% Stand-alone sample usage of topfront % with XeLaTeX the document should be created with the UTF-8 encoding % Use the following Magic comment line only if you typeset the document with pdfLaTeX % !TEX encoding = IsoLatin \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside]{report}% it works also with book and article \usepackage{ifxetex} \ifxetex \usepackage{fontspec}% Ddefault fonts are the Latin Modern OpenType ones \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{italian} \setotherlanguage{english} \else \usepackage[english,italian]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \fi \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{topfront} \begin{document}\errorcontextlines=9 % These data must be here after \begin{document} and before \frontespizio if XeLaTeX % is being used. % When using pdfLaTeX these data may be anywhere before \frontespizio, even in the preamble. % See the toptesi-doc-xetex.pdf documentation for more details. % % Uncomment the following line if you want a title page with English infix phrases \selectlanguage{english}% the default language is changed from Italian to English % \ateneo{Universit\`a di Torino} \corsodilaurea{Astronomia applicata} \titolo{La pressione barometrica di~Giove} \sottotitolo{Metodo dei satelliti medicei} \candidato{\tabular{@{}l@{}}Galileo \textsc{Galilei}\\ \quad matricola 123456\endtabular} \secondocandidato{\tabular{@{}l@{}}Evangelista \textsc{Torricelli}\\ \quad matricola 123457\endtabular} \relatore{prof.\ Margherita Hack} \NomeTutoreAziendale{Supervisore aziendale\\Osservatorio Astronomico di Pino Torinese} \tutoreaziendale{dott.\ Roberto Ferrero} \sedutadilaurea{Agosto 1615} \logosede{logounito} % Since this sample file may be typeset either in Italian or in English we need a test: \iflanguage{english}{% \retrofrontespizio{This work is subject to the Creative Commons Licence} \DottoratoIn{PhD Course in\space} \CorsoDiLaureaIn{Master degree course in\space} \NomeMonografia{Bachelor Degree Thesis} \TesiDiLaurea{Master Degree Thesis} \NomeDissertazione{PhD Dissertation} \InName{in} \CandidateName{Candidates}% or Candidate \AdvisorName{Supervisor}% or Supervisors \TutorName{Tutor} \NomeTutoreAziendale{Internship Tutor} \CycleName{cycle} \NomePrimoTomo{First volume} \NomeSecondoTomo{Second Volume} \NomeTerzoTomo{Third Volume} \NomeQuartoTomo{Fourth Volume} \logosede{logotrieste,logopolito}% or comma separated list of logos }{} \frontespizio \end{document}