\documentclass{tufte-book} %% % Book metadata \title{A Tufte-Style Book\thanks{Thanks to Edward R.~Tufte for his inspiration.}} \author[The Tufte-LaTeX Developers]{The Tufte-LaTeX\ Developers} \publisher{Publisher of This Book} %% % If they're installed, use Bergamo and Chantilly from www.fontsite.com. % They're clones of Bembo and Gill Sans, respectively. %\IfFileExists{bergamo.sty}{\usepackage[osf]{bergamo}}{}% Bembo %\IfFileExists{chantill.sty}{\usepackage{chantill}}{}% Gill Sans %\usepackage{microtype} %% % Just some sample text \usepackage{lipsum} %% % For nicely typeset tabular material \usepackage{booktabs} %% % For graphics / images \usepackage{graphicx} \setkeys{Gin}{width=\linewidth,totalheight=\textheight,keepaspectratio} \graphicspath{{graphics/}} % The fancyvrb package lets us customize the formatting of verbatim % environments. We use a slightly smaller font. \usepackage{fancyvrb} \fvset{fontsize=\normalsize} %% % Prints argument within hanging parentheses (i.e., parentheses that take % up no horizontal space). Useful in tabular environments. \newcommand{\hangp}[1]{\makebox[0pt][r]{(}#1\makebox[0pt][l]{)}} %% % Prints an asterisk that takes up no horizontal space. % Useful in tabular environments. \newcommand{\hangstar}{\makebox[0pt][l]{*}} %% % Prints a trailing space in a smart way. \usepackage{xspace} %% % Some shortcuts for Tufte's book titles. The lowercase commands will % produce the initials of the book title in italics. The all-caps commands % will print out the full title of the book in italics. \newcommand{\vdqi}{\textit{VDQI}\xspace} \newcommand{\ei}{\textit{EI}\xspace} \newcommand{\ve}{\textit{VE}\xspace} \newcommand{\be}{\textit{BE}\xspace} \newcommand{\VDQI}{\textit{The Visual Display of Quantitative Information}\xspace} \newcommand{\EI}{\textit{Envisioning Information}\xspace} \newcommand{\VE}{\textit{Visual Explanations}\xspace} \newcommand{\BE}{\textit{Beautiful Evidence}\xspace} \newcommand{\TL}{Tufte-\LaTeX\xspace} % Prints the month name (e.g., January) and the year (e.g., 2008) \newcommand{\monthyear}{% \ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi\space\number\year } % Prints an epigraph and speaker in sans serif, all-caps type. \newcommand{\openepigraph}[2]{% %\sffamily\fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont \begin{fullwidth} \sffamily\large \begin{doublespace} \noindent\allcaps{#1}\\% epigraph \noindent\allcaps{#2}% author \end{doublespace} \end{fullwidth} } % Inserts a blank page \newcommand{\blankpage}{\newpage\hbox{}\thispagestyle{empty}\newpage} \usepackage{units} % Typesets the font size, leading, and measure in the form of 10/12x26 pc. \newcommand{\measure}[3]{#1/#2$\times$\unit[#3]{pc}} % Macros for typesetting the documentation \newcommand{\hl}[1]{\textcolor{Maroon}{#1}}% prints in red \newcommand{\hangleft}[1]{\makebox[0pt][r]{#1}} \newcommand{\hairsp}{\hspace{1pt}}% hair space \newcommand{\hquad}{\hskip0.5em\relax}% half quad space \newcommand{\TODO}{\textcolor{red}{\bf TODO!}\xspace} \newcommand{\ie}{\textit{i.\hairsp{}e.}\xspace} \newcommand{\eg}{\textit{e.\hairsp{}g.}\xspace} \providecommand{\XeLaTeX}{X\lower.5ex\hbox{\kern-0.15em\reflectbox{E}}\kern-0.1em\LaTeX} \newcommand{\tXeLaTeX}{\XeLaTeX\index{XeLaTeX@\protect\XeLaTeX}} % \index{\texttt{\textbackslash xyz}@\hangleft{\texttt{\textbackslash}}\texttt{xyz}} \newcommand{\tuftebs}{\symbol{'134}}% a backslash in tt type in OT1/T1 \newcommand{\doccmd}[1]{% \texttt{\tuftebs#1}% \index{#1@\protect\hangleft{\texttt{\tuftebs}}\texttt{#1}}% }% command name -- adds backslash automatically \newcommand{\docopt}[1]{\ensuremath{\langle}\textrm{\textit{#1}}\ensuremath{\rangle}}% optional command argument \newcommand{\docarg}[1]{\textrm{\textit{#1}}}% (required) command argument \newenvironment{docspec}{\begin{quotation}\ttfamily\parskip0pt\parindent0pt\ignorespaces}{\end{quotation}}% command specification environment \newcommand{\docenv}[1]{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} environment}\index{environments!