%% This is file `thesis-ex.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% uiucthesis.dtx  (with options: `example')
\def\fileversion{v2.25} \def\filedate{2005/03/25}
%% Package and Class "uiucthesis" for use with LaTeX2e.


\title{Coffee Consumption of Graduate Students \\
       Trying to Finish Dissertations}
\author{Juan Valdez}
\department{Food Science}
\schools{B.A., University of Columbia, 1981\\
         A.M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1986}
\advisor{Java Jack}


%% Create an abstract that can also be used for the ProQuest abstract.
%% Note that ProQuest truncates their abstracts at 350 words.
This is a comprehensive study of caffeine consumption by graduate
students at the University of Illinois who are in the very final
stages of completing their doctoral degrees. A study group of six
hundred doctoral students\ldots.

%% Create a dedication in italics with no heading, centered vertically
%% on the page.
To Father and Mother.

%% Create an Acknowledgements page, many departments require you to
%% include funding support in this.

This project would not have been possible without the support of
many people. Many thanks to my adviser, Lawrence T. Strongarm, who
read my numerous revisions and helped make some sense of the
confusion. Also thanks to my committee members, Reginald Bottoms,
Karin Vegas, and Cindy Willy, who offered guidance and support.
Thanks to the University of Illinois Graduate College for awarding
me a Dissertation Completion Fellowship, providing me with the
financial means to complete this project. And finally, thanks to
my husband, parents, and numerous friends who endured this long
process with me, always offering support and love.

%% The thesis format requires the Table of Contents to come
%% before any other major sections, all of these sections after
%% the Table of Contents must be listed therein (i.e., use \chapter,
%% not \chapter*).  Common sections to have between the Table of
%% Contents and the main text are:
%% List of Tables
%% List of Figures
%% List Symbols and/or Abbreviations
%% etc.


%% Create a List of Abbreviations. The left column
%% is 1 inch wide and left-justified
\chapter{List of Abbreviations}

\item[CA] Caffeine Addict.
\item[CD] Coffee Drinker.

%% Create a List of Symbols. The left column
%% is 0.7 inch wide and centered
\chapter{List of Symbols}

\item[$\tau$] Time taken to drink one cup of coffee.
\item[$\mu$g] Micrograms (of caffeine, generally).




We conclude that graduate students like coffee.






Juan Valdez was born\ldots.

%% End of file `thesis-ex.tex'.