\documentclass{ltxdockit} \usepackage{dtklogos} \newcommand\pkgversion{0.1} \titlepage{% title={The lua-check-hyphen package}, subtitle={Checking your hyphenated words}, url={https://github.com/pgundlach/lua-check-hyphen}, author={Patrick Gundlach}, email={patrick@gundla.ch}, revision={\pkgversion}, date={\today}} \hypersetup{% pdftitle={The lua-check-hyphen package}, pdfsubject={Checking your hyphenated words}, pdfauthor={Patrick Gundlach}, pdfkeywords={tex, latex, hyphenation}} \begin{document} \printtitlepage \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} \TeX\ is pretty good at hyphenating words. But a computer algorithm is not perfect, sometimes we wish to manually check all used hyphenations in a document. This package helps you on this task. \section{Usage} This package only works with \LuaTeX. To activate it a \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{lua-check-hyphen} \end{verbatim} is enough. When you process your document with \LuaLaTeX, a file with the suffix \verb|.uhy| is created with that contains every hyphenated word. You can check that file for hyphenation errors. \section{Advanced usage} \label{sec:advanced_usage} With longer documents it becomes tedious checking for the same hyphenated words over and over. Therefore this package allows you to create a whitelist of \emph{accepted hyphenation}. This whitelist is a simple textfile where the words are separated by whitespace and the allowed hyphenation is marked with a dash (-). You can use the output file \texttt{.uhy} as an input for the whitelist file. You load the file in your document with \begin{verbatim} \LuaCheckHyphen{whitelist=myfile.txt} \end{verbatim} and a sample file looks like this: \begin{verbatim} seren-ity morn-ings posses-sion \end{verbatim} or \begin{verbatim} seren-ity morn-ings posses-sion \end{verbatim} The format is not important, the entries must be separated by whitespace. Words in this whitelist won't be reported. \sty{lua-check-hyphen} assumes that these are valid break points. You can have more than one whitelist file by giving the filenames separated by comma: \begin{verbatim} \LuaCheckHyphen{whitelist={file1.txt,file2.txt,file3.txt}} \end{verbatim} \section{Visual marker} You might want to use the PDF viewer to check for incorrectly hyphenated words. To enable visual feedback, just pass the \texttt{mark} option to the \cmd{usepackage} or to the \cmd{LuaCheckHyphen} command: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{lua-check-hyphen} % or: \LuaCheckHyphen{mark} \end{verbatim} This marks all non-whitelisted used hyphenation points in the document with a black square (not to be confused with overfull boxes): \includegraphics{sample-crop} \section{Final document} When you pass the Option \opt{final} to the \cmd{documentclass}, the \cmd{usepackage} or the \cmd{LuaCheckHyphen} command, all processing is disabled. \end{document}