\documentstyle[lingmacros]{article} \title{Linguistic Macros} \author{Emma Pease} \begin{document} \maketitle The lingmacros file contains a few macros that may be of use to linguists. The major commands are \begin{enumerate} \item The enumsentence macros for creating example sentences \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \enumsentence[label]{sentence} \eenumsentence[label]{\item[label] sentence 1 \item[label] sentence 2} \end{verbatim} \end{center} The enumsentence macros are similar to the math equation environment except that they take regular text. The \verb+\label+ command can be used inside of them.\footnote{The enumsentence macros use the counter, enums. For more information read the style file.} Inside of the eenumsentence either the \verb+\toplabel+ command for the sentence number only or the \verb+\label+ for sentence number and sublabel. Also defined is \verb+\ex{number}+ which gives a relative reference. \verb+(\ex{1})+ or \verb+(\ref{senta})+ give the number of the next enumsentence (\ex{1}) or (\ref{senta}); \verb+(\ex{2})+ or \verb+(\ref{sentb})+ of the second succeeding enumsentence (\ex{2}) or (\ref{sentb}). \verb+(\ref{sentbb})+ will give (\ref{sentbb}). \enumsentence{This is the first sentence\label{senta}} \eenumsentence{\item this is a second sentence \toplabel{sentb} \item this is a third sentence\label{sentbb}} \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \enumsentence{This is the first sentence\label{senta}} \eenumsentence{\item this is a second sentence \toplabel{sentb} \item this is a third sentence\label{sentbb}} \end{verbatim} \end{center} \item The tree macros \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \smalltree{alignment structure} \modsmalltree{number of columns}{alignment structure} \end{verbatim} \end{center} \verb+\smalltree+ is based on the tabular environment with a large baselineskip. A simple example should suffice. \enumsentence{\smalltree{& &a\\ &b& &c\\ d& &e& &f}} \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \enumsentence{\smalltree{& &a\\ &b& &c\\ d& &e& &f}} \end{verbatim} \end{center} \verb+\modsmalltree+ sometime works better. \enumsentence{\modsmalltree{5}{& &a\\ &b& \mc{3}{this is long}\\ d& &e& &f}} \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \enumsentence{\modsmalltree{5}{& &a\\ &b& \mc{3}{this is long}\\ d& &e& &f}} \end{verbatim} \end{center} Note the use of the \verb+\mc{number of columns}{text}+ to span several columns. The \verb+\clap{text}+ might also be useful; it is similar to the \verb+\rlap+ and \verb+\llap+ commands and produces a centered hbox of zero width. Lines need to be drawn in by hand or one can use the tree-dvips macros. \item The gloss macros \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \shortex{number of columns}{first line}{second line}{gloss} \shortexnt{number of columns}{first line}{second line} \end{verbatim} \end{center} These can be combined to produce most of the glosses that linguists should need. \enumsentence{\shortex{6}{Was & ist & dem & Kind & geschenkt&worden?} {What& is & the & child& given &been?} {What has been given to the child?} \item \shortexnt{7} {Das & Fin\'anzamt & hat & ihn & geschnappt &(und & nicht} {the &finance authority & has & him & caught &(and ¬} \shortex{2}{die &Polizei).} {the &police).} {It was the IRS that caught him (and not the police).}} \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \enumsentence{\shortex{6}{Was & ist & dem & Kind & geschenkt&worden?} {What& is & the & child& given &been?} {What has been given to the child?}} \item \shortexnt{7} {Das & Fin\'anzamt & hat & ihn & geschnappt &(und & nicht} {the &finance authority & has & him & caught &(and ¬} \shortex{2}{die &Polizei).} {the &police)} {It was the IRS that caught him (and not the police).}} \end{verbatim} \end{center} Unfortunately, I've not figured out a fullproof method of breaking the glosses automatically so they have to be done by hand. \item AVM structures \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \outerfs{text} \end{verbatim} \end{center} \enumsentence{\evnup[-3pt]{\outerfs{SUBJ & \outerfs{POSS & [PRED `Louise']\\ PRED &`mother$\langle$Poss$\rangle$}\\[3ex] OBJ & \outerfs{PRED & `PRO'\\ REFL & +}\\ PRED & `dress$\langle$SUBJ OBJ$\rangle$'}}} \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \enumsentence{\evnup[-3pt]{% \outerfs{SUBJ & \outerfs{POSS & [PRED `Louise']\\ PRED &`mother$\langle$Poss$\rangle$}\\[3ex] OBJ & \outerfs{PRED & `PRO'\\ REFL & +}\\ PRED & `dress$\langle$SUBJ OBJ$\rangle$'}}} \end{verbatim} \end{center} \end{enumerate} \end{document}