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% plotting graphs -- Part IV tzplot-doc-E-v\tmpversion, % misc : final chapter : (-- Part V: not yet) %tzplot-eco-v\tmpversion, % economics }} %------------------------------------------------------ \documentclass[a4paper,amsmath,chapter]{oblivoir} \gdef\clearforchapter{} % no clearpage for chapter %\usepackage{istgame} % middle arrow test %\usepackage{tzplot-v\tmpversion} \usepackage{tzplot} %\AtBeginDocument{\tikzset{>=to}} % ndh \usepackage{etoolbox} \input{tzplot-oblivoirpartstyle} \usepackage{fapapersize} \usefapapersize{*,*,30mm,*,28mm,*} %\setsecnumdepth{subsubsection} %\settocdepth{subsubsection} %\setlength\cftsubsubsectionindent{4.5em} %% us date \usepackage{datetime} \usdate \let\mytoday\today \AtBeginDocument{\let\today\mytoday} \hypersetup{pdfborder={0 0 0}} % to suppress the hyperlink red box %%====================================== (ndh) \SetHangulspace{1.025}{1} %%% part \renewcommand*\prepartnum{\noindent\partnamefont\textsc{Part}\space} \renewcommand*\partnamenum{} 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2.10526 0.86054 i 2.63158 0.48819 i 3.15789 -0.01630 i 3.68421 -0.51638 i 4.21053 -0.87669 i 4.73684 -0.99970 i 5.26316 -0.85212 i 5.78947 -0.47390 i 6.31579 0.03260 i 6.84211 0.53027 i 7.36842 0.88441 i 7.89474 0.99917 i 8.42105 0.84348 i 8.94737 0.45948 i 9.47368 -0.04889 i 10.00000 -0.54402 i \end{filecontents*} %\parindent=0pt \title{\texttt{tzplot.sty} \\ Plot Graphs with \Tikz\ Abbreviations}\author{In-Sung Cho \\ \texttt{ischo ktug.org}} \date{Economics, Kongju National University\\[3pt] \tmpdate\quad version \tmpversion} \def\tmpclearpage{\clearpage} \AtBeginDocument{% \renewcommand*\contentsname{Contents} \renewcommand*\figurename{Figure} \renewcommand*\tablename{Table} \renewcommand*\abstractname{Abstract} \renewcommand*\indexname{Index} \renewcommand*\pagerefname{\kern-4pt} } \AtBeginDocument{\MakeShortVerb{\|}} %%% english based document: \flushbottom %%% korean document: \raggedbottom (by default in oblivoir) \AddToHook{env/document/before}{\flushbottom} %%% same as \AtBeginDocument \AddToHook{env/document/begin}{% \chapterstyle{tzdoc} % \pagestyle{headings} } \myincludeonly \firmlists \renewcommand\cleardoublepage{\clearpage} %============================================================= \begin{document} \frontmatter \maketitle \renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\small\noindent\ignorespaces} \begin{abstract} This is a \LaTeX{} package that provides \Tikz\ based macros to make it easy to draw graphs. The macros provided in the \pkg{tzplot} package are just \emph{abbreviations} for \Tikz\ codes, which can be complicated, but using the package, hopefully, makes drawing easier, especially when drawing repeatedly. The macros have been chosen and developed with an emphasis on drawing graphs in \emph{economics}. \begin{keywords} lines, dots, curves, axes, functions, projection, ticks, intersections, tangent lines \end{keywords} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents* \mainmatter \printtodos \printtmptest \printtzplottest % Part I \include{tzplot-doc-A-v\tmpversion} % getting ready % Part II \include{tzplot-doc-B-v\tmpversion} % getting started % Part III \include{tzplot-doc-C-v\tmpversion} % dots, lines, curves, angles \include{tzplot-doc-C1-v\tmpversion} % connecting points \include{tzplot-doc-C2-v\tmpversion} % polygons and angles % Part IV \include{tzplot-doc-D-v\tmpversion} % plot functions % Part V (chapter now) %%% Part: not yet. \include{tzplot-doc-E-v\tmpversion} % misc and examples % Not Yet! \include{tzplot-eco-v\tmpversion} % application to economics \chapter*{Version history} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Version history} \begin{itemize} %\item v\tmpversion (\tmpdate) % \begin{itemize} % \item Uploaded to CTAN % \item document done % \end{itemize} \item v\tmpversion (2022/09/28) \begin{itemize} \item Uploaded to CTAN \item document done \end{itemize} \item v2.1 (2022/09/24) \begin{itemize} % \item corrected typos in the document \item fixed bugs: |\tzplot|, |\tzplotcurve|, |\tzslope| \item redesigned |\tzaxes| to have one path with ``liftpen" for naming paths \item redesigned |\tzaxesL| to have one path with ``liftpen" for naming paths \item redisigned |\tzslopeat| and |\tzslope| \item added the swap versions |\tzslopeat'| and |\tzslope'| \item added |\tznormal(*)(')|, |\tznormalat(*)(')|, |\settznormalepsilon| and |\settznormallayer| \end{itemize} \item v2.1 (2022/04/15) \begin{itemize} \item modified |\tzaxisx| and |\tzaxisy| to add the option |""| \item added |\tzdistance| to calculate the distance between two coordinates % (2022/04/23) \end{itemize} \item v2.0 (2022/02/28) \begin{itemize} \item Uploaded to CTAN % \item document done \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.98 (2022/02/27) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzpointangle| %%% \item added |\tzfnarealine(')|, |\settzfnarealinestyle| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.97 (2022/02/26) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item corrected |\tzpdfN|: bug fix %%% \item redesigned |\tzfnarea| (renamed from |\tzfnArea|) %%% \item added |\settzfnarearlayer| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.96 (2022/02/25) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item modified |\tzanglemark|, |\tzrightanglemark| %%% \item added |\settzAAlinestyle| and |\settzRAlinestyle| %%% \item added |\settzAAradius|, |\settzRAsize| %%% \item predefined coordinates |(tzAAmid)|, |(tzRAvertex)| %%% \item corrected |\tzdefLFn|, |\tzdefLFnofy|, |\tzLfn|, |\tzLFnofy| %%% \item added |error message|: infinite slope error (for |LFn...| things) %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.95 (2022/02/24) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item documented %%% \item redefined |\tzedge(+)| and |\tzedges(+)| to make them consistent with \Tikz\ way %%% \item added aliases: |\tzbox|, |\tzboxring|, |\tzcirclering| %%% \item renamed |\tzangleONE|, |\tzangleTWO|, |\tzanglresult| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.94 (2022/02/22) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzprojs(*)|, |\tzprojsx(*)|, |\tzprojsy(*)| (semicolon versions) %%% \item added |\tznoderectangle(*)| and |\tznodebox(*)|: aliases of |\tznodeframe(*)| %%% \item added |\tznodeoval(*)|: an alias of |\tznodeellipse(*)| %%% \item modified |\tznode(*)|: to use full features of the \Tikz\ |node| operation with || %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.93 (2022/02/19) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added middle arrow tip styles: |-->--|, |--o--|, |--x--|, and |--/--| %%% \item added |\settzmidarrow| to control middle arrow tips %%% \item added libraries |arrows.meta| and |bending| %%% \item added |error message|: when a semicolon is forgotten for semicolon versions %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.92 (2022/02/17) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzfn| and |\tzfnofy| to resolve issue with |\tz<...>AtBegin| %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item used |(current subpath start)| %%% \end{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzfnmax| and |\tzfnmin| to resolve issue with |\tz<...>AtBegin| %%% \item redefined |\tzLFn| and |\tzLFnofy| to resolve issue with |\tz<...>AtBegin| %%% \item redefined |\tzplot| and |\tzplotcurve| to resolve issue with |\tz<...>AtBegin| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.91 (2022/02/15) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tznodedots(*)| and |\tznodes(*)|: semicolon versions %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item modified |\tzdots| for consistency with |\tznodedots| %%% \end{itemize} %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.9 (2022/02/11) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzparabola| to add |\tzparabolaAtBegin|, |\tzparabolaAtEnd| %%% \item redefined |\tzbezier| to add |\tzbezierAtBegin|, |\tzbezierAtEnd| %%% \item redefined |\tzplot|, |\tzplotcurve| to use string replacement for angles %%% \item redefined |\tznodedot| to use string replacement for angles %%% \item modified |\tzlinks| and |\tzpath| to make them to be (almost) equal %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item |\let\tzpathstyle\tzlinkstyle| and |\let\settzpathstyle\settzlinkstyle| %%% \end{itemize} %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.8 (2022/02/08) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzdot| and many other macros related to points, dots, and coordinates %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item allows users to place labels not only by angles but also by string replacement: %%% \item |\tzdot(s)|, |\tzcdot(s)|, |\tzcoor(s)|, |\tzcoorsquick| %%% \item |\tzXpoint|, |\tzLFnXpoint|, |\tzhXpoint(at)|, |\tzvXpoint(at)| %%% \end{itemize} %%% \item modified |\tzfn| and |\tzfn'| (for functions of |\x| only) %%% \item modified |\tzfnofy| and |\tzfnofy'| (for functions