UESTCthesis is a LaTeX thesis template for University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. This template will help typeset your thesis with only one command, which is \documentclass. All files are encoded in UTF-8 without BOM. This package is licensed in LPPL. uestcthesis.cls and uestcthesis.bst should be moved into a directory searched by pdfLaTeX. UESTC.png and UESTC_LOGO.png should be moved into the same directory as the uestcthesis.cls. The doc/ is also a example. To use this template, the directory structure in doc/ are indispensable. Files in doc/contents/ are necessary.User have to edit them. Files in doc/chapters/ are normal tex file. And all pictures should be placed in doc/pics/. For compiling correctly, there is two .bat files.Basically, it needs pdflatex. This template's users are all chinese, so there is no english doc. For more information, see the uestcthesis-doc.pdf in doc/. Author: Shi Fujun *************************Translation in zh_CN_UTF-8**************************** UESTCthesis是电子科技大学毕业论文LaTeX模板。 这个模板可以仅使用一条\documentclass命令,就能帮助排版你的毕业论文。 所有文件都使用 UTF-8 无 BOM 编码格式。 本模板使用LPPL协议发布。 uestcthesis.cls, UESTC_LOGO.png, UESTC.png and uestcthesis.bst 这四个文件需要放在 可以被pdfLaTeX搜索到的地方。最简单的方式就是放在工作目录中。 其他说明请见doc目录下的“uestcthesis-doc.pdf"。 作者:时富军 *******************************************************************************