ude-softec documentclass and bibstyle Maintainer: J. Peter M. Schuler Copyright: 2013 J. Peter M. Schuler Version: 2013-07-09 v1.1 udesoftec License: lppl Topic: dissertation Description: LaTeX template (full documentclass) for written theses at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Research Group for Business Informatics and Software Engineering. It is based on pdflatex and bibtex using UTF-8 encoded files. It was thorougly tested on Windows/MikTeX and MacOS/BasicTeX, works as well under sharelatex.com and should be plattform independent. For more information see the instructions in udesoftec-doc.pdf - complete instructions are available in German, a short abstract in English should give sufficient information for everybody familiar with TeX. Installation: udesoftec.bst and udesoftec.cls are installed as always. The files matching udesoftec-cover*.* should be placed next to the documentclass udesoftec.cls e.g.: texmf/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls texmf/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-cover-uba.pdf texmf/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-cover-ude-de.pdf texmf/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec-cover-ude-en.pdf texmf/bibtex/bst/udesoftec/udesoftec.bst