% !TEX TS-program = lualatex \documentclass[english]{article} % Test program: Apply the 'selnolig' package, with % 'english' language option set, to a list of English % words which contain various character pairs that % should not be ligated. The list of English words is % in the companion file 'selnolig-english-wordlist.tex'. % % Author: Mico Loretan (loretan dot mico at gmail dot com) % Date: 2013/08/26 % Check first that we're running Lua(La)TeX. \usepackage{ifluatex} \ifluatex\else \typeout{===============================================} \typeout{The file selnolig-english-test.tex must be } \typeout{compile using lualatex. Exiting immediately. } \typeout{===============================================} \endinput \fi \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{fontspec} \defaultfontfeatures{% Ligatures={TeX,Common,Rare}, Numbers = OldStyle} \setmainfont[ FeatureFile= gpp-ft.fea, ItalicFont = {Garamond Premier Pro Italic}, BoldItalicFont = {Garamond Premier Pro Italic}, BoldFont = {Garamond Premier Pro}] {Garamond Premier Pro} \setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase, Ligatures=NoCommon] {Consolas} \newfontfamily\ebg[ Ligatures = {TeX,Common,Rare,Historic}, ItalicFont = {EB Garamond 12 Italic}] {EB Garamond 12 Regular} \usepackage[document]{ragged2e} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage[hdlig,broadf]{selnolig} \usepackage{showhyphens} \debugon \setlength\parindent{0pt} \parskip=0.3\baselineskip \usepackage{multicol} \setlength\columnseprule{.4pt} \title{selnolig-english-test\\ (Package version: \selnoligpackageversion; \selnoligpackagedate)} \author{\null} \date{} \righthyphenmin=2 % set this to either 3 (normal) or 2 \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{tabular}{@{}*{10}{l}} Appearance of ``common'' ligatures &ff &fi &fl &ffi &ffl &ft & \mbox{fj} & {\ebg\mbox{fk}} & \emph{fr}\\ Sample words with these ligatures &off &fit &fly &office &baffle &often & fjord &{\ebg Kafka} &\emph{from}\\ \end{tabular} \bigskip \begin{tabular}{@{}*{15}{l}} Appearance of ``discretionary'' (``rare'') ligatures & st & ct & sp & \emph{as} & {\ebg\em es} & \emph{is, th, us} & \emph{at} & \emph{et} & {\ebg\emph{sk}}& \emph{ll} & \emph{\uselig{ij}, st, ta}\\ Sample words with these ligatures & stay & act & spy & \emph{was} & {\ebg\em sees}& \emph{\uselig{isthmus}} & \emph{cat} & \emph{net} & {\ebg\emph{ask}} & \emph{ill} & \emph{rijsttafel}\\ \end{tabular} \bigskip \makeatletter \begin{tabular}{@{}ll} Package options and other parameters:\\ \ \ \ \ \ Extent of suppressing f-ligatures: basic or broadf? & \if@broadfset broadf \else basic \fi \\ \ \ \ \ \ Value of \texttt{\textbackslash righthyphenmin} parameter & \the\righthyphenmin\\ \end{tabular} \makeatother \bigskip \begin{multicols}{2} \input selnolig-english-wordlist \end{multicols} \end{document}