@STRING{ucp = "University of Chicago Press"} @Book{chicago2017, author = {{University of Chicago Press}}, title = {The Chicago Manual of Style}, shorthand = {\emph{CMOS}}, shorthandintro = {\addperiod\space Hereafter, \printfield{shorthand}}, edition = {17}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2017} } % Examples not in CMOS @Book{doe2010a, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Doe, Jane}, title = {A Book's Title}, editor = {Smith, John}, translator = {Doe, Jane}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2010} } @Book{doe2010b, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, options = {swaptrans}, author = {Doe, Jane}, title = {A Book's Title}, editor = {Smith, John}, translator = {Doe, Jane}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2010} } @Book{smith2002a, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, title = {A Book's Title}, editor = {Smith, John}, translator = {Doe, Jane}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2002} } @Book{smith2002b, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, options = {swaptrans}, title = {A Book's Title}, editor = {Smith, John}, translator = {Doe, Jane}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2002} } @InCollection{thoreau2007.7, title = {Walking}, pages = {185–222}, crossref = {thoreau2007} } @Collection{thoreau2007, author = {Thoreau, Henry David}, title = {Excursions}, editor = {Moldenhauer, Joseph J.}, series = {The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, year = {2009} } @InCollection{petrarca1948, author = {Petrarca, Francesco}, title = {The Ascent of Mont Ventoux}, translator = {Nachod, Hans}, pages = {36–46}, crossref = {cassirer1948} } @Collection{cassirer1948, editor = {Cassirer, Ernst and Kristeller, Paul Oskar and Randall, Jr., John Herman}, title = {The Renaissance Philosophy of Man}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1948} } @InBook{spinoza1900.1.1, title = {A Theological-Political Treatise}, crossref = {spinoza1900.1} } @Collection{spinoza1900.1, author = {Spinoza, Benedict de}, title = {The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza}, % edition = {rev. ed.},% alternative to below: edition = {revised}, translator = {Elwes, R. H. M.}, volume = {1}, address = {London}, publisher = {George Bell {and} Sons}, year = {1900} } @InCollection{doe2018, author = {Doe, Jane}, title = {A Poem}, translator = {Smith, John}, pages = {56–57}, crossref = {jones2018} } @InCollection{edwards2018, author = {Adams, Mary}, title = {Another Poem}, pages = {128–32}, crossref = {jones2018} } @InBook{jones2018, editor = {Jones, David}, title = {A Volume of Poems}, volume = {2}, year = {2018}, crossref = {blow2016} } @Collection{blow2016, editor = {White, Amy}, title = {A Collection of Poems}, volumes = {4}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2016–18} } % 13.65 Full in-text citation @Book{hawking1988, author = {Hawking, Stephen W.}, title = {A Brief History of Time}, subtitle = {From the Big Bang to Black Holes}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Bantam Books}, year = {1988} } @Book{tocqueville1999, options = {skipbib}, author = {Tocqueville, Alexis de}, title = {Democracy in America}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1999} } % 14.23 Notes and bibliography—examples and variations % 15.9 Author-date references—examples and variations @Book{strayed2012, author = {Strayed, Cheryl}, title = {Wild}, subtitle = {From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Alfred A. Knopf}, year = {2012} } @Book{daum2015, editor = {Daum, Meghan}, title = {Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed}, subtitle = {Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Picador}, year = {2015} } @Book{grazer2015, author = {Grazer, Brian and Fishman, Charles}, title = {A Curious Mind}, subtitle = {The Secret to a Bigger Life}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Simon \& Schuster}, year = {2015} } @InCollection{gould1984a, title = {Streisand as Schwarzkopf}, pages = {308–11}, crossref = {gould1984} } @Collection{gould1984, author = {Gould, Glenn}, title = {The Glenn Gould Reader}, editor = {Page, Tim}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Vintage Books}, year = {1984} } @Book{garcia1988, author = {García Márquez, Gabriel}, title = {Love in the Time of Cholera}, translator = {Grossman, Edith}, address = {London}, publisher = {Cape}, year = {1988} } @Article{bagley2015, author = {Bagley, Benjamin}, title = {Loving Someone in Particular}, journal = {Ethics}, volume = {125}, number = {2}, date = {2015-01}, pages = {477–507} } @Article{liu2015, author = {Liu, Jui-Ch'i}, title = {Beholding the Feminine Sublime}, subtitle = {Lee Miller's War Photography}, journal = {Signs}, volume = {40}, number = {2}, date = {2015-24}, pages = {308–19}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/678242} } % 14.30: Basic structure of the short form @Book{morley1995, author = {Morley, Samuel A.}, title = {Poverty and Inequality in Latin America}, shorttitle = {Poverty and Inequality}, subtitle = {The Impact of Adjustment and Recovery}, address = {Baltimore}, publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press}, year = {1995} } @Article{schwartz1992, author = {Schwartz, Regina M.}, title = {Nationals and Nationalism}, subtitle = {Adultery in the House of David}, journal = {Critical Inquiry}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, year = {1992}, pages = {131–32} } @InCollection{kaiser1964, author = {Kaiser, Ernest}, title = {The Literature of Harlem}, shorttitle = {Literature of Harlem}, crossref = {clarke1964} } @Collection{clarke1964, editor = {Clarke, J. H.}, title = {Harlem}, subtitle = {A Community in Transition}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Citadel Press}, year = {1964} } % 14.34: Shortened citations versus “ibid” @Book{morrison2004a,% see also 14.110 author = {Morrison, Toni}, title = {Beloved}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Vintage International}, year = {2004} } @Book{diaz2008, author = {Díaz, Junot}, title = {The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao}, shorttitle = {Oscar Wao}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Riverhead Books}, year = {2007} } % 14.54 Source notes for previously published material @Book{shapin1996, author = {Shapin, Steven}, title = {The Scientific Revolution}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1996} } @Article{manet1992, author = {Fried, Michael}, title = {Manet in His Generation}, subtitle = {The Face of Painting in the 1860s}, journal = {Critical Inquiry}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, year = {1992}, pages = {22–69} } % 14.57 Several citations in one note @Article{sutton1959, author = {Sutton, Walter}, title = {The Analysis of Free Verse Form, Illustrated by a Reading of Whitman}, journal = {Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism}, volume = {18}, number = {2}, date = {1959-12}, pages = {241-54} } @InCollection{fussell1962, author = {Fussell, Paul}, title = {Whitman's Curious Warble}, subtitle = {Reminiscence and Reconciliation}, pages = {28-51}, crossref = {lewis1962} } @Collection{lewis1962, title = {The Presence of Walt Whitman}, editor = {Lewis, R. W. B.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Columbia University Press}, year = {1962}, } @Article{coffman1954, author = {Coffman, S. K.}, title = {`Crossing Brooklyn Ferry'}, subtitle = {A Note on the Catalog Technique in Whitman's Poetry}, journal = {Modern Philology}, volume = {51}, number = {4}, date = {1954-05}, pages = {225-32} } @Article{coffman1955, author = {Coffman, S. K.}, title = {Form and Meaning in Whitman's `Passage to India'}, journal = {PMLA}, volume = {70}, number = {3}, date = {1955-06}, pages = {337-49} } @Article{rountree1958, author = {Rountree, Thomas I.}, title = {Whitman's Indirect Expression and Its Application to `Song of Myself'}, journal = {PMLA}, volume = {73}, number = {5}, date = {1958-12}, pages = {549-55} } @Article{lovell1960, author = {Lovell, John}, title = {Appreciating Whitman}, subtitle = {'Passage to India'}, journal = {Modern Language Quarterly}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, date = {1960-06}, pages = {131-41} } % 14.59 Abbreviations for frequently cited works @Collection{shurtleff1853, options = {listvols}, editor = {Shurtleff, Nathaniel B.}, title = {Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (1628–86)}, shorthand = {\emph{Mass. Records}}, volumes = {5}, address = {Boston}, year = {1853–54} } % 14.68 The 3-em dash for one repeated name @Book{judt1996, author = {Judt, Tony}, title = {A Grand Illusion?}, subtitle = {An Essay on Europe}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Hill {and} Wang}, year = {1996} } @Book{judt2008, author = {Judt, Tony}, title = {Reappraisals}, subtitle = {Reflections on the Forgotten Twentieth Century}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Penguin Press}, year = {2008} } @Book{judt1989, editor = {Judt, Tony}, title = {Resistance and Revolution in Mediterranean Europe, 1939–1948}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Routledge}, year = {1989} } @InCollection{squire1983, author = {Squire, Larry R.