Adds a `webpage' BibTeX entry type, and support for general `url' and `lastchecked' fields, to arbitrary BibTeX style files. %%VERSION%% 0.1 The Perl script can be used to add this support to an arbitrary .bst file which has a reasonably `conventional' structure. The result is meant to be robust rather than pretty. Usage: [input-file [output-file]] if either the input-file or the output-file is omitted, they default to stdin and stdout respectively. If the input file already has a URL entry type, then the script objects. For example: `kpsewhich siam.bst` siamurl.bst The distributed files abbrvurl.bst, alphaurl.bst, plainurl.bst and unsrturl.bst are versions of the standard style files which have been pre-converted. Only the style files which result from conversion of the standard styles are checked in the regression tests. Other style files which are known to work include acm.bst, amsalpha.bst, amsplain.bst, apalike.bst, gerabbrv.bst, geralpha.bst, gerapali.bst, gerplain.bst, gerunsrt.bst, ieeetr.bst and siam.bst Style files known not to work, because they are too different from the standard styles, include the koma-script styles and the refer styles (they are not designed to produce conventional .bbl files). The natbib and revtex style files already have URL fields. If you have a BibTeX style file which you think ought to work, but with which the script fails, send it to me, and I'll try to work out what I've missed. Copyright 2002, Norman Gray. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. Norman Gray $Date: 2002/04/22 15:49:06 $