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% environment name \newcommand{\docpkg}[1]{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} package}\index{packages!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% package name \newcommand{\doccls}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% document class name \newcommand{\docclsopt}[1]{\texttt{#1}\index{#1@\texttt{#1} class option}\index{class options!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% document class option name % Generates the index \usepackage{makeidx} \makeindex \begin{document} % Front matter \frontmatter % r.1 blank page \blankpage % v.2 epigraphs \newpage\thispagestyle{empty} \openepigraph{% The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring. }{Paul Rand%, {\itshape Design, Form, and Chaos} } \vfill \openepigraph{% A designer knows that he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. }{Antoine de St-Expurey} \vfill \openepigraph{% \ldots the designer of a new system must not only be the implementor and the first large-scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual\ldots If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. }{Donald E. Knuth} % r.3 full title page \maketitle % v.4 copyright page \newpage \begin{fullwidth} ~\vfill \thispagestyle{empty} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{\baselineskip} Copyright \copyright\ \the\year\ \thanklessauthor \par\smallcaps{Published by \thanklesspublisher} \par\smallcaps{tufte-latex.googlecode.com} \par Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ``License''); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at \url{http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0}. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an \smallcaps{``AS IS'' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND}, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.\index{license} \par\textit{First printing, \monthyear} \end{fullwidth} % r.5 contents \tableofcontents % r.7 dedication \cleardoublepage ~\vfill \begin{doublespace} \noindent\fontsize{18}{22}\selectfont\itshape \nohyphenation Dedicated to those who appreciate \LaTeX{} and the work of \mbox{Edward R.~Tufte} and \mbox{Donald E.~Knuth}. \end{doublespace} \vfill \vfill % r.9 introduction \cleardoublepage \chapter*{Introduction} This sample book discusses the design of Edward Tufte's books\cite{Tufte2001,Tufte1990,Tufte1997,Tufte2006} and the use of the \texttt{tufte-book} and \texttt{sample-handout} document classes. %% % Start the main matter (normal chapters) \mainmatter \chapter{The Design of Tufte's Books} \label{ch:tufte-design} \newthought{The pages} of a book are usually divided into three major sections: the front matter (also called preliminary matter or prelim), the main matter (the core text of the book), and the back matter (or end matter). \newthought{The front matter} of a book refers to all of the material that comes before the main text. The following table from shows a list of material that appears in the front matter of \VDQI, \EI, \VE, and \BE along with its page number. Page numbers that appear in parentheses refer to folios that do not have a printed page number (but they are still counted in the page number sequence). \bigskip \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcccc} \toprule & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Books} \\ \cmidrule(l){2-5} Page content & \vdqi & \ei & \ve & \be \\ \midrule Blank half title page & \hangp{1} & \hangp{1} & \hangp{1} & \hangp{1} \\ Frontispiece\footnotemark{} & \hangp{2} & \hangp{2} & \hangp{2} & \hangp{2} \\ Full title page & \hangp{3} & \hangp{3} & \hangp{3} & \hangp{3} \\ Copyright page & \hangp{4} & \hangp{4} & \hangp{4} & \hangp{4} \\ Contents & \hangp{5} & \hangp{5} & \hangp{5} & \hangp{5} \\ %Blank & -- & \hangp{6} & \hangp{6} & \hangp{6} \\ Dedication & \hangp{6} & \hangp{7} & \hangp{7} & 7 \\ %Blank & -- & \hangp{8} & -- & \hangp{8} \\ Epigraph & -- & -- & \hangp{8} & -- \\ Introduction & \hangp{7} & \hangp{9} & \hangp{9} & 9 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{minipage} \vspace{-7\baselineskip}\footnotetext{The contents of this page vary from book to book. In \vdqi this page is blank; in \ei and \ve this page holds a frontispiece; and in \be this page contains three epigraphs.