}, title = {The Hippocampus and the Neuropsychology of Memory}, sorttitle = {Hippocampus and the Neuropsychology of Memory}, pages = {491–511}, crossref = {seifert1983} } @Collection{seifert1983, editor = {Seifert, W.}, title = {Neurobiolog of the Hippocampus}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = {1983} } @Book{squire1987, author = {Squire, Larry R.}, title = {Memory and Brain}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = {1987} } % 14.75 One author @Book{shields2013, author = {Shields, David}, title = {How Literature Saved My Life}, shorttitle = {Literature}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Alfred A. Knopf}, year = {2013} } @Article{chun2015, author = {Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong}, title = {On Hypo-real Models or Global Climate Change}, subtitle = {A Challenge for the Humanities}, shorttitle = {Hypo-real Models}, journal = {Critical Inquiry}, volume = {41}, number = {3}, date = {2015-21}, pages = {675–703} } @Book{mccune2014, author = {McCune, Jr., Jeffrey Q.}, title = {Sexual Discretion}, subtitle = {Black Masculinity and the Politics of Passing}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2014} } % 14.76 Two or more authors (or editors) @Book{sorrells2015, editor = {Sorrells, Kathryn and Sekimoto, Sachi}, title = {Globalizing Intercultural Communication}, subtitle = {A Reader}, address = {Thousand Oaks, CA}, publisher = {SAGE}, year = {2015} } @Book{levitt2005, author = {Levitt, Steven D. and Dubner, Stephen J.}, title = {Freakonomics}, subtitle = {A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything}, address = {New York}, publisher = {William Morrow}, year = {2005} } @Article{umbers2015, author = {Umbers, Kate D. L. and Symonds, Matthew R. E. and Kokko, Hanna}, title = {The Mothematics of Female Pheromone Signaling}, subtitle = {Strategies for Aging Virgins}, journal = {American Naturalist}, volume = {185}, number = {3}, date = {2015-03}, pages = {417–32} } @Article{gmuca2015, author = {Gmuca, Natalia V. and Pearson, Linnea E. and Burns, Jennifer M. and Liwanag, Heather E. M.}, title = {The Fat and the Furriest}, subtitle = {Morphological Changes in Harp Seal Fur with Ontogeny}, shorttitle = {Harp Seal Fur}, journal = {Physiological and Biochemical Zoology}, volume = {88}, number = {2}, date = {2015-03/2015-04}, pages = {158–66} } % 14.77 Two or more authors (or editors) with same family name @Book{kendris2010, author = {Kendris, Christopher and Kendris, Theodore}, title = {501 Spanish Verbs}, edition = {7}, address = {Hauppauge, NY}, publisher = {Barron's Educational Series}, year = {2010} } % 14.78 Author's name in title @Book{franklin1868, author = {Franklin, Benjamin}, title = {Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin}, editor = {Big\-e\-low, John}, address = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {J. B. Lippincott}, year = {1868} } % 14.79 No listed author (anonymous works) % 15.34 Author-date format for anonymous works (no listed author) @Book{anon1610, title = {A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends of the Plantation Begun in Virginia, of the Degrees Which It Hath Received, and Means by Which It Hath Been Advanced}, shorttitle = {True and Sincere Declaration}, sorttitle = {True and Sincere Declaration}, address = {London}, year = {1610} } @Book{anon1547, title = {Stanze in lode della donna brutta}, shorttitle = {Stanze}, address = {Florence}, year = {1547} } @Book{horsley1796, author = {Horsley, Samuel}, authortype = {anon}, title = {On the Prosodies of the Greek and Latin Languages}, address = {London}, year = {1796} } @Book{hawkes1834, author = {Hawkes, James}, authortype = {anon?}, title = {A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes}, note = {by a Citizen of New-York}, address = {New-York}, year = {1834} } % 14.80 Pseudonyms % 15.35 Pseudonyms in author-date references @Online{akmuckraker2008, author = {{AK Muckraker}}, % authortype = {pseudo},% alternative nameaddon = {pseud.}, title = {Palin Is Back at Work}, blogtitle = {Mudflats}, blogsubtitle = {Tiptoeing through the Muck of Alaskan Politics}, blogtitleaddon = {blog}, date = {2008-12-05}, url = {https://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/12/05/palin-is-back-at-work/} } @Book{carre1982, author = {Le Carr\'e, John}, nameaddon = {David John Moore Cornwell}, title = {The Quest for Karla}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Knopf}, year = {1982} } @Book{stendhal1925, author = {Stendhal}, nameaddon = {Marie-Henri Beyle}, title = {The Charterhouse of Parma}, translator = {Scott-Moncrieff, C. K.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Boni {and} Liveright}, year = {1925} } % 14.81 Cross-references for pseudonyms @Misc{ashe, options = {skipdate}, author = {Ashe, Gordon}, userb = {\emph{See} Creasey, John} } @Misc{morton, options = {skipdate}, author = {Morton, Anthony}, userb = {\emph{See} Creasey, John} } @Misc{york, options = {skipdate}, author = {York, Jeremy}, userb = {\emph{See} Creasey, John} } @Book{creasey1976, sortname = {Creasey, Ashe}, author = {Creasey, John}, nameaddon = {Gordon Ashe, pseud.}, title = {A Blast of Trumpets}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Rinehart {and} Winston}, year = {1976} } @Book{creasey1978, sortname = {Creasey, Morton}, author = {Creasey, John}, nameaddon = {Anthony Morton, pseud.}, title = {Hide the Baron}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Walker}, year = {1978} } @Book{creasey1966, sortname = {Creasey, York}, author = {Creasey, John}, nameaddon = {Jeremy York, pseud.}, title = {Death to My Killer}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Macmillan}, year = {1966} } % 14.82 Alternative real names @Book{doniger2000, author = {Doniger, Wendy}, title = {The Bedtrick}, sorttitle = {Bedtrick}, subtitle = {Tales of Sex and Masquerade}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2000} } @Misc{oflaherty, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Doniger, Wendy}, sorttitle = {See also}, userb = {\emph{See also} O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger} } % 14.83 Authors known by a given name @Book{elizabeth2000, author = {{Elizabeth I}}, title = {Collected Works}, editor = {Marcus, Leah S. and Mueller, Janel and Rose, Mary Beth}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2000} } % 14.84 Organization as author @Book{iso1997,% see also 15.37 keywords = {notinref}, author = {{International Organization for Standardization}}, % shortauthor = {ISO}, title = {Information and Documentation\,—\,Rules for the Abbreviation of Title Words and Titles of Publications}, shorttitle = {Information and Documentation}, series = {ISO}, number = {4}, address = {Paris}, publisher = {ISO}, year = {1997} } % 14.89 Subtitles in cited works and the use of the colon @Book{gladwell2013, author = {Gladwell, Malcolm}, title = {David and Goliath}, subtitle = {Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Little, Brown}, year = {2013} } % 14.90 Two subtitles in a cited work @Book{sereny1999, author = {Sereny, Gitta}, title = {Cries Unheard}, subtitle = {Why Children Kill; The Story of Mary Bell}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Metropolitan Books / Henry Holt}, year = {1999} } % 14.92 “And other stories” and such @Book{maclean1976, author = {Maclean, Norman}, title = {A River Runs through It, and Other Stories}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1976} } % 14.93 Dates in titles of cited works @Book{beiser2014, author = {Beiser, Frederick C.}, title = {After Hegel}, subtitle = {German Philosophy, 1840–1900}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, year = {2014} } % 14.94 Quoted titles and other terms within cited titles of works @Book{levitt2014, author = {Levitt, Steven D. and Dubner, Stephen J.}, title = {Think Like a Freak}, subtitle = {The Authors of \mkbibquote{Freak\-o\-nom\-ics} Offer to Retrain Your Brain}, address = {New York}, publisher = {William Morrow}, year = {2014} } @Book{mchugh1980, author = {McHugh, Roland}, title = {Annotations to \mkbibquote{Finnegan's Wake}}, address = {Baltimore}, publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press}, year = {1980} } % 14.95 Italicized titles and other terms within cited titles of works @Book{vanwagenen1973, author = {Van Wagenen, Gertrude and Simpson, Miriam E.}, title = {Postnatal Development of the Ovary in \emph{Homo sapiens} and \emph{Macaca mulatta} and Induction of Ovulation in the Ma\-caque}, address = {New Haven, CT}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, year = {1973} } % 14.96 Question marks or exclamation points in titles of cited works @Book{berra2002, author = {Berra, Yogi}, title = {What Time Is It? You Mean Now? Advice for Life from the Zennest Master of Them All}, shorttitle = {What Time Is It?