% Stand-alone sample usage of package topfront % With XeLaTeX the document should be created with the UTF-8 encoding % Use the following Magic comment line only if you typeset the document with pdfLaTeX % !TEX encoding = IsoLatin % Of course you may create the document in utf8 encoding even if you use pdfLaTeX, % but you have to change the above magic comment accordingly (change "IsoLatin" % with "UTF-8 Unicode"). Change also the inputenc option from "latin1" to "utf8". % % You need not care for any input encoding and any option to the inputenc % package, if you avoid using national non-ASCII characters, but use the % standard LaTeX commands to access them; for example: \`A, \ss, \L, etc. % This document may be typeset with % % 1) pdfLaTeX or XeLaTeX % 2) in Italian or in English % 3) with \frontepsizio or \frontespizio* % % for a total of 8 combinations. % % The typeset appearance changes a little bit by choosing different fonts % in the preamble settings. The Type 1 fonts available to pdfLaTeX % may be different from the OpenType fonts available to XeLaTeX. \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside]{report}% it works also with book and article \usepackage{ifxetex}% to test if the typesetting engine is pdflatex or xelatex \ifxetex \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}% Latin Modern OpenType fonts \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{italian} \setotherlanguage{english} \else \usepackage[english,italian]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}% It would be better to use utf8 \usepackage{lmodern}% Latin Modern Type 1 fonts \fi \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{topfront} \begin{document} % These data must be here after \begin{document} and before \frontespizio % if XeLaTeX is being used. % When using pdfLaTeX these data may be anywhere before \frontespizio, % even in the preamble. % See the toptesi-doc-xetex.pdf documentation for more details. % % Uncomment the following line if you want a title page with English infix phrases \selectlanguage{english}% the default language is changed from Italian to English % % Settings common to both languages % Redefine \IDN for English \candidato{Galileo \textsc{Galilei}\IDN 123456} \secondocandidato{Evangelista \textsc{Torricelli}\IDN 123457} \relatore{prof.\ Margherita Hack} \tutoreaziendale{dott.\ Roberto Ferrero} % The English definitions redefine all the infix words, besides a few variable strings. % Even the supervisor names may be redefined so as to write professional titles % according to the English style (capitalisation, spelling, etc.) % For a specific kind of thesis some infix string redefinitions may be omitted. % Since this sample file may be typeset either in Italian or in English we need a test \iflanguage{english}{% English language \retrofrontespizio{This work is subject to the Creative Commons Licence} \DottoratoIn{PhD Course in\space} \CorsoDiLaureaIn{Master degree course in\space} \NomeMonografia{Bachelor Degree Thesis} \TesiDiLaurea{Master Degree Thesis} \NomeDissertazione{PhD Dissertation} \InName{in} \CandidateName{Candidates}% or Candidate \AdvisorName{Supervisor}% or Supervisors \TutorName{Tutor} \NomeTutoreAziendale{Internship Tutor\\Monviso Astronomical Observatory} \CycleName{cycle} \NomePrimoTomo{First volume} \NomeSecondoTomo{Second Volume} \NomeTerzoTomo{Third Volume} \NomeQuartoTomo{Fourth Volume} \titolo{Jupiter barometric pressure} \sottotitolo{Method of the Medicean satellites} \corsodilaurea{Applied Astronomy} \logosede{logotre,logoquattro}% one logo or a comma separated list of logos \sedutadilaurea{August 1615} \ateneo{West Piedmont University} \nomeateneo{Royal Mountain Campus} \renewcommand*\IDN{\\\quad ID number:\space} }{% Italian language \ateneo{Universit\`a del Piemonte Occidentale} \nomeateneo{Studium Monregalensis} \corsodilaurea{Astronomia applicata} \titolo{La pressione barometrica di Giove} \sottotitolo{Metodo dei satelliti medicei} \NomeTutoreAziendale{Supervisore aziendale\\Osservatorio Astronomico del Monviso} \sedutadilaurea{Agosto 1615} \logosede{logouno,logodue}% one logo or a comma separated list of logos } % Use either one of the following commands. The first one puts the university logo(s) % at the top of the page and does or does not typeset the university denomination % depending on the fact that \ateneo contains some name or is empty; the % second one puts the university logo(s) after the thesis title and possible % subtitle, while prints at the top of the page the denomination of the % university and its possible proper name. When the logo(s) do not contain the % denomination of the university the asterisk version is preferable. % % Comment out only one of the two following commands! % % \frontespizio \frontespizio* \end{document}