} \vspace{7\baselineskip} \bigskip The design of the front matter in Tufte's books varies slightly from the traditional design of front matter. First, the pages in front matter are traditionally numbered with lowercase roman numerals (\eg, i, ii, iii, iv,~\ldots). Second, the front matter page numbering sequence is usually separate from the main matter page numbering. That is, the page numbers restart at 1 when the main matter begins. In contrast, Tufte has enumerated his pages with arabic numerals that share the same page counting sequence as the main matter. There are also some variations in design across Tufte's four books. The page opposite the full title page (labeled ``frontispiece'' in the above table) has different content in each of the books. In \VDQI, this page is blank; in \EI and \VE, this page holds a frontispiece; and in \BE, this page contains three epigraphs. The dedication appears on page~6 in \vdqi (opposite the introduction), and is placed on its own spread in the other books. In \ve, an epigraph shares the spread with the opening page of the introduction. None of the page numbers (folios) of the front matter are expressed except in \be, where the folios start to appear on the dedication page. \newthought{The full title page} of each of the books varies slightly in design. In all the books, the author's name appears at the top of the page, the title it set just above the center line, and the publisher is printed along the bottom margin. Some of the differences are outlined in the following table. \bigskip \begin{center} \footnotesize \begin{tabular}{lllll} \toprule Feature & \vdqi & \ei & \ve & \be \\ \midrule Author & & & & \\ \quad Typeface & serif & serif & serif & sans serif \\ \quad Style & italics & italics & italics & upright, caps \\ \quad Size & 24 pt & 20 pt & 20 pt & 20 pt \\ \addlinespace Title & & & & \\ \quad Typeface & serif & serif & serif & sans serif \\ \quad Style & upright & italics & upright & upright, caps \\ \quad Size & 36 pt & 48 pt & 48 pt & 36 pt \\ \addlinespace Subtitle & & & & \\ \quad Typeface & -- & -- & serif & -- \\ \quad Style & -- & -- & upright & -- \\ \quad Size & -- & -- & 20 pt & -- \\ \addlinespace Edition & & & & \\ \quad Typeface & sans serif & -- & -- & -- \\ \quad Style & upright, caps & -- & -- & -- \\ \quad Size & 14 pt & -- & -- & -- \\ \addlinespace Publisher & & & & \\ \quad Typeface & serif & serif & serif & sans serif \\ \quad Style & italics & italics & italics & upright, caps \\ \quad Size & 14 pt & 14 pt & 14 pt & 14 pt \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{figure*}[p] \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/vdqi-title.pdf}} \hfill \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/ei-title.pdf}} \\\vspace{\baselineskip} \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/ve-title.pdf}} \hfill \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/be-title.pdf}} \end{figure*} \newthought{The tables of contents} in Tufte's books give us our first glimpse of the structure of the main matter. \VDQI is split into two parts, each containing some number of chapters. His other three books only contain chapters---they're not broken into parts. \begin{figure*}[p]\index{table of contents} \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/vdqi-contents.pdf}} \hfill \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/ei-contents.pdf}} \\\vspace{\baselineskip} \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/ve-contents.pdf}} \hfill \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.45\linewidth]{graphics/be-contents.pdf}} \end{figure*} \section{Typefaces}\label{sec:typefaces1}\index{typefaces} \index{fonts|see{typefaces}} Tufte's books primarily use two typefaces: Bembo and Gill Sans. Bembo is used for the headings and body text, while Gill Sans is used for the title page and opening epigraphs in \BE. Since neither Bembo nor Gill Sans are available in default \LaTeX{} installations, the \TL document classes default to using Palatino and Helvetica, respectively. In addition, the Bera Mono typeface is used for \texttt{monospaced} type. The following font sizes are defined by the \TL classes: \begin{table}[h]\index{typefaces!sizes} \footnotesize% \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lccl} \toprule \LaTeX{} size & Font size & Leading & Used for \\ \midrule \verb+\tiny+ & 5 & 6 & sidenote numbers \\ \verb+\scriptsize+ & 7 & 8 & --- \\ \verb+\footnotesize+ & 8 & 10 & sidenotes, captions \\ \verb+\small+ & 9 & 12 & quote, quotation, and verse environments \\ \verb+\normalsize+ & 10 & 14 & body text \\ \verb+\large+ & 11 & 15 & \textsc{b}-heads \\ \verb+\Large+ & 12 & 16 & \textsc{a}-heads, \textsc{toc} entries, author, date \\ \verb+\LARGE+ & 14 & 18 & handout title \\ \verb+\huge+ & 20 & 30 & chapter heads \\ \verb+\Huge+ & 24 & 36 & part titles \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{A list of \LaTeX{} font sizes as defined by the \TL document classes.} \label{tab:font-sizes} \end{table} \section{Headings}\label{sec:headings1}\index{headings} Tufte's books include the following heading levels: parts, chapters,\sidenote{Parts and chapters are defined for the \texttt{tufte\-book} class only.} sections, subsections, and paragraphs. Not defined by default are: sub-subsections and subparagraphs. \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \footnotesize% \begin{tabular}{lcr} \toprule Heading & Style & Size \\ \midrule Part & roman & \measure{24}{36}{40} \\ Chapter & italic & \measure{20}{30}{40} \\ Section & italic & \measure{12}{16}{26} \\ Subsection & italic & \measure{11}{15}{26} \\ Paragraph & italic & 10/14 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Heading styles used in \BE.} \label{tab:heading-styles} \end{table} \paragraph{Paragraph} Paragraph headings (as shown here) are introduced by italicized text and separated from the main paragraph by a bit of space. \section{Environments} The following characteristics define the various environments: \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \footnotesize% \begin{tabular}{lcl} \toprule Environment & Font size & Notes \\ \midrule Body text & \measure{10}{14}{26} & \\ Block quote & \measure{9}{12}{24} & Block indent (left and right) by \unit[1]{pc} \\ Sidenotes & \measure{8}{10}{12} & Sidenote number is set inline, followed by word space \\ Captions & \measure{8}{10}{12} & \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Environment styles used in \BE.} \label{tab:environment-styles} \end{table} \chapter{On the Use of the \texttt{tufte-book} Document Class} \label{ch:tufte-book} The Tufte-\LaTeX\ document classes define a style similar to the style Edward Tufte uses in his books and handouts. Tufte's style is known for its extensive use of sidenotes, tight integration of graphics with text, and well-set typography. This document aims to be at once a demonstration of the features of the Tufte-\LaTeX\ document classes and a style guide to their use. \section{Page Layout}\label{sec:page-layout} \subsection{Headings}\label{sec:headings}\index{headings} This style provides \textsc{a}- and \textsc{b}-heads (that is, \Verb|\section| and \Verb|\subsection|), demonstrated above. If you need more than two levels of section headings, you'll have to define them yourself at the moment; there are no pre-defined styles for anything below a \Verb|\subsection|. As Bringhurst points out in \textit{The Elements of Typographic Style},\cite{Bringhurst2005} you should ``use as many levels of headings as you need: no more, and