}, note = {with Dave Kaplan}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Simon \& Schuster}, year = {2002} } @Book{oram2007, author = {Oram, Alison}, title = {Her Husband Was a Woman!}, subtitle = {Women's Gender-Crossing and British Popular Culture}, address = {London}, publisher = {Routledge}, year = {2007} } @Article{tessler2014, author = {Tessler, Michael and Truhn, Kam M. and Bliss-Moreau, Meghan and Wehr, John D.}, title = {Diversity and Distribution of Stream Bryophytes}, subtitle = {Does pH Matter?}, journal = {Freshwater Science}, volume = {33}, number = {3}, date = {2014-09}, pages = {778–87} } @Article{batson1990, author = {Batson, C. Daniel}, title = {How Social Is the Animal?}, subtitle = {The Human Capacity for Caring}, journal = {American Psychologist}, volume = {45}, date = {1990-03}, pages = {336–46} } % 14.99 Translated titles of cited works @Book{wereszycki1977, author = {Wereszycki, Henryk}, title = {Koniec sojuszu trzech cesarzy}, titleaddon = {The end of the Three Emperors' League}, address = {Warsaw}, publisher = {PWN}, year = {1977} } @Article{kern1938, author = {Kern, W.}, title = {Waar verzamelde Pigafetta zijn Maleise woorden?}, titleaddon = {Where did Pigafetta collect his Malaysian words?}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en vol\-ken\-kun\-de}, volume = {78}, year = {1938}, pages = {271–73} } @Book{pirumova1977a, author = {Pirumova, Natalia Mikhailovna}, title = {Zemskoe liberal'noe dvizhenie}, subtitle = {Sotsial'nye korni i evoliutsiia do nachala XX veka}, titleaddon = {The zemstvo liberal movement: Its social roots and evolution to the beginning of the twentieth century}, address = {Moscow}, publisher = {Izdatel'stvo \mkbibquote{Nau\-ka}}, year = {1977} } @Book{pirumova1977b, author = {Pirumova, N. M.}, title = {The Zemstvo Liberal Movement}, subtitle = {Its Social Roots and Evolution to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century}, titleaddon = {in Russian}, address = {Moscow}, publisher = {Izdatel'stvo \mkbibquote{Nau\-ka}}, year = {1977} } @Book{furet1999,% see also 14.59 author = {Furet, François}, title = {The Passing of an Illusion}, % shorthand = {\emph{PI}}, shorthandintro = {\mkbibparens{hereafter cited in text as \printfield{shorthand}}}, translator = {Furet, Deborah}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1999}, origtitle = {Le passé d'une illusion}, origlocation = {Paris}, origpublisher = {Éditions Robert Laffont}, origdate = {1995} } % 14.101 Form of author's name and title of book in source citations @Book{gawande2014, author = {Gawande, Atul}, title = {Being Mortal}, subtitle = {Medicine and What Matters in the End}, address = {London}, publisher = {Profile Books}, year = {2014} } % 14.103 Editor in place of author @Book{egan2014, editor = {Egan, Jennifer}, title = {The Best American Short Stories, 2014}, shorttitle = {Best American Short Stories}, address = {Boston}, publisher = {Houghton Mifflin Harcourt}, year = {2014} } @Book{schechter2011, editor = {Schechter, Harold, and Kurt Brown}, editortype = {compiler}, title = {Killer Verse}, subtitle = {Poems of Murder and Mayhem}, address = {London}, publisher = {Everyman Paperback Classics}, year = {2011} } @Book{silverstein1974, translator = {Silverstein, Theodore}, title = {Sir Gawain and the Green Knight}, shorttitle = {Sir Gawain}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1974} } % 14.104 Editor or translator in addition to author @Collection{bonnefoy1995, author = {Bonnefoy, Yves}, title = {New and Selected Poems}, editor = {Naughton, John and Ru\-dolf, Anthony}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1995} } @Book{menchu1999, options = {swaptrans}, author = {Menchú, Rigoberta}, title = {Crossing Borders}, editor = {Wright, Ann}, translator = {Wright, Ann}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Verso}, year = {1999} } @Collection{adorno1999, author = {Adorno, Theodor W. and Benjamin, Walter}, title = {The Complete Correspondence, 1928–1940}, editor = {Lonitz, Henri}, translator = {Walker, Nicholas}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, year = {1999} } @Book{pound1953, options = {swapauth}, sortname = {Eliot, T. S.}, author = {Pound, Ezra}, title = {Literary Essays}, editor = {Eliot, T. S.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {New Directions}, year = {1953} } % 14.105 Other contributors listed on the title page @Book{chaucer1966, options = {noauth}, author = {Chaucer}, title = {Chaucer Life-Records}, editor = {Crow, Martin M. and Olson, Clair C.}, editoraddon = {from materials compiled by John M. Manly and Edith Richert, with the assistance of Lilian J. Redstone et al.}, address = {London}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = {1966} } @Book{cullen1961, author = {Cullen, John B.}, title = {Old Times in the Faulkner Country}, note = {in collaboration with Floyd C. Watkins}, address = {Chapel Hill}, publisher = {University of North Carolina Press}, year = {1961} } @Book{hayek1994, author = {Hayek, F. A.}, title = {The Road to Serfdom}, note = {with a new introduction by Milton Friedman}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1994} } @Book{prather1998, author = {Prather, Marla}, title = {Alexander Calder, 1898–1976}, note = {with contributions by Arnauld Pierre and Alexander S. C. Rower}, address = {New Haven, CT}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, year = {1998} } @Collection{williams1990, author = {Williams, Joseph M.}, title = {Style}, subtitle = {Toward Clarity and Grace}, note = {with two chapters coauthored by Gregory G. Colomb}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1995} } % 14.106 Chapter in a single-author book @InCollection{brower2015.8, author = {Brower, Kate Andersen}, title = {Backstairs Gossip and Mischief}, pages = {207–22}, crossref = {brower2015} } @Collection{brower2015, author = {Brower, Kate Andersen}, title = {The Residence}, subtitle = {Inside the Private World of the White House}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Harper}, year = {2015} } @InCollection{samples2006.7, title = {The Origins of Modern Campaign Finance Law}, shorttitle = {Campaign Finance Law}, chapter = {7}, crossref = {samples2006} } @Book{samples2006, author = {Samples, John}, title = {The Fallacy of Campaign Finance Reform}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2006} } % 14.107 Contribution to a multiauthor book @InCollection{miller2014, author = {Miller, Ruth A.}, title = {Posthuman}, crossref = {stimpson2014} } @Collection{stimpson2014, editor = {Stimpson, Cath\-ar\-ine R. and Herdt, Gilbert}, title = {Critical Terms for the Study of Gender}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2014} } @InCollection{ellet1968, author = {Ellet, Elizabeth F. L.}, title = {By Rail and Stage to Galena}, pages = {271–79}, crossref = {angle1968} } % 14.108 Several contributions to the same multiauthor book % 15.42 Cross-references to multiauthor books in reference lists @InCollection{keating1968, author = {Keating, William H.}, title = {Fort Dearborn and Chicago}, pages = {84–87}, crossref = {angle1968} } @InCollection{lippincott1968, author = {Lippincott, Sara Clarke}, title = {Chicago}, pages = {362–70}, crossref = {angle1968} } @Collection{angle1968, editor = {Angle, Paul M.}, title = {Prairie State}, subtitle = {Impressions of Illinois, 1673–1967, by Travelers and Other Observers}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1968} } @InCollection{draper1987, author = {Draper, Joan E.}, title = {Paris by the Lake}, subtitle = {Sources of Burnham's Plan of Chicago}, pages = {107–19}, crossref = {zukowsky1987} } @InCollection{harrington1987, author = {Harrington, Elaine}, title = {International Influences on Henry Hobson Richardson's Glessner House}, pages = {189–207}, crossref = {zukowsky1987} } @Collection{zukowsky1987, editor = {Zu\-kow\-sky, John}, title = {Chicago Architecture, 1872–1922}, subtitle = {Birth of a Metropolis}, shorttitle = {Chicago Architecture}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = {Prestel-Verlag in association with the Art Institute of Chicago}, year = {1987} } % 14.109 Book-length work within a book @InBook{bernard1990a, title = {A Party for Boris}, crossref = {bernard1990} } @Collection{bernard1990, author = {Bernard, Thomas}, title = {Histrionics}, subtitle = {Three Plays}, translator = {Jansen, Peter K. and Northcott, Kenneth}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1990} } @InBook{updike1995a, title = {Rabbit, Run}, crossref = {updike1995b} } @Collection{updike1995b, author = {Updike, John}, title = {Rabbit Angstrom}, subtitle = {A Tetralogy}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Everyman's Library}, year = {1995} } % 14.110 Introductions, prefaces, afterwords, and the like @InCollection{morrison2004b.f, foreword = {Morrison, Toni}, crossref = {morrison2004b} } @Book{morrison2004b,% see also 14.34 author = {Morrison, Toni}, title = {Song of Solomon}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Vintage