of |\y| only) %%% \item modified |\tzdeffn|, |\tzdeffnofy|, |\tzdefLFn|, |\tzdefLFnofy| (no prime versions) %%% \item redefined |\tzLFnofy| to add |\tzLFnofy'| %%% \item rearraged document %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.7 (2022/02/06) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzrightanglemark| %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzrightanglemark*| to replace |\tzrightanglefill|, to be removed %%% \item added |\tzrightanglemark'| to avoid frequent coding error %%% \end{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzanglemark| %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzanglemark*| to replace |\tzanglefill|, to be removed %%% \item added |\tzanglemark'| to avoid frequent coding error %%% \end{itemize} %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.6 (2022/01/26) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item renamed |\tzmarkangle(')| to |\tzanglemark(')| %%% \item renamed |\tzfillkangle(')| to |\tzanglefill(')| %%% \item renamed |\tzmarkrightangle| to |\tzrightanglemark| %%% \item renamed |\tzfillrightangle| to |\tzrightanglefill| %%% \item redefined |\tzpath| and its friends to make |\settzpathlayer| work with them %%% \item added |\tzlineAtBegin| and |\tzlineAtEnd| %%% \item added |\tzlinesAtBegin| and |\tzlinesAtEnd| %%% \item added |\tztoAtBegin| and |\tztoAtEnd| %%% \item added |\tztosAtBegin| and |\tztosAtEnd| %%% \item added |\tzLFnAtBegin| and |\tzLFnAtEnd| %%% \item added |\tzLFnofyAtBegin| and |\tzLFnofyAtEnd| %%% \item added |\tzvfn(at)AtBegin| and |\tzvfn(at)AtEnd| %%% \item added |\tzhfn(at)AtBegin| and |\tzhfn(at)AtEnd| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.5 (2021/11/29) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzfnArea| (need to be completed, and then rename to |\tzfnarea|) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item currently |no shift|, |no extension|, |no code.append| %%% \end{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzpdfZ| and |\tzpdfN| for normal distribution functions %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.4 (2021/11/05) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item revived |\tzslope|, |\tzslopeat|, |\settzslopelayer|, |\tzslopeepsilon| %%% \item revived |\tzdeffn(')|, |\tzdeffnofy(')|, |\tzdefLFn(')|, |\tzdefLFnofy| %%% \item revived |\tzfn'|, |\tzfnofy|, |\tzLFnofy|, |\tzLFnXpoint(*)| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.3 (2021/04/09) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item revived |\tzlink(+)|, |\tzlinkAtBegin|, |\tzlinkAtEnd|, |\settzlinkstyle| %%% \item revived |\tzlinks(+)|, |\tzlinksAtBegin|, |\tzlinksAtEnd| %%% \item revived |\tzedge(+)|, |\tzedges(+)| %%% \item revived |\tzslope|, |\tzslopeat| %%% \item revived |\tzLFXpoint(*)| %%% \item revived |\tzfnofy|, |\tzdeffn|, |\tzdeffnofy| %%% \item revived |\tzLFnofy|, |\tzdefLFn|, |\tzdefLFnofy| %%% \item revived |\tzplotfile| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.2 (2021/04/03) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item revived |\tzsnake|, |\tzspy| %%% \item added |\tzmarkrightangle|, |\tzfillrightangle| %%% \item added |\tzmarkangle(')|, |\tzfillangle(')| %%% \item added |\settzanglelayer|, |\tzangleresult|, |\tzangleONEresult|, |\tzangleTWOresult| %%% \item added |\tzpicangle| (considering to drop later) %%% \item added |\tzfnmax|, |\tzfnmin|, |\tz<...>AtBegin|, |\tz<...>AtEnd| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v1.1 (2021/03/23) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzring(*)|, |\tzellipsering(*)|, |\tzrectanglering(*)| %%% \item added aliases: |\tzovalring(*)|, |\tzframering(*)| %%% \end{itemize} \item v1.0.1 (2021/03/20) uploaded to CTAN \begin{itemize} \item revised the document with typo corrections \item added the option || to |\tzframe|, |\tzcircle|, and |\tzellipse| \item added aliases: |\let\tzrectangle\tzframe| and |\let\tzoval\tzellipse| \end{itemize} \item v1.0 (2021/02/28) uploaded to CTAN %%%\item v0.999a (2021/02/27) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item writing document %%% \item some |\tz<...>AtBegin| and |\tz<...