no fewer.'' The Tufte-\LaTeX\ classes will emit an error if you try to use \linebreak\Verb|\subsubsection| and smaller headings. % let's start a new thought -- a new section \newthought{In his later books},\cite{Tufte2006} Tufte starts each section with a bit of vertical space, a non-indented paragraph, and sets the first few words of the sentence in \textsc{small caps}. To accomplish this using this style, use the \hl{\doccmd{newthought}} command: \begin{docspec} \doccmd{newthought}\{In his later books\}, Tufte starts\ldots \end{docspec} \section{Sidenotes}\label{sec:sidenotes} One of the most prominent and distinctive features of this style is the extensive use of sidenotes. There is a wide margin to provide ample room for sidenotes and small figures. Any \doccmd{footnote}s will automatically be converted to sidenotes.\footnote{This is a sidenote that was entered using the \texttt{\textbackslash footnote} command.} If you'd like to place ancillary information in the margin without the sidenote mark (the superscript number), you can use the \hl{\doccmd{marginnote}} command.\marginnote{This is a margin note. Notice that there isn't a number preceding the note, and there is no number in the main text where this note was written.} The specification of the \hl{\doccmd{sidenote}} command is: \begin{docspec} \doccmd{sidenote}[\docopt{number}][\docopt{offset}]\{\docarg{Sidenote text.}\} \end{docspec} Both the \docopt{number} and \docopt{offset} arguments are optional. If you provide a \docopt{number} argument, then that number will be used as the sidenote number. It will change of the number of the current sidenote only and will not affect the numbering sequence of subsequent sidenotes. Sometimes a sidenote may run over the top of other text or graphics in the margin space. If this happens, you can adjust the vertical position of the sidenote by providing a dimension in the \docopt{offset} argument. Some examples of valid dimensions are: \begin{docspec} \ttfamily 1.0in \qquad 2.54cm \qquad 254mm \qquad 6\Verb|\baselineskip| \end{docspec} If the dimension is positive it will push the sidenote down the page; if the dimension is negative, it will move the sidenote up the page. While both the \docopt{number} and \docopt{offset} arguments are optional, they must be provided in order. To adjust the vertical position of the sidenote while leaving the sidenote number alone, use the following syntax: \begin{docspec} \doccmd{sidenote}[][\docopt{offset}]\{\docarg{Sidenote text.}\} \end{docspec} The empty brackets tell the \Verb|\sidenote| command to use the default sidenote number. If you \emph{only} want to change the sidenote number, however, you may completely omit the \docopt{offset} argument: \begin{docspec} \doccmd{sidenote}[\docopt{number}]\{\docarg{Sidenote text.}\} \end{docspec} The \doccmd{marginnote} command has a similar \docarg{offset} argument: \begin{docspec} \doccmd{marginnote}[\docopt{offset}]\{\docarg{Margin note text.}\} \end{docspec} \section{References} References are placed alongside their citations as sidenotes, as well. This can be accomplished using the normal \hl{\doccmd{cite}} command.\sidenote{The first paragraph of this document includes a citation.} The complete list of references may also be printed automatically by using the \hl{\doccmd{bibliography}} command. (See the end of this document for an example.) If you do not want to print a bibliography at the end of your document, use the \hl{\doccmd{nobibliography}} command in its place. To enter multiple citations at one location,\cite[-3\baselineskip]{Tufte2006,Tufte1990} you can provide a list of keys separated by commas and the same optional vertical offset argument: \Verb|\cite{Tufte2006,Tufte1990}|. \begin{docspec} \doccmd{cite}[\docopt{offset}]\{\docarg{bibkey1,bibkey2,\ldots}\} \end{docspec} \section{Figures and Tables}\label{sec:figures-and-tables} Images and graphics play an integral role in Tufte's work. In addition to the standard \hl{\docenv{figure}} and \hl{\docenv{tabular}} environments, this style provides special figure and table environments for full-width floats. Full page--width figures and tables may be placed in \hl{\docenv{figure*}} or \hl{\docenv{table*}} environments. To place figures or tables in the margin, use the \hl{\docenv{marginfigure}} or \hl{\docenv{margintable}} environments as follows (see figure~\ref{fig:marginfig}): \begin{marginfigure}% \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{helix} \caption{This is a margin figure. The helix is defined by $x = \cos(2\pi z)$, $y = \sin(2\pi z)$, and $z = [0, 2.7]$. The figure was drawn using Asymptote (\url{http://asymptote.sf.net/}).} \label{fig:marginfig} \end{marginfigure} \begin{docspec} \textbackslash begin\{marginfigure\}\\ \qquad\textbackslash includegraphics\{helix\}\\ \qquad\textbackslash caption\{This is a margin figure.\}\\ \qquad\textbackslash label\{fig:marginfig\}\\ \textbackslash end\{marginfigure\}\\ \end{docspec} The \docenv{marginfigure} and \docenv{margintable} environments accept an optional parameter \docopt{offset} that adjusts the vertical position of the figure or table. See the ``\nameref{sec:sidenotes}'' section above for examples. The specifications are: \begin{docspec} \textbackslash{begin\{marginfigure\}[\docopt{offset}]}\\ \qquad\ldots\\ \textbackslash{end\{marginfigure\}}\\ \mbox{}\\ \textbackslash{begin\{margintable\}[\docopt{offset}]}\\ \qquad\ldots\\ \textbackslash{end\{margintable\}}\\ \end{docspec} Figure~\ref{fig:fullfig} is an example of the \docenv{figure*} environment and figure~\ref{fig:textfig} is an example of the normal \docenv{figure} environment. \begin{figure*}[h] \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{sine.pdf}% \caption{This graph shows $y = \sin x$ from about $x = [-10, 10]$. \emph{Notice that this figure takes up the full page width.}}% \label{fig:fullfig}% \end{figure*} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{hilbertcurves.pdf} % \checkparity This is an \pageparity\ page.% \caption{Hilbert curves of various degrees $n$. \emph{Notice that this figure only takes up the main textblock width.}} \label{fig:textfig} %\zsavepos{pos:textfig} \end{figure} Table~\ref{tab:normaltab} shows table created with the \docpkg{booktabs} package. Notice the lack of vertical rules---they serve only to clutter the table's data. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont \begin{tabular}{ll} \toprule Margin & Length \\ \midrule Paper width & \unit[8\nicefrac{1}{2}]{inches} \\ Paper height & \unit[11]{inches} \\ Textblock width & \unit[6\nicefrac{1}{2}]{inches} \\ Textblock/sidenote gutter & \unit[\nicefrac{3}{8}]{inches} \\ Sidenote width & \unit[2]{inches} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Here are the dimensions of the various margins used in the Tufte-handout class.} \label{tab:normaltab} %\zsavepos{pos:normaltab} \end{table} \section{Full-width text blocks} In addition to the new float types, there is a \hl{\docenv{fullwidth}} environment that stretches across the main text block and the sidenotes area. \begin{Verbatim} \begin{fullwidth} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... \end{fullwidth} \end{Verbatim} \begin{fullwidth} \small\itshape\lipsum[1] \end{fullwidth} \section{Typography}\label{sec:typography} \subsection{Typefaces}\label{sec:typefaces}\index{typefaces} If the Palatino, \textsf{Helvetica}, and \texttt{Bera Mono} typefaces are installed, this style will use them automatically. Otherwise, we'll fall back on the Computer Modern typefaces. \subsection{Letterspacing}\label{sec:letterspacing} This document class includes two new commands and some improvements on existing commands for letterspacing. When setting strings of \allcaps{ALL CAPS} or \smallcaps{small caps}, the letter\-spacing---that is, the spacing between the letters---should be increased slightly.