\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,final,makeidx,twosides]{article} \usepackage{atbegshi,refcount} \usepackage{picture} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{caption,lastpage} %\captionsetup{figurename=Figure, tablename=Table} \renewcommand{\captionfont}{\small} \renewcommand{\captionlabelfont}{\bfseries} \usepackage[protrusion=true,draft=false,final,verbose=true,babel=true]{microtype} \providecommand{\turnthepage}{\textit{Turn the page.}} \AtBeginShipout{% \AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft{% \ifodd\thepage% \ifnum\getpagerefnumber{LastPage}>\thepage% \dimen1=1in \advance\dimen1 by \textwidth \advance\dimen1 by \oddsidemargin \dimen3=1in \advance\dimen3 by \topmargin \advance\dimen3 by \headheight \advance\dimen3 by \headsep \advance\dimen3 by \textheight \advance\dimen3 by \footskip \put(\dimen1,-\dimen3){\llap{\turnthepage}}% \fi\fi% }} \title{The \textbf{turnthepage} package} \author{Merciadri Luca, Marc van Dongen} \date{\today} \usepackage{makeidx} %% - HYPERREF PACKAGE - ** MUST be LAST ONE ** \usepackage[a4paper,bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=1,breaklinks=true,colorlinks=true,final,menucolor=red,pdfauthor={Merciadri Luca},pdfcreator={Merciadri Luca},pdfkeywords={math},pdftitle={The turnthepage package},pdfsubject={(La)TeX},pdftoolbar=true]{hyperref} \hypersetup{urlcolor=red,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,colorlinks=true} \usepackage{breakurl} %% -- INDEX GENERATION ACTIVATION -- \makeindex %% -- INDEX GENERATION ACTIVATION -- \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Introduction} On some exams' sheets, some professors or lecturers like to indicate to the reader that the `page' can be turned. That avoids oversights to the student, thereby avoiding them cold sweat at the end of the exam, realizing that there were other questions they needed to answer. One might implement a \LaTeX{} mechanism so that each odd page (except the last one, if the last page is odd) displays a message to turn the page. This mechanism can also be useful for different kinds of documents. This package can thus be used for exams, or special documents printed `twoside.' \section{Use} \subsection{Loading the Package} To \textit{load the package}, please use \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[options]{turnthepage} \end{verbatim} \end{center} \subsection{Available Options} The \textit{following options are available}: \begin{itemize} \item \verb|short|: will display `/\ldots' at the bottom of each odd page, in its right corner, \index{\texttt{short}} \item \verb|english|: will display `\textit{Turn the page.}' at the bottom of each odd page, in its right corner, \index{\texttt{english}} \item \verb|francais|: will display `\textit{Tournez la page.}' at the bottom of each odd page, in its right corner, \index{\texttt{francais}} \item \verb|nederlands|: will display `\textit{Sla de pagina om.}' at the bottom of each odd page, in its right corner, \index{\texttt{nederlands}} \item \verb|deutsch|: will display `\textit{Bitte wenden.}' at the bottom of each odd page, in its right corner, \index{\texttt{deutsch}} \end{itemize} As the package calls \verb|\turnthepage| where it needs to be placed, you can define \verb|\turnthepage| as you want. For example, if you want a more polite way to say it, you can use \begin{verbatim} \renewcommand{\turnthepage}{\itshape Turn the page please.} \end{verbatim} after the preamble. \section{Implementation} Here is the code of \verb|turnthepage.sty|: \lstset{language=TEX, basicstyle=\normalsize, keywordstyle=\bfseries, commentstyle=\itshape, keywords={}, emph={}, emphstyle=\bfseries, numbers=left, stringstyle=\ttseries, showstringspaces=false, stepnumber=2, numbersep=5pt, showspaces=false, showtabs=false, backgroundcolor=\color{white}} %\begin{lstlisting}[frame=single] \lstinputlisting[lastline=80]{turnthepage.forlisting} %\end{lstlisting} \section{Bugs} There is currently only one `bug:' \begin{itemize} \item Using a \verb|\setcounter| command will produce a missing number error. \end{itemize} \section{Version History} \begin{enumerate} \item \verb|v1.0|: package is introduced to the \LaTeX{} world (happy new 2011 year!), \item \verb|v1.1|: new options are added thanks to Mr. van Dongen's suggestions: \verb|english| now replaces \verb|long|, and \verb|francais|, \verb|nederlands|, \verb|deutsch| are implemented as translations of `Turn the page.' in French, Dutch, and German, \item \verb|v1.2|: in \verb|v1.1|, setting page numbering to `arabic' lead to errors. As a result, Mr. Philipp Stephani proposed to use \verb|zref-abspage| and \verb|zref-lastpage| at the place of \verb|lastpage|. After some slight modifications, one can now use any page numbering style. This manual uses the old version of the macro, when the package is the new version. \end{enumerate} \section{Thanks} Many thanks go to Marc van Dongen for his help at \cite{mvd1}, and to Philipp Stephani at \cite{ps}. \section{Contact} If you have any question concerning this package (limitations, bugs, \ldots), please contact me at \href{mailto:Luca.Merciadri@student.ulg.ac.be}{Luca.Merciadri@student.ulg.ac.be}. \newpage \phantomsection \printindex % \newpage \section{References} \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{siam} %\bibliographystyle{frplain} %\bibliographystyle{alpha} \label{biblio} %\begin{multicols}{2} \bibliography{turnthepage-bib} \end{document}