International}, year = {2004} } @InCollection{mansfield2000, options = {swaptrans}, introduction = {Mansfield, Harvey, and Delba Winthrop}, pages = {xvii–lxxxvi}, crossref = {tocqueville2000} } @Book{tocqueville2000, options = {swaptrans}, sortname = {Mansfield, Harvey}, author = {Tocqueville, Alexis de}, title = {Democracy in America}, editor = {Mansfield, Harvey, and Delba Winthrop}, translator = {Mansfield, Harvey, and Delba Winthrop}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2000} } % 14.111 Letters in published collections @Letter{adams1867, title = {Adams to Charles Milnes Gaskell, Baden, September 22, 1867}, crossref = {adams1930} } @Collection{adams1930, author = {Adams, Henry}, editor = {Ford, Worthington Chauncey}, title = {Letters of Henry Adams, 1858–1891}, address = {Boston}, publisher = {Houghton Mifflin}, year = {1930} } @Letter{jackson1676, author = {Jackson, Paulina}, title = {Paulina Jackson to John Pepys Junior, October 3, 1676}, number = {42}, crossref = {pepys1955} } @Collection{pepys1955, editor = {Heath, Helen Truesdell}, title = {The Letters of Samuel Pepys and His Family Circle}, address = {Oxford}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, year = {1955} } % 14.113 Editions other than the first @Book{einsohn2011, author = {Einsohn, Amy}, title = {The Copyeditor's Handbook}, subtitle = {A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications, with Exercises and Answer Keys}, edition = {3}, address = {Berkeley}, publisher = {University of California Press}, year = {2011} } @Book{boudett2013, editor = {Boudett, Kathryn Parker and City, Elizabeth A. and Murnane, Richard J.}, title = {Data Wise}, subtitle = {A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning}, % edition = {rev. ed.},% alternative to below: edition = {revised}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, publisher = {Harvard Education Press}, year = {2013} } @Book{strunk2000, author = {Strunk, Jr., William and White, E. B.}, title = {The Elements of Style}, edition = {4}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Allyn {and} Bacon}, year = {2000} } % 14.114 Reprint editions and modern editions @Book{barzun1994, author = {Barzun, Jacques}, title = {Simple and Direct}, subtitle = {A Rhetoric for Writers}, % edition = {rev. ed.},% alternative to below: edition = {revised}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, origdate = {1985}, year = {1994} } @Book{bahadur2014, author = {Bahadur, Gaiutra}, title = {Coolie Woman}, subtitle = {The Odyssey of Indenture}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2014}, addendum = {first published 2013 by C. Hurst (London)} } @Book{emerson1985, author = {Emerson, Ralph Waldo}, title = {Nature}, address = {Boston}, publisher = {Beacon}, note = {facsimile of the first edition, with an introduction by Jar\-o\-slav Pelikan}, origdate = {1836}, year = {1985} } @Book{schweitzer1966, author = {Schweitzer, Albert}, title = {J. S. Bach}, translator = {Newman, Ernest}, volumes = {2}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Dover}, origdate = {1911}, year = {1966} } % 14.115 Microform editions @Book{farwell1997, author = {Farwell, Beatrice}, title = {Lithography in Art and Commerce}, volume = {12}, maintitle = {French Popular Lithographic Imagery, 1815–1870}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1997}, howpublished = {microfiche} } @Thesis{tauber1958, author = {Tauber, Abraham}, title = {Spelling Reform in the United States}, type = {phdthesis}, institution = {Co\-lum\-bia University}, year = {1958}, howpublished = {microfilm} } % 14.117 Citing a multivolume work as a whole @Book{aristotle1983,% see also 14.251 author = {Aristotle}, title = {Complete Works of Aristotle}, subtitle = {The Revised Oxford Translation}, editor = {Barnes, J.}, volumes = {2}, series = {Bollingen Series}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, year = {1983} } @Collection{byrne1981, editor = {Byrne, Muriel St. Clare}, title = {The Lisle Letters}, shorttitle = {Lisle Letters}, volumes = {6}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1981} } @Collection{james1962, author = {James, Henry}, title = {The Complete Tales of Henry James}, shorttitle = {Complete Tales of Henry James}, sorttitle = {Complete Tales of Henry James}, editor = {Edel, Leon}, volumes = {12}, address = {London}, publisher = {Rupert Hart-Davis}, year = {1962–64}, sortyear = {1962} } % 14.118 Citing a particular volume in a note @Collection{james1963.5, options = {swapvol}, author = {James, Henry}, title = {1883–1884}, volume = {5}, maintitle = {The Complete Tales of Henry James}, shortmaintitle = {Complete Tales of Henry James}, sorttitle = {Complete Tales of Henry James}, editor = {Edel, Leon}, editortype = {maintitle}, volumes = {12}, address = {London}, publisher = {Rupert Hart-Davis}, year = {1963} } % 14.119 Citing a particular volume in a bibliography @Collection{carson2014, editor = {Armstrong, Tenisha}, title = {To Save the Soul of America, January 1961–August 1962}, volume = {7}, maintitle = {The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.}, editora = {Carson, Clayborne}, editoratype = {maintitle}, volumes = {14}, address = {Berkeley}, publisher = {University of California Press}, year = {2014} } @InBook{armstrong2014, editor = {Armstrong, Tenisha}, title = {To Save the Soul of America, January 1961–August 1962}, shorttitle = {To Save the Soul of America}, volume = {7}, year = {2014}, crossref = {carson1992} } @Collection{carson1992, editor = {Carson, Clayborne}, title = {The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.}, volumes = {14}, address = {Berkeley}, publisher = {University of California Press}, year = {1992–} } % 14.120 Chapters and other parts of individual volumes @InCollection{chen2010.3, author = {Chen Jian}, title = {China and the Cold War after Mao}, pages = {181–200}, crossref = {leffler2010} } @Collection{leffler2010, editor = {Leffler, Melvyn P. and Westad, Odd Arne}, title = {Endings}, volume = {3}, maintitle = {The Cambridge History of the Cold War}, address = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {2010} } @Letter{king2014, author = {King, Jr., Martin Luther}, title = {Unpublished letter to the editor of the \emph{Afro-American} (Washington, DC)}, shorttitle = {Letter to the \emph{Afro-American}}, % crossref = {carson2014} crossref = {armstrong2014} } % 14.121 One volume in two or more books @Book{lach1977, author = {Lach, Donald}, title = {The Scholarly Disciplines}, volume = {2}, part = {bk. 3}, maintitle = {Asia in the Making of Europe}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1977} } @InBook{harley1994, editor = {Harley, J. B. and Woodward, David}, title = {Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies}, volume = {2}, part = {bk. 2}, year = {1994}, crossref = {cartography1987} } @Collection{cartography1987, title = {The History of Cartography}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1987–} } % 14.122 Authors and editors of multivolume works @InBook{barrows1959, author = {Barrows, Herbert}, title = {Reading the Short Story}, volume = {1}, crossref = {gordon1959} } @Collection{gordon1959, editor = {Ray, Gordon N.}, title = {An Introduction to Literature}, address = {Boston}, publisher = {Houghton Mifflin}, year = {1959} } @InBook{donne1995, title = {The \mkbibquote{Anniversaries} and the \mkbibquote{Epicedes and Obsequies}}, editor = {Stringer, Gary A. and Pebworth, Ted-Larry}, volume = {6}, crossref = {stringer1995} } @Collection{stringer1995, author = {Donne, John}, editor = {Stringer, Gary A.}, title = {The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne}, address = {Bloomington}, publisher = {Indiana University Press}, year = {1995} } % 14.123 Series titles, numbers, and editors @Book{lei2014, author = {Lei, Sean Hsiang-lin}, title = {Neither Donkey nor Horse}, subtitle = {Medicine in the Struggle over China's Modernity}, series = {Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2014} } @Book{mazrim2011, author = {Mazrim, Robert F.}, title = {At Home in the Illinois Country}, subtitle = {French Colonial Domestic Site Archaeology in the Midwest, 1730–1800}, series = {Studies in Illinois Archaeology}, number = {9}, address = {Urbana}, publisher = {Illinois State Archaeological Survey}, year = {2011} } @Book{wauchope1950, author = {Wauchope, Robert}, title = {A Tentative Sequence of Pre-Classic Ceramics in Middle America}, series = {Middle American Research Records}, volume = {1}, number = {14}, address = {New Orleans}, publisher = {Tulane University}, year = {1950} } @Book{allen2009, author = {Allen, Judith A.}, title = {The Feminism of Charlotte Perkins Gilman}, subtitle = {Sexualities, Histories, Progressivism}, series = {Women in Culture and Society}, editor = {Stimpson, Catharine R.