\cite{Bringhurst2005} The \hl{\doccmd{allcaps}} command has proper letterspacing for strings of \allcaps{FULL CAPITAL LETTERS}, and the \hl{\doccmd{smallcaps}} command has letterspacing for \smallcaps{small capital letters}. These commands will also automatically convert the case of the text to upper- or lowercase, respectively. The \hl{\doccmd{textsc}} command has also been redefined to include letterspacing. The case of the \doccmd{textsc} argument is left as is, however. This allows one to use both uppercase and lowercase letters: \textsc{The Initial Letters Of The Words In This Sentence Are Capitalized.} \section{Document Class Options}\label{sec:options} \index{class options|(} The \doccls{tufte-book} class is based on the \LaTeX\ \doccls{book} document class. Therefore, you can pass any of the typical book options. There are a few options that are specific to the \doccls{tufte-book} document class, however. The \hl{\docclsopt{a4paper}} option will set the paper size to \smallcaps{A4} instead of the default \smallcaps{US} letter size. The \hl{\docclsopt{sfsidenotes}} option will set the sidenotes and title block in a \textsf{sans serif} typeface instead of the default roman. The \hl{\docclsopt{twoside}} option will modify the running heads so that the page number is printed on the outside edge (as opposed to always printing the page number on the right-side edge in \hl{\docclsopt{oneside}} mode). The \hl{\docclsopt{symmetric}} option typesets the sidenotes on the outside edge of the page. This is how books are traditionally printed, but is contrary to Tufte's book design which sets the sidenotes on the right side of the page. This option implicitly sets the \docclsopt{twoside} option. The \hl{\docclsopt{justified}} option sets all the text fully justified (flush left and right). The default is to set the text ragged right. The body text of Tufte's books are set ragged right. This prevents needless hyphenation and makes it easier to read the text in the slightly narrower column. The \hl{\docclsopt{bidi}} option loads the \docpkg{bidi} package which is used with \tXeLaTeX\ to typeset bi-directional text. Since the \docpkg{bidi} package needs to be loaded before the sidenotes and cite commands are defined, it can't be loaded in the document preamble. The \hl{\docclsopt{debug}} option causes the Tufte-\LaTeX\ classes to output debug information to the log file which is useful in troubleshooting bugs. It will also cause the graphics to be replaced by outlines. The \hl{\docclsopt{nofonts}} option prevents the Tufte-\LaTeX\ classes from automatically loading the Palatino and Helvetica typefaces. You should use this option if you wish to load your own fonts. If you're using \tXeLaTeX, this option is implied (\ie, the Palatino and Helvetica fonts aren't loaded if you use \tXeLaTeX). The \hl{\docclsopt{nols}} option inhibits the letterspacing code. The Tufte-\LaTeX\ classes try to load the appropriate letterspacing package (either pdf\TeX's \docpkg{letterspace} package or the \docpkg{soul} package). If you're using \tXeLaTeX\ with \docpkg{fontenc}, however, you should configure your own letterspacing. The \hl{\docclsopt{notitlepage}} option causes \verb|\maketitle| to generate a title block instead of a title page. The \doccls{book} class defaults to a title page and the \doccls{handout} class defaults to the title block. There is an analogous \hl{\docclsopt{titlepage}} option that forces \verb|\maketitle| to generate a full title page instead of the title block. The \hl{\docclsopt{notoc}} option suppresses Tufte-\LaTeX's custom table of contents (\textsc{toc}) design. The current \textsc{toc} design only shows unnumbered chapter titles; it doesn't show sections or subsections. The \docclsopt{notoc} option will revert to \LaTeX's \textsc{toc} design. \index{class options|)} \chapter{Debug Stuff} %% % The back matter contains appendices, bibliographies, indices, glossaries, etc. \backmatter \bibliography{sample-handout} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \printindex \end{document}