% $Id: slifontsexample.tex,v 1.9 2003/03/28 16:06:39 stephanlehmke Exp $ % % TeXPower bundle - dynamic online presentations with LaTeX % Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Stephan Lehmke % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % File: slifontsexample.tex % % Example for the package tpslifonts.sty. % % This file can be compiled with pdfLaTeX or (standard) LaTeX. When using standard LaTeX, the dvi file produced should % be converted to pdf afterwards (using dvips+distill/ps2pdf or dvipdf, for instance). % % The resulting pdf file is meant for presenting `interactively' with Adobe Acrobat Reader. % %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Author: Stephan Lehmke % % v0.1 Nov 14, 2002: First version for the pre-alpha release of TeXPower. % % v0.2 Jan 07, 2003: Adapted to tpslifonts v0.4 (added support for cmbright). % % v0.3 Mar 28, 2003: Adapted to tpslifonts v0.5 (added support for T1 encoding). % % v0.4 May 28, 2003: Adapted to tpslifonts v0.6. % %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Please go to USER CONFIGURATION AREA below to find configuration options for experimenting with font settings. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Are we in a TeXPower-aware setting? \IfFileExists{__TPpbla} %\IfFileExists{___TPpbla} {% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input the generic preamble part one. \input{__TPpbla} } {% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Otherwise, make a `poor man's presentation mode. \documentclass{article} \setlength{\paperwidth}{13cm} \setlength{\paperheight}{10cm} \usepackage[left=3mm,right=3mm,top=3mm,bottom=3mm]{geometry} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex} \linespread{1.3} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{calc} \raggedbottom } %================================================================================================================= % begin USER CONFIGURATION AREA. % In the following, you can configure this demo by changing settings made below (until the ``end USER CONFIGURATION % AREA mark). % Note in particular the part below labelled ``Configuration scenarios''. %================================================================================================================= %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Packages and Preamble settings individual for this example. % We use a lot of fonts for demonstration. You can comment out any of the following \usepackage calls to emulate your % own working environment. Note, however, that some of the examples will vanish then because of lacking commands. \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{stmaryrd} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{dsfont} \usepackage[override]{cmtt} % Make nested braces grow. \delimitershortfall-1sp\relax % The following packages are needed only for the examples. If you're lacking any of them, just comment out the % \usepackage call. Note, however, that some of the examples will vanish then because of lacking commands. % Both amsmath and wasysym insist on defining \iint and \iiint. \makeatletter\let\iint\@undefined\let\iiint\@undefined\makeatother \usepackage[leqno]{amsmath} \usepackage{amscd} \usepackage{array} \IfFileExists{easymat.sty}{\usepackage{easymat}} %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TeXPower configuration. \PassOptionsToPackage{lightbackground,colorhighlight}{texpower} % Comment out to avoid coloring math formulae. \PassOptionsToPackage{colormath}{texpower} \usepackage{ifthen}[2001/05/26] %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Configuration scenarios % In the following, we give several `configuration scenarios' for presentation font selection with tpslifonts. Each % hopefully represents a nice and readable selection of tpslifonts options and parameters. For some scenarios, you might % need to have some Type1 fonts installed which are not part of every TeX distribution, otherwise bitmap versions will % be used which look `blurred' in acroread. % Of course taste varies, so after testing each scenario in turn and making yourself acquainted with the possibilities, % you might start experimenting further by removing some options or parameters from a scenario or by adding parameters % used in other scenarios. % For selecting a scenario, just uncomment its code lines. Remember to comment out all other scenarios, otherwise there % might be conflicts. % Configuration scenario 1: % Slifonts with cm italic math. % ----------------------------- % This is a `standard' setting. The