending in -et-able :} covetable depletable getable interpretable marketable pocketable vegetable (but: retable, timetable) \item \emph{Words ending in -et-al:} centripetal metal petal skeletal societal varietal vegetal \item \emph{Words containing metal:} metal metallic metallurgy \end{itemize} \egroup