# yquant Typesetting quantum circuits in a human-readable language yquant is a LaTeX package that allows to quickly draw quantum circuits. It bridges the gap between the two groups of packages that already exist: those that use a logic-oriented custom language, which is then translated into TeX by means of an external program; and the pure TeX versions that mainly provide some macros to allow for an easier input. yquant is a pure-LaTeX solution - i.e., it requires no external program - that introduces a logic oriented language and thus brings the best of both worlds together. It builds on and interacts with TiKZ, which brings an enourmous flexibility for customization of individual circuit. A detailed reference with lots of examples is provided in the PDF version of this Readme. We will sketch some basic usage. ## Examples Many more examples and explanations can be found in the [PDF version](https://github.com/projekter/yquant/raw/master/doc/latex/yquant/yquant-doc.pdf) of this Readme. ### Simple teleportation circuit ![ex-01.png](https://github.com/projekter/yquant/raw/master/markdown/ex-01.png) ```LaTeX \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{yquant} qubit {$\ket{\reg_{\idx}}$} q[3]; h q[1]; cnot q[2] | q[1]; cnot q[1] | q[0]; h q[0]; measure q[0-1]; z q[2] | q[1]; x q[2] | q[0]; \end{yquant} \end{tikzpicture} ``` ### Three-qubit phase estimation circuit with QFT and controlled-U ![ex-02.png](https://github.com/projekter/yquant/raw/master/markdown/ex-02.png) ```LaTeX \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{yquant} qubit {$\ket{j_{\idx}} = \ket0$} j[3]; qubit {$\ket{s_{\idx}}$} s[2]; h j; box {$U^4$} (s) | j[0]; box {$U^2$} (s) | j[1]; box {$U$} (s) | j[2]; h j[0]; box {$S$} j[1] | j[0]; h j[1]; box {$T$} j[2] | j[0]; box {$S$} j[2] | j[1]; h j[2]; measure j; \end{yquant} \end{tikzpicture} ``` ### Three-qubit FT QEC circuit with syndrome measurement ![ex-03.png](https://github.com/projekter/yquant/raw/master/markdown/ex-03.png) ```LaTeX \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{yquant} qubit {$\ket{q_{\idx}}$} q[3]; qubit {$\ket{s_{\idx}} = \ket0$} s[2]; cbit {$c_{\idx} = 0$} c[2]; h s[0]; cnot s[1] | s[0]; cnot s[0] | q[0]; cnot s[1] | q[1]; cnot s[1] | s[0]; h s[0]; measure s; cnot c[0] | s[0]; cnot c[1] | s[1]; discard s; init {$\ket0$} s; h s[0]; cnot s[1] | s[0]; cnot s[0] | q[1]; cnot s[1] | q[2]; cnot s[1] | s[0]; h s[0]; measure s; box {Process\\Syndrome} (s, c); box {$\mathcal R$} (q) | s, c; \end{yquant} \end{tikzpicture} ``` ### Error correction ![ex-04.png](https://github.com/projekter/yquant/raw/master/markdown/ex-04.png) ```LaTeX % \usetikzlibrary{fit, quotes} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{yquant} qubit {} msg[3]; [name=inits] qubit {$\ket0$} syndrome[3]; [name=scnot0] cnot syndrome[0] | msg[0]; cnot syndrome[0] | msg[1]; cnot syndrome[1] | msg[1]; cnot syndrome[1] | msg[2]; cnot syndrome[2] | msg[0]; cnot syndrome[2] | msg[2]; [name=smeas] dmeter {$M_{\symbol{\numexpr`a+\idx}}$} syndrome; ["Recovery"] box {$\mathcal R$} (msg) | syndrome; discard syndrome; \end{yquant} \node[draw, dashed, fit=(inits-2) (scnot0-p0) (smeas-2), "Syndrome Measurement"] {}; \end{tikzpicture} ``` ### Lots of controls ![ex-05.png](https://github.com/projekter/yquant/raw/master/markdown/ex-05.png) ```LaTeX \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{yquant*} zz (a[0, 2]); cnot a[1] ~ a[0]; zz (a[2, 3]); h a[3] | a[0] ~ a[1]; measure a[2, 3]; box {$U$} (a[0, 1]) | a[3] ~ a[2]; discard a[2, 3]; \end{yquant*} \end{tikzpicture} ```