%%^^A%% um-doc-mathfontdimen.tex -- part of UNICODE-MATH \section{\Hologo{XeTeX} math font dimensions} These are the extended \cmd\fontdimen s available for suitable fonts in \XeTeX. Note that Lua\TeX\ takes an alternative route, and this package will eventually provide a wrapper interface to the two (I hope). \newcounter{mfdimen} \setcounter{mfdimen}{9} \newcommand\mathfontdimen[2]{^^A \stepcounter{mfdimen}^^A \themfdimen & {\scshape\small #1} & #2\vspace{0.5ex} \tabularnewline} \begin{longtable}{ @{}c>{\raggedright\parfillskip=0pt}p{4cm}>{\raggedright}p{7cm}@{}} \toprule \cmd\fontdimen & Dimension name & Description\tabularnewline\midrule \endhead \bottomrule\endfoot \mathfontdimen{Script\-Percent\-Scale\-Down} {Percentage of scaling down for script level 1. Suggested value: 80\%.} \mathfontdimen{Script\-Script\-Percent\-Scale\-Down} {Percentage of scaling down for script level 2 (Script\-Script). Suggested value: 60\%.} \mathfontdimen{Delimited\-Sub\-Formula\-Min\-Height} {Minimum height required for a delimited expression to be treated as a subformula. Suggested value: normal line height\,×\,1.5.} \mathfontdimen{Display\-Operator\-Min\-Height} {Minimum height of n-ary operators (such as integral and summation) for formulas in display mode.} \mathfontdimen{Math\-Leading} {White space to be left between math formulas to ensure proper line spacing. For example, for applications that treat line gap as a part of line ascender, formulas with ink going above (os2.sTypoAscender + os2.sTypoLineGap – MathLeading) or with ink going below os2.sTypoDescender will result in increasing line height.} \mathfontdimen{Axis\-Height} {Axis height of the font. } \mathfontdimen{Accent\-Base\-Height} {Maximum (ink) height of accent base that does not require raising the accents. Suggested: x-height of the font (os2.sxHeight) plus any possible overshots. } \mathfontdimen{Flattened\-Accent\-Base\-Height} {Maximum (ink) height of accent base that does not require flattening the accents. Suggested: cap height of the font (os2.sCapHeight).} \mathfontdimen{Subscript\-Shift\-Down} {The standard shift down applied to subscript elements. Positive for moving in the downward direction. Suggested: os2.ySubscriptYOffset.} \mathfontdimen{Subscript\-Top\-Max} {Maximum allowed height of the (ink) top of subscripts that does not require moving subscripts further down. Suggested: /5 x-height.} \mathfontdimen{Subscript\-Baseline\-Drop\-Min} {Minimum allowed drop of the baseline of subscripts relative to the (ink) bottom of the base. Checked for bases that are treated as a box or extended shape. Positive for subscript baseline dropped below the base bottom.} \mathfontdimen{Superscript\-Shift\-Up} {Standard shift up applied to superscript elements. Suggested: os2.ySuperscriptYOffset.} \mathfontdimen{Superscript\-Shift\-Up\-Cramped} {Standard shift of superscripts relative to the base, in cramped style.} \mathfontdimen{Superscript\-Bottom\-Min} {Minimum allowed height of the (ink) bottom of superscripts that does not require moving subscripts further up. Suggested: ¼ x-height.} \mathfontdimen{Superscript\-Baseline\-Drop\-Max} {Maximum allowed drop of the baseline of superscripts relative to the (ink) top of the base. Checked for bases that are treated as a box or extended shape. Positive for superscript baseline below the base top.} \mathfontdimen{Sub\-Superscript\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum gap between the superscript and subscript ink. Suggested: 4×default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Superscript\-Bottom\-Max\-With\-Subscript} {The maximum level to which the (ink) bottom of superscript can be pushed to increase the gap between superscript and subscript, before subscript starts being moved down. Suggested: /5 x-height.} \mathfontdimen{Space\-After\-Script} {Extra white space to be added after each subscript and superscript. Suggested: 0.5pt for a 12 pt font.} \mathfontdimen{Upper\-Limit\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum gap between the (ink) bottom of the upper limit, and the (ink) top of the base operator. } \mathfontdimen{Upper\-Limit\-Baseline\-Rise\-Min} {Minimum distance between baseline of upper limit and (ink) top of the base operator.} \mathfontdimen{Lower\-Limit\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum gap between (ink) top of the lower limit, and (ink) bottom of the base operator.} \mathfontdimen{Lower\-Limit\-Baseline\-Drop\-Min} {Minimum distance between baseline of the lower limit and (ink) bottom of the base operator.} \mathfontdimen{Stack\-Top\-Shift\-Up} {Standard shift up applied to the top element of a stack.} \mathfontdimen{Stack\-Top\-Display\-Style\-Shift\-Up} {Standard shift up applied to the top element of a stack in display style.} \mathfontdimen{Stack\-Bottom\-Shift\-Down} {Standard shift down applied to the bottom element of a stack. Positive for moving in the downward direction.} \mathfontdimen{Stack\-Bottom\-Display\-Style\-Shift\-Down} {Standard shift down applied to the bottom element of a stack in display style. Positive for moving in the downward direction.} \mathfontdimen{Stack\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum gap between (ink) bottom of the top element of a stack, and the (ink) top of the bottom element. Suggested: 3×default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Stack\-Display\-Style\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum gap between (ink) bottom of the top element of a stack, and the (ink) top of the bottom element in display style. Suggested: 7×default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Stretch\-Stack\-Top\-Shift\-Up} {Standard shift up applied to the top element of the stretch stack.