% A Sample Thesis for the University of Calgary % ============================================= % Load the UCalgary Memoir Thesis class. By default (without options), % this produces a 1-1/2 spaced thesis in 11 point font without running % heads. Use package options singlespaced or doublespaced for single % or double line spacing. The default font is LaTeX's Computer % Modern. Use package options times, palatino, libertine, garamond, or % utopia for other nice typefaces. (You may need to install the % relevant packages to get these to work.) Use package option headers % if you want running heads. Use option fullpage if you want the text % to occupy all allowable space (1 inch margins all around), or option % manuscript if you want a page layout suitable for reviewing and % proof reading. Option manuscript selects 12 pt type, doublespaced, % approx. 25 lines per page, with approx. 72 characters per line. You % may want to remove the option for the version you file in the Vault; % it looks nicer and is a bit more compact. You can also use any % options that the memoir class recognizes, such as 10pt for 10 point % font, 11pt for 11 point font, 12pt for 12 point type, % etc. Documentation of the memoir package can be found at % https://ctan.org/pkg/memoir?lang=en \documentclass[utopia,headers,manuscript]{ucalgmthesis} % Using LaTeX? Then you're probably using math, and so you want to use % the AMS math commands and define some theorem environments! But you % can take these out or use your own favorite theorem package. \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm} \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % please number all of them together! % microtype makes everything look better \usepackage{microtype} % We'll need some colored links, so we load xcolor and hyperref. But % you can take that out if you don't want links at all or are happy % with the standard garish colored boxes. \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} % You can turn off the boxes around links made by hyperref. Then links % will appear in a different color, and per guidelines, all links must % be blue or black. For blue links say \usepackage[colorlinks,allcolors=MidnightBlue]{hyperref} % For black links, % \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % If you prefer hyperref's boxes around links (which don't print), you % can also change their color. With boxes around links, you probably % don't want everything in the table of contents to be a link, so we % only make the page numbers links. % % \usepackage[allbordercolors=Periwinkle,linktocpage]{hyperref} % The table of contents in your PDF reader's sidebar is just titles by % default, but it's nice to also have chapter and section numbers for % easy navigation. \usepackage[numbered]{bookmark} % For author-year references, you probably want to use natbib with a % bibliography style appropriate for your discipline; or check out % latexbib! \usepackage[round]{natbib} \bibliographystyle{natbib-oup} % The blindtext package produces the ``lorem ipsum'' % texts in this sample and can safely be removed. \usepackage{blindtext} % Now we put in the information for the thesis title page. % Full Name \author{Jane Mary Doe} % Full Title \title{An Important Contribution to the Literature} % Official name of the degree \degree{Doctor of Philosophy} % The name of the graduate program (not the department!) \prog{Graduate Program in Philosophy} % The month (for the final version: when you file, not when you defended) \monthname{May} % The year \thesisyear{2018} % Tell hyperref to put author and title into the PDF metadata \hypersetup{pdfinfo={Title={\thetitle},Author={\theauthor}}} % If you want memoir to produce endnotes, turn them on here \makepagenote % Often you only want to output a single chapter so you can send it to % your supervisor. Use includeonly and make sure everything you don't % always want compiled to PDF is include'd from a separate file. For % instance, to produce a PDF only of chapter 1, endnotes and % bibliography, say % \includeonly{chapter1,backmatter} % To compile only the title page, which you need when submitting your % thesis, say % \includeonly{titlepage} \begin{document} \frontmatter % titlepage.tex just makes the titlepage; it's in its own file so you % can typeset it alone using includeonly. \include{titlepage} % frontmatter.tex contains the abstract, preface, acknowledgments, and % the commands to produce the table of contents, list of tables, etc. \include{frontmatter} % The main matter of the thesis contains the actual content, separated % into chapters. \mainmatter \include{chapter1} \include{chapter2} % The back matter includes commands to produce endnotes, index, % glossary, bibiliography, and the like. \backmatter \include{backmatter} % The appendix contains material that would clutter up the main % text. Remove it if you don't have an appendix. \appendix \include{appendix} \end{document}