The xbmks Package Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2018/07/04 Short description: Create a cross-document bookmark tree. The package defines the concept of a document bundle, which is a collection of documents that are to be build separately, but have a common bookmark tree. This package takes the bookmarks of each file in doc bundle and merges them. The merged bookmarks are listed in all the documents of the document bundle. In this way, a sort of 'table of contents' is available to all documents in the bundle. PDF Creator: no restrictions, use dvips->distiller|ps2pdf, pdflatex, lualatex, or xelatex. What's New (2018/07/04) Fixed a problem wherein the bookmarks do not appear after an even number of compilations. What's New (2018/06/25) Defined new commands for creating bookmarks for which arbitrary actions, color and style can be applied. These commands build on hyperref's bookmark commands. What's New (2018/06/13) Corrected a misspelling in the driver specification for pdfmark. Now allow the docbundle key to be empty or missing; in this case, we set docbundle=\jobname. Bookmarks are generated for that document alone, as an extra benefit, the keys colors and style are still obeyed. Now, I simply must get back to my retirement. D. P. Story