text fonts come from the lcmss family, Typewriter from cmtt and math from cmmi. Size % differences are remedied by using `scaleup' options. The `textops' option causes operator names and digits to be taken % from the text font lcmss. The `scale7pt' will hopefully make math look a little `bolder'. % Type 1 versions of all fonts used by this scenario (apart from certain math fonts like dsrom) should be part of every % moderately modern TeX distribution. % \PassOptionsToPackage{scaleupmath,scaleuptt,textops,scale7pt}{tpslifonts} % If you find the typewriter characters to be too `bold', try uncommenting the following line: % \def\TPSFttscale{1.13} % Configuration scenario 2: % Slifonts with euler math. % ------------------------- % Combining lcmss with euler math might look strange at first, but the euler math fonts are definitely extremely well % readable on screen. The text fonts come from the lcmss family, Typewriter from cmtt and math from euler roman. Size % differences are remedied by using `scaleup' options. % Type 1 versions of all fonts used by this scenario (apart from certain math fonts like dsrom) should be part of every % moderately modern TeX distribution. % \PassOptionsToPackage{eulermath,scaleupmath,scaleuptt}{tpslifonts} % If you uncomment the following option, digits are also taken from Euler math. % \PassOptionsToPackage{eulerdigits}{tpslifonts} % If you find the typewriter characters to be too `bold', try uncommenting the following line: % \def\TPSFttscale{1.13} % Configuration scenario 3: % Slifonts with cmbright math. % ---------------------------- % The cmbright family is the only existing source for a complete set of sans serif math fonts which fit the computer % modern grand family. Although being slightly different from cmss, it fits well with lcmss . The text fonts come from % the lcmss family, Typewriter from cmtt and math from cm bright. Size differences are remedied by using `scaleup' % options. The `textops' option causes operator names and digits to be taken from the text font lcmss. % Even with a modern TeX distribution, you might need to install Type1 versions of the cmbright fonts, for instance from % the ``hfbright'' bundle by Harald Harders. \PassOptionsToPackage{cmbrightmath,scaleupmath,scaleuptt,textops}{tpslifonts} % If you find the typewriter characters to be too `bold', try uncommenting the following line: \def\TPSFttscale{1.1} % Configuration scenario 4: % cmss fonts with cm italic math. % ------------------------------- % The text fonts come from the cmss family, Typewriter from cmtt and math from cmmi. The `textops' option causes % operator names and digits to be taken from the text font cmss. The `scale7pt' option makes characters look a little % `bolder', enhancing readability. % Type 1 versions of all fonts used by this scenario (apart from certain math fonts like dsrom) should be part of every % moderately modern TeX distribution. % \PassOptionsToPackage{cmss,textops,scale7pt}{tpslifonts} % Configuration scenario 5: % cmss fonts with euler math. % --------------------------- % Combining cmss with euler math might look strange at first, but the euler math fonts are definitely extremely well % readable on screen. The text fonts come from the cmss family, Typewriter from cmtt and math from euler roman. % Type 1 versions of all fonts used by this scenario (apart from certain math fonts like dsrom) should be part of every % moderately modern TeX distribution. % \PassOptionsToPackage{cmss,eulermath}{tpslifonts} % If you uncomment the following option, digits are also taken from Euler math. % \PassOptionsToPackage{eulerdigits}{tpslifonts} % Configuration scenario 6: % cmss fonts with cmbright math. % ------------------------------ % The cmbright family is the only existing source for a complete set of sans serif math fonts which fit the computer % modern grand family. Although being slightly different from cmss, it fits well with cmss. The text fonts come from % the cmss family, Typewriter from cmtt and math from cm bright. The `textops' option causes operator names and digits % to be taken from the text font cmss. % Even with a modern TeX distribution, you might need to install Type1 versions of the cmbright fonts, for instance from % the ``hfbright'' bundle by Harald Harders. % \PassOptionsToPackage{cmss,cmbrightmath,textops}{tpslifonts} % Configuration scenario 7: % cmr fonts. % ------------------------- % In this case, all fonts are the TeX standard computer modern roman. The text fonts come from the cmr family, % Typewriter from cmtt and math