>AtEnd| not documented %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.999 (2021/02/24) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item fixed the title. ``Plot Graphs with \Tikz\ Abbreviations" %%% \item changed the default |\tzpathstyle| and |\tzlinkstyle| from `|--|' to `|to|' (no harm) %%% \item added |\tzpathlayer| and |\settzpathlayer|, for later use. (currently not used) %%% \item removed explanation of the option |<+or++>| in the document (considering to remove later) %%% \item changed the delimiter || to |[]| in |\tzpath| and |\tzlink(s)| (critical change) %%% \item added |text opacity=1| everywhere |fill opacity=.3| is used %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99j (2021/02/18) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzplotcurve*| to show dots %%% \item discarded || for |\tznode| and the like. %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99i (2021/02/17) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzaxes*| to set the current state as a |bounding box| %%% \item redefined |\tztangentat| and |\tztangent| %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item Now the tangent line is drawn over the domain, which is mandatory. %%% \end{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzsecantat| and |\tzsecant| %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item Now the secant line is drawn over the domain, when the optional domain is given. %%% \item If there is no domain option, it draw a secant line segment. %%% \end{itemize} %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99h (2021/02/12) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tztangentat| and |\tztangent| %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item to resolve the discrepancy issue, when repeated %%% \item if two mandatory arguments are the same, no redefine |(bbTop)| and |(bbBottom)| %%% \item and clear for every start of |\tikzpicture| %%% \end{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzslopeat| and |\tzslope| to resolve the discrepancy issue %%% \item redefined |\tzbezier+| %%% to make the last coordinate relative to the first %%% \item redefined |\tzparabola+| %%% to make the last coordinate relative to the first %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99g (2021/02/10) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\tzbbox| %%% \item added |\tzhelplines*| to make it serve as a bounding box %%% \item added |\tzspy| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99f (2021/02/01) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item added |\settztangentlayer|, |\tzsecantlayer|, and |\tzslopelayer| %%% \item corrected |\tzvfn|, |\tzhfn| for || %%% \item corrected |\tztangent|, |\tztangentat| to resolve `inconsistent' issue %%% \item changed |\xdef| to |\def| %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99e (2021/01/25) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item redefined |\tzsecant| to resolve \Tikz\ issue of path name with layer. %%% \item added |\tzsnake|. %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99d (2021/01/20) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item applied || to (almost) all macros. %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99c (2021/01/14) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item redesigned macros for || %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99b (2021/01/14) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item corrected y ticks position with ticks: |\tztikcs|, |\tzticksy| %%% \item changed the order of arguments for consistency: |\tzplot|, |\tzplotcurve| %%% \item redefined |\tzhfn| and |\tzvfn| to have a mandatory argument %%% \item added || to macros related to lines or curves: %%% \end{itemize} %%%\item v0.99a (2021/01/12) %%% \begin{itemize} %%% \item to do: || for |\tzto|, |\tzfn|, |\tzline|, ... %%% \item to do: |\tzconvexcomb| and |\tzconvexcombs| %%% \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \chapter*{Acknowledgement} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Acknowledgement} Many thanks to Kangsoo Kim from KTUG (Korean TeX Users Group) who wrote many packages, including |oblivoir.cls|, for helping to implement the semicolon versions and to handle \TeX\ expansion issues using |expl3|. \chapter*{References} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Reference} \hpara{}Casteleyn, Jean Pierre~(2016), ``Visual PSTricks," version 2.30. \hpara{}\uline{\hphantom{Casteleyn, Jean Pierre}}~(2018), ``Visual TikZ," version 0.66. \hpara{}Tantau, Till~(2021), ``\TikZ\ and PGF: Manual for version 3.1.9a," \url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf}. \clearpage \printindex \end{document} %% ==================================================== %% ==================================================== %% ====================================================