% Sample University of Calgary Thesis % This file contains the APPENDIX % If there is just one appendix, it must be called ``Appendix.'' For % multiple appendices, use \chapter and a descriptive title, % e.g., \chapter{Questionnaires} \chapter*{Appendix}\label{appendix} % \chapter* doesn't include it in the TOC, so we have to do that by % hand. If you have multiple chapters, use \chapter instead and % remove the following line. \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix} An appendix is a way to include important information that would otherwise clutter up your thesis. It should be included when there is additional relevant information that won't fit in the body of your thesis. Any Appendix must also be mentioned in the body of your thesis (e.g., ``For a full list of interview questions used, please see the \hyperref[appendix]{Appendix}''). If your thesis only has one appendix, it must be titled ``Appendix.'' If your thesis has more than one appendix, add alphabetized letters, starting with ``Appendix~A.'' The following are examples of things you might include in appendices: \begin{enumerate} \item Copyright permissions with signatures removed \item Additional details of methodology and/or data \item Diagrams of equipment that you developed \item Digital files and/or artwork digital models \item Blank copies of questionnaires or surveys used in your research \end{enumerate}