}, editortype = {series}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2009} } % 14.124 Series or multivolume work? @Book{boyer1986, editor = {Boyer, John W. and Kirshner, Julius}, title = {Readings in Western Civilization}, volumes = {9}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1986–87} } @Book{cochrane1987, author = {Cochrane, Eric W. and Gray, Charles K. and Kishlansky, Mark}, title = {Early Modern Europe}, subtitle = {Crisis of Authority}, series = {Readings in Western Civilization}, number = {vol. 6}, editor = {Boyer, John W. and Kirshner, Julius}, editortype = {series}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1987} } % 14.126 “Old series” and “new series” @Book{boxer1953, editor = {Boxer, Charles R.}, title = {South China in the Sixteenth Century}, series = {Hakluyt Society Publications}, seriesaddon = {2nd ser.}, number = {vol. 106}, address = {London}, publisher = {Hakluyt}, year = {1953} } @Book{palmatary1950, author = {Palmatary, Helen C.}, title = {The Pottery of Maraj\'o Island, Brazil}, series = {Transactions of the American Philosophical Society}, seriesaddon = {n.s.}, number = {39}, part = {3}, address = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {American Philosophical Society}, year = {1950} } % 14.127 Place, publisher, and date @Book{woolf1927, author = {Woolf, Virginia}, title = {To the Lighthouse}, address = {London}, publisher = {Hogarth Press}, year = {1927} } % 14.128 Place and date only, for books published before 1900 @Book{goldsmith1766, author = {Goldsmith, Oliver}, title = {The Vicar of Wakefield}, address = {Salisbury}, year = {1766} } @Book{cervantes1605, author = {Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de}, title = {El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha}, volumes = {2}, address = {Madrid}, year = {1605–15} } % 14.132 No place of publication @Book{windsor1910, options = {skipbib}, publisher = {Windsor}, year = {1910} } @Book{vliet1890, options = {skipbib}, address = {[Lake Bluff, IL?]}, publisher = {Vliet \& Edwards}, year = {1890} } % 14.137 Self-published or privately published books @Book{karavaev2015, author = {Karavaev, Vasiliy}, title = {GOA}, subtitle = {Confession of the Psychedelic Oyster}, publisher = {\bibstring{selfpub}}, year = {2015}, howpublished = {\lowercase{i}\-Books} } @Book{shumaker2014, author = {Shumaker, O. W.}, title = {Anna's Bear}, subtitle = {5 Days of Moral Conflict and Pursuit, Nazi Germany, 1939}, publisher = {\bibstring{selfpub}, Amazon Digital Services}, year = {2014}, howpublished = {Kindle} } % 14.140 Copublication @Book{strauss1962, author = {Lévi-Strauss, Claude}, title = {The Savage Mind}, address = {Chicago and London}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press and Weidenfeld {and} Nicolson}, year = {1962} } % 14.141 Distributed books @Book{willke2007, author = {Willke, Helmut}, title = {Smart Governance}, subtitle = {Governing the Global Knowledge Society}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, publisher = {Campus Verlag}, year = {2007}, addendum = {Distributed by University of Chicago Press} } % 14.142 Publication Date---General @Book{chicago2010, author = {{University of Chicago Press}}, title = {The Chicago Manual of Style}, edition = {16}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2010} } @Book{turabian2013, author = {Turabian, Kate L.}, title = {A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations}, edition = {8}, editor = {Booth, Wayne C. and Colomb, Gregory G. and Williams, Joseph M. and {the University of Chicago Press Staff}}, editortype = {reviser}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2013} } % 14.144 Multivolume works published over more than one year % 15.41 Multivolume works published over more than one year @InBook{hayek2011, title = {The Constitution of Liberty}, subtitle = {The Definitive Edition}, editor = {Ham\-o\-wy, Ronald}, volume = {17}, year = {2011}, crossref = {hayek1988} } @Collection{hayek1988, author = {Hayek, F. A.}, editor = {Bruce Caldwell}, title = {The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1988–} } @Book{tillich1951, author = {Tillich, Paul}, title = {Systematic Theology}, volumes = {3}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {1951–63} } % 14.145 No date of publication @Book{boston, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, address = {Boston} } @Book{edinburgh1750, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, address = {Edinburgh}, year = {[1750?]} } @Book{edinburgh, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, address = {Edinburgh}, year = {n.d., ca. 1750} } % 14.146 Forthcoming publications @Book{author, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Author, Jane Q.}, title = {Book Title}, address = {Place}, publisher = {Publisher}, year = {forthcoming} } @Book{writer, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Writer, John J.}, title = {Another Book Title}, address = {Place}, publisher = {Publisher}, year = {forthcoming} } @InCollection{contributor, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Contributor, Anna}, title = {Contribution}, crossref = {editor} } @Collection{editor, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, title = {Edited Volume}, editor = {Editor, Ellen}, address = {Place}, publisher = {Publisher}, year = {forthcoming} } % 14.159 Books requiring a specific application or device (e-books) @Book{borel2015, author = {Borel, Brooke}, title = {Infested}, subtitle = {How the Bed Bug Infiltrated Our Bedrooms and Took Over the World}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2015}, howpublished = {Adobe Digital Editions EPUB} } % 14.161 Books consulted online @Book{bonds2014, author = {Bonds, Mark Evan}, title = {Absolute Music}, subtitle = {The History of an Idea}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = {2014}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199343638.001.0001} } @Book{lystra2004, author = {Lystra, Karen}, title = {Dangerous Intimacy}, subtitle = {The Untold Story of Mark Twain's Final Years}, address = {Berkeley}, publisher = {University of California Press}, year = {2004}, url = {http://ark.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt8779q6kr/} } % 14.162 Freely available electronic editions of older works @Book{james2008, author = {James, Henry}, title = {The Ambassadors}, sorttitle = {Ambassadors}, publisher = {Project Gutenberg}, year = {2008}, origlocation = {New York}, origyear = {1909}, sortyear = {1910},% sort after james1909 url = {http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/432} } @Book{james1909, options = {listvols}, author = {James, Henry}, title = {The Ambassadors}, sorttitle = {Ambassadors}, volumes = {2}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Charles Scribner's Sons}, year = {1909}, url = {https://books.google.com/books?id=WYlUAAAAYAAJ} } % 14.163 Books on CD-ROM and other fixed media @Book{chicago2003, author = {{University of Chicago Press}}, title = {The Chicago Manual of Style}, edition = {15}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2003}, howpublished = {CD-ROM} } % 14.171 Journal volume, issue, and date @Article{lock2015, author = {Lock, Margaret}, title = {Comprehending the Body in the Era of the Epigenome}, journal = {Current Anthropology}, volume = {56}, number = {2}, date = {2015-04}, pages = {151–77}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/680350} } @Article{wesoky2015, author = {Wesoky, Sharon R.}, title = {Bringing the \emph{Jia} Back into \emph{Guojia}}, subtitle = {Engendering Chinese Intellectual Politics}, journal = {Signs}, volume = {40}, number = {3}, date = {2015-21}, pages = {647–66}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/679524} } @Article{harper2014, author = {Harper, David G.}, title = {Bringing Accommodation into Focus}, subtitle = {The Several Discoveries of the Ciliary Muscle}, journal = {JAMA Ophthalmology}, volume = {132}, number = {5}, date = {2014-05}, pages = {645–48}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2013.5525} } @Article{wilder2013, author = {Wilder, Lina Perkins}, title = {`My Exion Is Entered'}, subtitle = {Anatomy, Costume, and Theatrical Knowledge in 2 Henry IV}, journal = {Renaissance Drama}, volume = {41}, number = {1/2}, issue = {Fall},% '2013-23' in date prints 'Autumn 2013' year = {2013}, pages = {60}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1086/673907} } @Article{beattie1974, author = {Beattie, J. M.}, title = {The Pattern of Crime in England, 1660–1800}, shorttitle = {The Pattern of Crime}, journal = {Past and Present}, number = {62}, date = {1974-02}, pages = {47–95}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/650463} } % 14.172 Forthcoming journal articles @Article{authora, author = {Author, Margaret M.