from cmmi. The `scale7pt' option makes characters look a little `bolder', enhancing % readability. % Type 1 versions of all fonts used by this scenario (apart from certain math fonts like dsrom) should be part of every % moderately modern TeX distribution. % \PassOptionsToPackage{cmr,scale7pt}{tpslifonts} % Configuration scenario 8: % cmbright fonts. % ------------------------- % In this case, all fonts are taken from the cmbright family. The text fonts come from the cmbr family, % Typewriter from cmtl and math from cmbrm. % Even with a modern TeX distribution, you might need to install Type1 versions of the cmbright fonts, for instance from % the ``hfbright'' bundle by Harald Harders. % \PassOptionsToPackage{cmbright,cmbrightmath}{tpslifonts} % Configuration scenario 9: % concrete fonts with Euler math. % ------------------------------- % In this case, text fonts are taken from the concrete family. The text fonts come from the ccr family, % Typewriter from cmtt and math from Euler. % Unfortunately, it seems there are no Type1 versions of OT1 encoded ccr fonts. Hence, to use this setup (at this % moment) it is neccessary to select T1 fontencoding (see below) and install some Type1 collection of ``ec'' fonts like % the cm-super fonts. Even then, there's no Type1 version of ccm math fonts, so for this scenario, (the matching) Euler % math fonts are selected. % \PassOptionsToPackage{concrete,eulermath}{tpslifonts} % With this scenario, T1 fontencoding is neccessary because (to the authors knowledge) there exists no OT1 encoded Type1 % version of ccr. % \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Other tpslifonts settings. % Use T1 font encoding. This will lead to using EC fonts instead of CM. % \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % tpslifonts allows to define independent scaling factors for different groups of fonts. Selecting one of the % scaleup... options will define a default value supposed to match ``SliTeX'' fonts, but you can set any scaling factor % by just defining (any of) the respective macros: % Typewriter fonts. % \def\TPSFttscale{1.1} % Math fonts related to cm math. % \def\TPSFmathscale{1.1} % Euler math fonts. % \def\TPSFeulerscale{1.05} % cmbright math fonts. % \def\TPSFcmbrscale{1.05} %================================================================================================================= % end USER CONFIGURATION AREA. %================================================================================================================= \RequirePackage{tpslifonts} % Are we in a TeXPower-aware setting? \makeatletter \IfFileExists{__TPpbla} %\IfFileExists{___TPpbla} {% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input the generic preamble part two. \input{__TPpblb} \hypersetup{pdftitle={texpower tpslifonts example}} \slidesmag{4} } {% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Otherwise, load everything manually. \pagestyle{empty} \newcommand{\makeslidetitle}[1] {% \begin{center} {\leavevmode\Large\sffamily \vspace*{\fill} \textbf{The \TeX Power bundle\\{\normalfont ##1}} \par} \vspace*{\fill} Stephan Lehmke\\ University of Dortmund\\ Department of Computer Science I\\ \url{mailto:Stephan.Lehmke@udo.edu}% \vspace*{\fill} \today \vspace*{\fill} \vspace*{\fill} \end{center} \newpage } \renewcommand\section{\@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}% {-1.5ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.5ex}% {.5ex \@plus .2ex}% {\normalfont\large\sffamily\bfseries}} \let\code\texttt \let\concept\textbf \let\underl\textbf \let\name\textsc \newcommand{\macroname}[1]{\code{\textbackslash##1}} \newenvironment{slide}{\raggedright}{} \newenvironment{presentbox}{\par\begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth}}{\end{minipage}\par} \let\present=\fbox } \newboolean{TPSFamsfonts} \@ifpackageloaded{amsfonts}{\setboolean{TPSFamsfonts}{true}}{} \newboolean{TPSFlasy} \@ifpackageloaded{latexsym}{\setboolean{TPSFlasy}{true}}{} \newboolean{TPSFwasysym} \@ifpackageloaded{wasysym}{\setboolean{TPSFwasysym}{true}}{} \newboolean{TPSFstmaryrd} \@ifpackageloaded{stmaryrd}{\setboolean{TPSFstmaryrd}{true}}{} \newboolean{TPSFrsfs} \@ifpackageloaded{mathrsfs}{\setboolean{TPSFrsfs}{true}}{} \newboolean{TPSFdstroke} \@ifpackageloaded{dsfont}{\setboolean{TPSFdstroke}{true}}{} \makeatother %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Finally, everything is set up. Here we go... % \begin{document} \begin{slide} \input{__TPslifonts} \end{slide} \end{document} % Local Variables: % fill-column: 120 % TeX-master: t % End: