%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% UT-THESIS.TEX %% %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms %% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives %% in directory CTAN:/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. %% %% Copyright (c) 1999 by Francois Pitt %% Last Update: 1999 May 13 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but %% without any warranty (without even the implied warranty of %% fitness for a particular purpose). For a description of this %% file's purpose, and instructions on its use, see below. %% %% Feel free to copy and redistribute this file, as long as this %% copyright notice remains intact and this file is distributed %% along with the companion file `ut-thesis.cls'. %% %% (Thanks to Robert Bernecky for his suggestions on improving the %% usefulness and readability of this file.) %% %% Send all bugs, questions, comments, suggestions, etc. to the %% author, at . %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Skeleton LaTeX2e file for the preparation of theses at UofT; %% conforms to the School of Graduate Studies' guidelines of 07/97. %% To be used in conjunction with class file `ut-thesis.cls', whose %% features it illustrates. %% %% To comment out parts of a file, use the macro \ignore{...} %% around the entire block of text you want to ignore. %% %% To explicitly set the pagestyle of any inserted blank page when %% \cleardoublepage occurs, use one of \clearemptydoublepage or %% \clearplaindoublepage instead. %% %% For single-spaced quotes or quotations, use the `longquote' and %% `longquotation' environments. For single-spaced, 1 1/2-spaced, %% or double-spaced paragraphs, use one of the environments %% `singlespaced', `oneandahalfspaced', or `doublespaced'. More %% generally, for paragraphs with a line spacing of `n', use %% `\begin{newspacing}{n}...\end{newspacing}'. %% %% All other environments, commands, and options provided by the %% `ut-thesis' class will be described below, at the point where %% they should appear in the document. %% %% See the companion file `ut-thesis.cls' for more details. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%% %% Default settings format a final copy (12pt font, single-sided, %% double-spaced, normal margins, single-spaced notes). For a rough %% copy (10pt font, double-sided, double-spaced, normal margins, with %% the word "DRAFT" printed at each corner of every page), use the %% `draft' option. The default line spacing can be changed with one %% of the following options: `singlespaced', `oneandahalfspaced', or %% `doublespaced'. The notes are always single-spaced by default, but %% can be made to have the same spacing as the rest of the document by %% using the option `spacednotes'. The size of the margins can be %% changed with one of the following options: `narrowmargins' (1 1/4" %% left, 3/4" others), `normalmargins' (1 1/4" left, 1" others), %% `widemargins' (1 1/4" all), `extrawidemargins' (1 1/2" all). Any %% other standard option for the `report' document class can be used %% to override the default or draft settings. %% *** Add any desired options. *** \documentclass{ut-thesis} %% *** Add \usepackage declarations here. *** %% The line spacing of the document should be specified using one of %% the document options given above, but if you need a line spacing %% that is not provided by the options, you can override the default %% line spacing for the entire document with the command %% `\linespacing{...}'. %% Note that in order to get the correct appearance, the argument to %% `\linespacing' must be equal to 1/3 + 2/3 times the desired line %% spacing (for example, single-spaced = \linespacing{1}, %% 1 1/2-spaced = \linespacing{1.33}, and %% double-spaced = \linespacing{1.66}). %% *** Uncomment and fill in a value, if needed. *** %% *** REMEMBER: You should NOT need to use this. Use one of *** %% *** the document class options mentionned above instead. *** %\linespacing{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% *** I M P O R T A N T *** %% %% %% %% Fill in the following fields with the required information: %% %% - \degree{...} name of the degree obtained %% %% - \department{...} name of the graduate department %% %% - \gradyear{...} year of graduation %% %% - \author{...} name of the author %% %% - \title{...} title of the thesis %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% *** Change this example to appropriate values. *** \degree{Doctor of Philosophy} \department{Computer Science} \gradyear{1999} \author{Fran\c{c}ois Pitt} \title{UT-Thesis Class File Example} %% *** NOTE *** %% Put here all other formatting commands that belong in the preamble. %% For example, to list only down to subsections in table of contents %% (-1=part, 0=chapter, 1=section, 2=subsection, 3=subsubsection, %% 4=paragraph, 5=subparagraph, 6=subsubparagraph). % \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} %%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} %% *** NOTE *** %% You should put all of your `\newcommand', `\newenvironment', and %% `\newtheorem's (in other words, all the global definitions that %% you will need throughout your thesis) in a separate file and use %% "\input{filename}" to input it here. %% This sets the page style and numbering for preliminary sections. \begin{preliminary} %% This generates the title page from the information given above. \maketitle %% There should be NOTHING between the title page and abstract. %% This generates the abstract page, with the line spacing adjusted %% according to SGS guidelines. \begin{abstract} %% *** Put your Abstract here. *** %% (At most 150 words for M.Sc. or 350 words for Ph.D.) \end{abstract} %% Anything placed between the abstract and table of contents will %% appear on a separate page since the abstract ends with \newpage %% and the table of contents starts with \clearpage. %% This generates a "dedication" section, if needed. %% (uncomment to have it appear in the document) %\begin{dedication} %% *** Put your Dedication here. *** %\end{dedication} %% The `dedication' and `acknowledgements' sections do not create new %% pages so if you want the two sections to appear on separate pages, %% you should put an explicit \newpage between them. %% This generates an "acknowledgements" section, if needed. %% (uncomment to have it appear in the document) %\begin{acknowledgements} %% *** Put your Acknowledgements here. *** %\end{acknowledgements} %% This generates the Table of Contents (on a separate page). \tableofcontents %% This generates the List of Tables (on a separate page), if needed. %% (uncomment to have it appear in the document) %\listoftables %% This generates the List of Figures (on a separate page), if needed. %% (uncomment to have it appear in the document) %\listoffigures %% End of the preliminary sections: reset page style and numbering. \end{preliminary} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Put your Chapters here; the easiest way to do this is to keep %% %% each chapter in a separate file and `\include' all the files %% %% right here. Note that each chapter file should start with the %% %% line "\chapter{ChapterName}". Note that using `\include' %% %% instead of `\input' makes each chapter start on a new page. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% *** Include chapter files here. *** %% This adds a line for the Bibliography in the Table of Contents. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} %% *** Set the bibliography style. *** %% (change according to your preference) \bibliographystyle{plain} %% *** Set the bibliography file. *** %% ("thesis.bib" by default; change if needed) \bibliography{thesis} %% *** NOTE *** %% If you don't use bibliography files, comment out the previous line %% and use \begin{thebibliography}...\end{thebibliography}. (In that %% case, you should probably put the bibliography in a separate file %% and `\include' or `\input' it here). \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% End of UT-THESIS.TEX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%