}, title = {Article Title}, journal = {Journal Name}, volume = {98}, year = {forthcoming} } % 14.174 Journal page references @Article{gold2015, author = {Gold, Ann Grodzins}, title = {Grains of Truth}, subtitle = {Shifting Hierarchies of Food and Grace in Three Rajasthani Tales}, journal = {History of Religions}, volume = {38}, number = {2}, date = {1998}, pages = {150–71} } @Article{paudyal2015, author = {Paudyal, Priyamvada and Llewellyn, Carrie and Lau, Jason and Mahmud, Mohammad and Smith, Helen}, title = {Obtaining Self-Samples to Diagnose Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections}, subtitle = {A Systematic Review of Patients' Experiences}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, date = {2015}, eid = {e0124310}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0124310} } % 14.175 Journal articles consulted online @Article{whitney1929, author = {Whitney, Frank P.}, title = {The Six-Year High School in Cleveland}, journal = {School Review}, volume = {37}, number = {4}, date = {1929-04}, pages = {267–71}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1078814} } @Article{schoenfield2016, author = {Schoenfield, Miriam}, title = {Moral Vagueness Is Ontic Vagueness}, journal = {Ethics}, volume = {126}, number = {2}, year = {2016}, pages = {260–61}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/683541} } % 14.176 Access dates for journal articles @Article{narr2015, author = {Narr, Charlotte F. and Krist, Amy C.}, title = {Host Diet Alters Trematode Replication and Elemental Composition}, shorttitle = {Host Diet}, journal = {Freshwater Science}, volume = {34}, number = {1}, date = {2015-03}, pages = {81–91}, urldate = {2017-08-01}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1086/679411} } % 14.178 Journal special issues @Article{tezuka2013, author = {Tezuka, Miwako}, title = {Jikken Kōbō and Takiguchi Shūzō}, subtitle = {The New Deal Collectivism of 1950s Japan}, issuetitle = {\mkbibquote{Collectivism in Twentieth-Century Japanese Art}}, editor = {Tomii, Reiko, and Yoshimoto, Midori}, editortype = {issuetitle}, journal = {Positions: Asia Critique}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, date = {2013-21}, pages = {351--81}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1215/10679847-2018283} } % 14.180 Articles published in installments @Article{brown1978, editor = {Brown, George C.}, title = {A Swedish Traveler in Early Wisconsin}, subtitle = {The Observations of Fredrika Bremer}, part = {1}, journal = {Wisconsin Magazine of History}, volume = {61}, date = {1978-22}, pages = {300–318} } % 14.182 Place where journal is published @Article{luu1999, author = {Luu, Diane-Dinh Kim}, title = {Diethylstilbestrol and Media Coverage of the `Morning After' Pill}, journal = {Lost in Thought: Undergraduate Research Journal}, address = {Indiana University South Bend}, volume = {2}, year = {1999}, pages = {65–70} } @Article{garrett1975, author = {Garrett, Marvin P.}, title = {Language and Design in \emph{Pippa Passes}}, journal = {Victorian Poetry}, address = {West Virginia University}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, year = {1975}, pages = {47–60} } % 14.183 Translated or edited article @Article{authorb, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Author, Arthur Q.}, title = {Article Title}, translator = {Translator, Tim Z.}, journal = {Journal Title...} } @Article{authorc, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Author, Arthur Q.}, title = {Article Title}, editor = {Editor, Edward A.}, journal = {Journal Title...} } % 14.184 New series for journal volumes @Article{sewall1896, sortname = {Proceedings}, title = {Letter of Jonathan Sewall}, journal = {Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society}, series = {2nd ser.}, volume = {10}, date = {1896-01}, pages = {414} } @Article{moraes1950, author = {Moraes, G. M.}, title = {St. Francis Xavier, Apostolic Nuncio, 1542–52}, journal = {Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society}, series = {n.s.}, volume = {26}, year = {1950}, pages = {279–313} } % 14.185 Short titles for articles @Article{rosenblum2015, author = {Rosenblum, Daniel}, title = {Unintended Consequences of Women's Inheritance Rights on Female Mortality in India}, shorttitle = {Female Mortality in India}, journal = {Economic Development and Cultural Change}, volume = {63}, number = {2}, date = {2015-01}, pages = {223-48}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/679059} } % 14.186 Abstracts @Article{matute2015, author = {Matute, Daniel R.}, title = {Noisy Neighbors Can Hamper the Evolution of Reproductive Isolation by Reinforcing Selection}, note = {abstract}, journal = {American Naturalist}, volume = {185}, number = {2}, date = {2015-02}, pages = {253–69}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/679504} } % 14.188 Basic citation format for magazine articles @Article{saulnier2008, author = {Saulnier, Beth}, title = {From Vine to Wine}, journal = {Cornell Alumni Magazine}, date = {2008-09/2008-10} } @Article{lepore2015, author = {Lepore, Jill}, title = {The Man Who Broke the Music Business}, journal = {New Yorker}, date = {2015-04-27} } % 14.189 Magazine articles consulted online @Article{vick2015, author = {Vick, Karl}, title = {Cuba on the Cusp}, journal = {Time}, date = {2015-03-26}, url = {http://time.com/3759629/cuba-us-policy/} } @Article{hanemann1926, author = {Hanemann, Henry William}, title = {French as She Is Now Spoken}, journal = {Life}, date = {1926-08-26}, howpublished = {ProQuest} } % 14.190 Magazine departments @Article{marx2015, author = {Marx, Patricia}, title = {Big Skyline}, note = {Talk of the Town}, journal = {New Yorker}, date = {2015-04-27}, url = {http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/04/27/big-skyline} } @Article{wallraff2008, author = {Wallraff, Barbara}, note = {Word Fugitives}, journal = {Atlantic Monthly}, date = {2008-07/2008-08} } @Article{gourmet2000, journal = {Gourmet}, note = {Kitchen Notebook}, date = {2000-05} } % 14.191 Basic citation format for newspaper articles @Article{editorial1990, journal = {Philadelphia Inquirer}, note = {Editorial}, date = {1990-07-30} } @Article{royko1992, author = {Royko, Mike}, title = {Next Time, Dan, Take Aim at Arnold}, journal = {Chicago Tribune}, date = {1992-09-23} } @Article{forester2000, sortname = {{Lake Forester}}, title = {Pushcarts Evolve to Trendy Kiosks}, journal = {Lake Forester}, address = {Lake Forest, IL}, date = {2000-03-23} } @Article{samenow2016, author = {Samenow, Jason}, title = {Blizzard Warning}, subtitle = {High Winds, About Two Feet of Snow Forecast for D.C. Area}, journal = {Washington Post}, date = {2016-01-21T15:55:00}, timezone = {EST},% 'EST' won't go in 'date' because it uses UTC url = {https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2016/01/21/blizzard-warning-high-winds-around-two-feet-of-snow-forecast-for-d-c-area/} } % 14.195 Regular columns or features @Article{jaffe2015, author = {Jaffe, Marc}, title = {Finding Love in Seesawing Libidos}, note = {Modern Love}, journal = {New York Times}, date = {2015-03-06}, url = {http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/08/style/finding-equilibrium-in-seesawing-libidos.html} } @Article{editorial2015, sortname = {{New York Times}}, title = {Junk Science at the F.B.I.}, journal = {New York Times}, note = {editorial}, date = {2015-04-27}, url = {http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/27/opinion/junk-science-at-the-fbi.html} } % 14.197 Weekend supplements, magazines, and the like @Article{ghansah2015, author = {Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi}, title = {What Toni Morrison Saw}, journal = {New York Times Magazine}, date = {2015-04-12}, pages = {48} } % 14.199 Unsigned newspaper articles % 15.49 Newspapers and magazines in reference lists @Article{nytimes2002, sortname = {{New York Times}}, title = {In Texas, Ad Heats Up Race for Governor}, journal = {New York Times}, date = {2002-07-30} } % 14.200 News services and news releases @Article{ap2015, author = {{Associated Press}}, title = {Texas A\&M Galveston Professor Fails Entire Class, Quits Course}, journal = {Dallas Morning News}, date = {2015-04-28}, url = {http://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/headlines/20150428-texas-am-galveston-professor-fails-entire-class-quits-course.ece} } % 14.202 Book reviews @Review{ratliff1999, author = {Ratliff, Ben}, journal = {Lingua Franca}, volume = {9}, date = {1999-04}, pages = {B13–B14}, crossref = {vianna1999} } @Book{vianna1999, author = {Vianna, Hermano}, title = {The Mystery of Samba}, subtitle = {Popular Music and National Identity in Brazil}, editor = {Chasteen, John Charles}, translator = {Chasteen, John Charles}, address = {Chapel Hill}, publisher = {University of North Carolina Press}, year = {1999} } @Review{kamp2006, author = {Kamp, David}, title = {Deconstructing Dinner}, journal = {New York Times}, date = {2006-04-23}, edition = {Sunday Book Review}, url = {http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/23/books/review/23kamp.html}, crossref = {pollan2006} } @Book{pollan2006, title = {The Omnivore's Dilemma}, subtitle = {A Natural History of Four Meals}, author = {Pollan, Michael}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Penguin Press}, year = {2006} } @Review{brehm2015, author = {Brehm, William C}, journal = {Comparative Education Review}, volume = {59}, number = {1}, date = {2015-02}, pages = {177–79}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1086/679296}, crossref = {uetricht2014} } @Book{uetricht2014, author = {Uetricht, Micah}, title = {Strike for America}, subtitle = {Chicago Teachers against Austerity}, address = {London}, publisher = {Verso}, year = {2014} } % 14.204 Unsigned reviews @Review{zeitung1828, sortname = {Ergänzungsblätter}, journal = {Ergänzungsblätter zur Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung}, date = {1828-02}, number = {23–24}, crossref = {ranke} } @Book{ranke, author = {Ranke, Le\-o\-pold von}, title = {Ge\-schich\-ten der romanischen und germanischen Völker}, shorttitle = {Geschichten} } % 14.208 Citing blog posts and blogs % 15.51 Citing blogs in author-date format @Online{germano2017, author = {Germano, William}, title = {Futurist Shock}, blogtitle = {Lingua Franca}, blogtitleaddon = {blog}, journal = {Chronicle of Higher Education}, date = {2017-02-15}, url = {http://www.chronicle.com/blogs/linguafranca/2017/02/15/futurist-shock/} } @Online{amlen2015, author = {Amlen, Deb}, title = {One Who Gives a Hoot}, blogtitle = {Wordplay}, blogtitleaddon = {blog}, journal = {New York Times}, date = {2015-01-26}, url = {http://wordplay.