} \mathfontdimen{Stretch\-Stack\-Bottom\-Shift\-Down} {Standard shift down applied to the bottom element of the stretch stack. Positive for moving in the downward direction.} \mathfontdimen{Stretch\-Stack\-Gap\-Above\-Min} {Minimum gap between the ink of the stretched element, and the (ink) bottom of the element above. Suggested: Upper\-Limit\-Gap\-Min} \mathfontdimen{Stretch\-Stack\-Gap\-Below\-Min} {Minimum gap between the ink of the stretched element, and the (ink) top of the element below. Suggested: Lower\-Limit\-Gap\-Min.} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Numerator\-Shift\-Up} {Standard shift up applied to the numerator. } \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Numerator\-Display\-Style\-Shift\-Up} {Standard shift up applied to the numerator in display style. Suggested: Stack\-Top\-Display\-Style\-Shift\-Up.} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Denominator\-Shift\-Down} {Standard shift down applied to the denominator. Positive for moving in the downward direction.} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Denominator\-Display\-Style\-Shift\-Down} {Standard shift down applied to the denominator in display style. Positive for moving in the downward direction. Suggested: Stack\-Bottom\-Display\-Style\-Shift\-Down.} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Numerator\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum tolerated gap between the (ink) bottom of the numerator and the ink of the fraction bar. Suggested: default rule thickness} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Num\-Display\-Style\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum tolerated gap between the (ink) bottom of the numerator and the ink of the fraction bar in display style. Suggested: 3×default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Rule\-Thickness} {Thickness of the fraction bar. Suggested: default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Denominator\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum tolerated gap between the (ink) top of the denominator and the ink of the fraction bar. Suggested: default rule thickness} \mathfontdimen{Fraction\-Denom\-Display\-Style\-Gap\-Min} {Minimum tolerated gap between the (ink) top of the denominator and the ink of the fraction bar in display style. Suggested: 3×default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Skewed\-Fraction\-Horizontal\-Gap} {Horizontal distance between the top and bottom elements of a skewed fraction.} \mathfontdimen{Skewed\-Fraction\-Vertical\-Gap} {Vertical distance between the ink of the top and bottom elements of a skewed fraction.} \mathfontdimen{Overbar\-Vertical\-Gap} {Distance between the overbar and the (ink) top of he base. Suggested: 3×default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Overbar\-Rule\-Thickness} {Thickness of overbar. Suggested: default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Overbar\-Extra\-Ascender} {Extra white space reserved above the overbar. Suggested: default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Underbar\-Vertical\-Gap} {Distance between underbar and (ink) bottom of the base. Suggested: 3×default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Underbar\-Rule\-Thickness} {Thickness of underbar. Suggested: default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Underbar\-Extra\-Descender} {Extra white space reserved below the underbar. Always positive. Suggested: default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Radical\-Vertical\-Gap} {Space between the (ink) top of the expression and the bar over it. Suggested: 1¼ default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Radical\-Display\-Style\-Vertical\-Gap} {Space between the (ink) top of the expression and the bar over it. Suggested: default rule thickness + ¼ x-height. } \mathfontdimen{Radical\-Rule\-Thickness} {Thickness of the radical rule. This is the thickness of the rule in designed or constructed radical signs. Suggested: default rule thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Radical\-Extra\-Ascender} {Extra white space reserved above the radical. Suggested: Radical\-Rule\-Thickness.} \mathfontdimen{Radical\-Kern\-Before\-Degree} {Extra horizontal kern before the degree of a radical, if such is present. Suggested: 5/18 of em.} \mathfontdimen{Radical\-Kern\-After\-Degree} {Negative kern after the degree of a radical, if such is present. Suggested: −10/18 of em.} \mathfontdimen{Radical\-Degree\-Bottom\-Raise\-Percent} {Height of the bottom of the radical degree, if such is present, in proportion to the ascender of the radical sign. Suggested: 60\%.} \end{longtable} \endinput % /© % % ------------------------------------------------ % The UNICODE-MATH package % ------------------------------------------------ % This package is free software and may be redistributed and/or modified under % the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher % (your choice): . % ------------------------------------------------ % Copyright 2006-2018 Will Robertson, LPPL "maintainer" % Copyright 2010-2017 Philipp Stephani % Copyright 2011-2017 Joseph Wright % Copyright 2012-2015 Khaled Hosny % ------------------------------------------------ % % ©/