\documentclass{article} \usepackage{verbatimbox} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \parskip 1em This is a test of the \textsf{verbatimbox} style package, to test the \verb,verbbox, environment. I am about to call on the \verb,verbbox, environment to see how if I can stuff \verb,verbatim, text into a \LaTeX{} box. Here goes... \begin{verbbox} Program test implicit none integer a, x a = 0 x = 1 10 a = a + x if (a .eq. 100) stop goto 10 end !@#$%^&*()_+=-{}|\][<>?/\\\ \end{verbbox} OK, I have created a \verb,verbbox, (which creates no output in and of itself), and I now wish to see if I can stick it into a \verb,tabular, environment. Note, when sticking a verbbox into the \verb,tabular, environment, use the \verb,[t], option of \verb,\theverbbox,. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{| c | c | c |} \hline %\raisebox{0.7in}{First box of table}&% %\theverbbox[t] & %\raisebox{0.7in}{last box of table}\\ First box of table&% \begin{tabular}{@{} c @{}} \theverbbox[t]\end{tabular}& last box of table\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} Otherwise, if I choose, I can just stick the \verb,verbatim, box into an \verb,fbox,, so as to frame the result. This latter case produces the same output as would the \verb,boxedverbatim, environment in the \textsf{moreverb} package. \fbox{\theverbbox} Being a box, I can use \verb,verbbox, output as part of a figure or table, for example. Bottom line: the \textsf{verbatimbox} package provides nice flexibility in utilizing the \verb,verbatim, environment in a variety of ways. \end{document}