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/01/26/one-who-gives-a-hoot/} } @Online{amlen, keywords = {notinref},% not for reference lists (see 15.51) editor = {Amlen, Deb}, blogtitle = {Wordplay}, blogtitleaddon = {blog}, journal = {New York Times}, url = {http://wordplay.blogs.nytimes.com/} } @Online{linguafranca, keywords = {notinref},% not for reference lists (see 15.51) blogtitle = {Lingua Franca}, blogtitleaddon = {blog}, journal = {Chronicle of Higher Education}, url = {http://www.chronicle.com/blogs/linguafranca/} } @Online{jim2017, keywords = {notinref},% not for reference lists (see 15.52) author = {Jim}, date = {2017-02-16}, howpublished = {comment on Germano, \mkbibquote{Futurist Shock}}, url = {http://www.chronicle.com/blogs/linguafranca/2017/02/15/futurist-shock/#comment-3158909472} } % 14.209 Citing social media content % 15.52 Citing social media content in author-date format @Online{diaz2016, author = {Díaz, Junot}, title = {Always surprises my students when I tell them that the `real' medieval was more diverse than the fake ones most of us consume}, organization = {Facebook}, date = {2016-02-24}, url = {https://www.facebook.com/junotdiaz.writer/posts/972495572815454} } @Online{obrien2015, author = {O’Brien, Conan}, handle = {@ConanOBrien}, title = {In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets}, organization = {Twitter}, date = {2015-04-22T11:10:00}, url = {https://twitter.com/ConanOBrien/status/590940792967016448} } @Online{chicago2015, author = {{Chicago Manual of Style}}, title = {Is the world ready for singular they? We thought so back in 1993}, organization = {Facebook}, date = {2015-04-17}, url = {https://www.facebook.com/ChicagoManual/posts/10152906193679151} } @Online{licis2016, keywords = {notinref},% not for reference lists (see 15.52) author = {Licis, Kristaps}, title = {But what is the surprise here?}, date = {2016-02-24}, howpublished = {comment on Díaz, \mkbibquote{Always surprises}}, url = {https://www.facebook.com/junotdiaz.writer/posts/972495572815454?comment_id=972558569475821} } % 14.215 Theses and dissertations @Thesis{vedrashko2006, author = {Vedrashko, Ilya}, title = {Advertising in Computer Games}, type = {mathesis}, institution = {MIT}, year = {2006}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/39144} } @Thesis{choi2008, author = {Choi, Mihwa}, title = {Contesting \emph{Imaginaires} in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty}, type = {phdthesis}, institution = {University of Chicago}, year = {2008}, howpublished = {ProQuest (AAT 3300426)} } % 14.217 Lectures and papers or posters presented at meetings @Unpublished{hong2015, author = {Hong, Viviana}, title = {Censorship in Children's Literature during Argentina's Dirty War (1976–1983)}, type = {lecture}, institution = {University of Chicago}, address = {Chicago, IL}, date = {2015-04-30} } % 14.218 Working papers and the like @Unpublished{lucki1980, author = {Lucki, Deborah D. and Pollay, Richard W.}, title = {Content Analyses of Advertising}, subtitle = {A Review of the Literature}, type = {working paper}, institution = {History of Advertising Archives, Faculty of Commerce, University of British Columbia}, address = {Vancouver}, year = {1980} } % 14.220 Pamphlets, reports, and the like @Report{lifestyles1996, title = {Lifestyles in Retirement}, series = {Library Series}, address = {New York}, publisher = {TIAA-CREF}, year = {1996} } @Report{mcdonalds2014, author = {{McDonald's Corporation}}, title = {2014 Annual Report}, date = {2015-03}, url = {http://www.aboutmcdonalds.com/mcd/investors/annual_reports.html} } @Report{standardtax1996, title = {Standard Federal Tax Reporter}, edition = {\thefield{year} ed.}, volume = {4}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = {Commerce Clearing House}, year = {1996} } % 14.232 Reference works consulted in physical formats @InReference{salvation1980, title = {salvation}, crossref = {britannica1980} } @Reference{britannica1980, organization = {{\emph{Encyclopaedia Britannica}}}, edition = {15}, year = {1980} } @InReference{hootananny2009, title = {hoot(e)\-nan\-ny, hoot\-a\-nan\-ny}, crossref = {oxford2009} } @Reference{oxford2009, organization = {{\emph{Oxford English Dictionary}}}, edition = {2}, howpublished = {CD-ROM}, version = {4.0}, year = {2009} } @Reference{dab1937, organization = {{\emph{Dictionary of American Biography}}}, title = {Wadsworth, Jeremiah}, year = {1937} } @Book{timestyle2003, options = {noauth}, sortname = {{Times Style}}, title = {The Times Style and Usage Guide}, editor = {Austin, Tim}, editortype = {compiler}, address = {London}, publisher = {Times Books}, year = {2003} } @Book{mla2008, title = {MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing}, edition = {3}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Modern Language Association of America}, year = {2008} } % 14.233: Reference works consulted online @InReference{toscanini2016, title = {Arturo Toscanini}, urldate = {2016-04-06}, url = {http://academic.eb.com/EBchecked/topic/600338/Arturo-Toscanini}, crossref = {britannica2016} } @Reference{britannica2016, organization = {{\emph{Encyclopaedia Britannica Online}}}, edition = {Academic ed\adddot}, } @Reference{cairns2016, organization = {{Grove Music Online}}, title = {Toscanini, Arturo}, author = {Cairns, David}, urldate = {2016-04-06}, url = {http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/28197} } @Reference{wikipedia2016, organization = {Wikipedia}, title = {Stevie Nicks}, version = {last modified April 2, 2016, 18:30}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevie_Nicks} } @Reference{merriam2016, organization = {\emph{Merriam-Webster}}, title = {app (n.)}, urldate = {2016-04-06}, url = {http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/app} } % 14.234 Citing individual reference entries by author @InCollection{isaacson2005, author = {Isaacson, Melissa}, title = {Bulls}, crossref = {reiff2005} } @Collection{reiff2005, editor = {Reiff, Janice L. and Keating, Ann Durkin and Grossman, James R.}, title = {Encyclopedia of Chicago}, publisher = {Chicago Historical Society}, year = {2005}, url = {http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/184.html}, } % 14.246 Citing specific editions of classical references @Book{epictetus1916, author = {Epictetus}, title = {Dissertationes}, editor = {Schenkl, Heinrich}, address = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Teubner}, year = {1916} } % 14.251 Modern editions of the classics @Book{maimonides1965, author = {Maimonides}, title = {The Code of Maimonides, Book 5}, subtitle = {The Book of Holiness}, editor = {Nemoy, Leon}, translator = {Rabinowitz, Louis I. and Grossman, Philip}, address = {New Haven, CT}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, year = {1965} } % 14.258 Patents % 15.55 Patents or other documents cited by more than one date @Patent{iizuka1986, author = {Iizuka, Masanori and Tanaka, Hideki}, title = {Cement admixture}, number = {US Patent 4,586,\hspace{0pt plus 1pt}960, filed June 26, 1984, and issued May 6, 1986}, year = {1986} } % 14.260 Citations taken from secondary sources @Article{zukofsky1931, author = {Zukofsky, Louis}, title = {Sincerity and Objectification}, journal = {Poetry}, volume = {37}, date = {1931-02}, pages = {272–285} } @Book{costello1981, author = {Costello, Bonnie}, title = {Marianne Moore}, subtitle = {Imaginary Possessions}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, year = {1981} } % 14.264 Recorded readings, lectures, audiobooks, and the like @Misc{roosevelt1959, author = {Roosevelt, Eleanor}, title = {\mkbibquote{Is America Facing World Leadership?