@Article{ hp, author = {Poincaré, Henri}, title = {Démonstration nouvelle des propriétés de l'indicatrice d'une surface}, journal = {Annales de Mathématiques}, volume = 13, date = {1874}, pages = {449--456} } @Book{ relativite, author = {Einstein, Albert and Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon and Minkowski, Hermann and Weyl, Hermann}, title = {The Principle of Relativity}, publisher = {Methuen}, address = {London}, date = {1923} } @InBook{ cond, author = {de Condorcet, Nicolas}, editor = {O'Connor, Arhur and Arago, François}, title = {Discours prononcé à l'Assemblée Nationale au nom de l'Académie des Sciences à la séance du \formatdate{12}{06}{1790}}, booktitle = {Œuvres de Condorcet}, publisher = {Firmin Didot Frères}, address = {Paris}, volume = {1}, origdate = {1790-06-12}, pages = {508-511}, url = {http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k58105584}, date = {1847} } @TechReport{ unrapport, author = {Nom, Prénom}, title = {Titre du rapport technique}, institution = {Institution où le rapport a vu le jour}, date = {2012} } @Manual{ amsmath, title = {User's Guide for the \textsf{amsmath} Package}, organization = {American Mathematical Society}, date = {2002-02-25} } @PhDThesis{ knuth63, author = {Knuth, Donald Ervin}, title = {Finite semifields and projective planes}, school = {California Institute of Technology}, date = {1963} }