}}, usera = {convocation speech, Ball State Teacher's College, May 6, \thefield{year}, radio broadcast, reel-to-reel tape, MPEG copy, 1:12:49}, userb = {Convocation Speech. Ball State Teacher's College. May 6, \thefield{year}. Radio broadcast. Reel-to-reel tape. MPEG copy. 1:12:49}, url = {http://libx.bsu.edu/cdm4/singleitem/collection/ElRoos/id/1}, year = {1959} } % 15.14 Placement of dates in reference list entries @Article{pager2015, author = {Pager, Devah and Pedulla, David S.}, title = {Race, Self-Selection, and the Job Search Process}, journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, volume = {120}, number = {4}, date = {2015-01}, pages = {1005–54}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1086/681072} } @Book{unger2014, author = {Unger, Roberto Mangabeira and Smolin, Lee}, title = {The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time}, subtitle = {A Proposal in Natural Philosophy}, address = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {2014} } % 15.20 Reference list entries with same author(s), same year @Book{fogel2004a, author = {Fogel, Robert William}, title = {The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700–2100}, subtitle = {Europe, America, and the Third World}, sorttitle = {Escape from Hunger and Premature Death}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {2004} } @Article{fogel2004b, author = {Fogel, Robert William}, title = {Technophysio Evolution and the Measurement of Economic Growth}, journal = {Journal of Evolutionary Economics}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {217–21}, date = {2004-06}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-004-0188-x} } % 15.22 Text citations—basic form @Book{hetherington2015, author = {Hetherington, Marc J. and Rudolph, Thomas J.}, title = {Why Washington Won't Work}, subtitle = {Polarization, Political Trust, and the Governing Crisis}, address = {Chicago}, publisher = ucp, year = {2015} } @Article{grove2015, author = {Grove, John}, title = {Calhoun and Conservative Reform}, journal = {American Political Thought}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, date = {2015-03}, pages = {203–27}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/680389} } @Thesis{doershuk2017, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Doershuk, Carl}, year = {2017}, howpublished = {. . .} } @Thesis{doershuk2016, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Doershuk, John}, year = {2016}, howpublished = {. . .} } % 15.24 Additional material in text citations @Book{mandolan2017, options = {skipbib}, author = {Mandolan, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {2017} } % 15.25 Text citations in relation to surrounding text and punctuation @Book{fiorina2005, options = {skipbib}, author = {Fiorina, Someone}, title = {Blah Title}, year = {2005} } @Book{fischer2006, options = {skipbib}, author = {Fischer, Someone and Hout, Someone}, title = {Blah Title}, year = {2006} } @Book{abramowitz2005, options = {skipbib}, author = {Abramowitz, Someone and Saunders, Someone}, title = {Blah Title}, year = {2005} } % 15.27 Several references to the same source @Book{chaston2000, options = {skipbib}, author = {Chaston, Someone}, year = {2000} } % 15.29 Text citations of works with more than three authors @Article{schonen2017a, options = {skipbib}, author = {Schonen, John and Baker, Bob and Else, Someone A. and Else, Someone B.}, title = {Tilting at Windmills}, year = {2017} } @Article{schonen2017b, options = {skipbib}, author = {Schonen, John and Brooks, Bob and Else, Someone A. and Else, Someone B.}, title = {Gasoline Farmers}, year = {2017} } 15.30 Multiple text references @Book{armstrong1989, options = {skipbib}, author = {Armstrong, Somebody and Malacinski, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1989} } @Book{beigl1989, options = {skipbib}, author = {Beigl, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1989} } @Book{pickett1985, options = {skipbib}, author = {Pickett, Somebody and White, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1985} } @Book{whittaker1967, options = {skipbib}, author = {Whittaker, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1967} } @Book{whittaker1975, options = {skipbib}, author = {Whittaker, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1975} } @Book{wiens1989a, options = {skipbib}, author = {Wiens, Somebody}, title = {First Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1989} } @Book{wiens1989b, options = {skipbib}, author = {Wiens, Somebody}, title = {Second Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1989} } @Book{wong1999, options = {skipbib}, author = {Wong, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1999} } @Book{wong2000, options = {skipbib}, author = {Wong, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {2000} } @Book{garcia1998, options = {skipbib}, author = {Garcia, Somebody}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {1989} } @Book{guest2006, options = {skipbib}, author = {Guest, Somebody and Doe1, John and Smith1, Jane and Jones1, Mary}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {2006} } @Book{stalle2008, options = {skipbib}, author = {Stolle, Somebody and Doe2, John and Smith2, Jane and Jones2, Mary}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {2008} } @Book{rahn2009, options = {skipbib}, author = {Rahn, Somebody and Doe3, John and Smith3, Jane and Jones3, Mary}, title = {Some Book}, address = {Somewhere}, publisher = {Some Publisher}, year = {2009} } % 15.36 Editor in place of author in text citations @Book{soltes1999, editor = {Soltes, Ori Z.}, title = {Georgia}, subtitle = {Art and Civilization through the Ages}, address = {London}, publisher = {Philip Wilson}, year = {1999} } % 15.37 Organization as author in author-date references @Book{iso1997.ref,% same as iso1997 but with different 'author' field keywords = {notinbib}, author = {{ISO (International Organization for Standardization)}}, shortauthor = {ISO}, title = {Information and Documentation\,—\,Rules for the Abbreviation of Title Words and Titles of Publications}, shorttitle = {Information and Documentation}, series = {ISO}, number = {4}, address = {Paris}, publisher = {ISO}, year = {1997} } % 15.40 Reprint editions and modern editions—more than one date @Book{austen2003, author = {Austen, Jane}, title = {Pride and Prejudice}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Penguin Classics}, year = {2003}, origdate = {1813}, origlocation = {London}, origpublisher = {T. Egerton}, addendum = {citations refer to the Penguin edition} } @Book{maitland1998, author = {Maitland, Frederic W.}, title = {Roman Canon Law in the Church of England}, address = {Union, NJ}, publisher = {Lawbook Exchange}, origdate = {1898}, year = {1998} } % 15.44 No date of publication in author-date references @Book{nano1750, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Nano, Jasmine L.}, title = {Title of Work\ldots}, year = {[1750?]}, sortyear = {1750} } @Book{nano, keywords = {notinbib,notinref}, author = {Nano, Jasmine L.}, title = {Title of Another Work\ldots}, sortkey = {nodate} } % 15.45 “Forthcoming” in author-date references @InCollection{faraday, author = {Faraday, Carry}, title = {Protean Photography}, crossref = {oring} } @Collection{oring, title = {Seven Trips beyond the Asteroid Belt}, editor = {Oring, James}, address = {Cape Canaveral, FL}, publisher = {Launch Press}, year = {forthcoming} } % 15.47 Parentheses or comma with issue number @Article{glass2014, author = {Glass, Jennifer and Levchak, Philip}, title = {Red States, Blue States, and Divorce}, subtitle = {Understanding the Impact of Conservative Protestantism on Regional Variation in Divorce Rates}, journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, volume = {119}, number = {4}, date = {2014}, pages = {1002–46}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1086/674703} } @Article{meyerovitch1959, author = {Meyerovitch, Eva}, title = {The Gnostic Manuscripts of Upper Egypt}, journal = {Diogenes}, number = {25}, year = {1959}, pages = {84–117} } % 15.48 Colon with volume number @Article{gunderson2015, author = {Gunderson, Alex R. and Leal, Manuel}, title = {Patterns of Thermal Constraint on Ectotherm Activity}, journal = {American Naturalist}, volume = {185}, % date = {2015-05}, date = {2015}, pages = {653–64}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1086/680849} } % Bibliography 1.2 @Book{fowler1965, author = {Fowler, H. W.}, title = {A Dictionary of Modern English Usage}, edition = {2}, editor = {Gowers, Sir Ernest}, editortype = {reved}, address = {Oxford}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = {1965} } @Book{gowers2015, author = {Gowers, Ernest}, title = {Plain Words}, subtitle = {A Guide to the Use of English}, editor = {Gowers, Rebecca}, editortype = {revup}, address = {London}, publisher = {Penguin Books}, year = {2015} } % Bibliography 2.4 @Book{swanson1999, author = {Swanson, Ellen}, title = {Mathematics into Type}, edition = {updated edition by Arlene O'Sean and Antoinette Schleyer}, address = {Providence, RI}, publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, year = {1999} }