manifest.txt (TOPtesi version 6.x) Copyright 2008-2018 Claudio Beccari This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later. This work itself and every derived work are subject to the above licence, included the file toptesi.cfg that may be copied to a different named file and the copy modified at will by the user. This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". This work consists of the files listed in manifest.txt This work consists of the following files: manifest.txt toptesi.dtx toptesi-example.tex toptesi-example-luatex.tex toptesi-example-frontespizio.tex topfront-example.tex toptesi-example-sss.tex toptesi-example-triennale.tex toptesi-example-dottorale.tex README toptesi-it.tex The files derived from the work are the following: toptesi.cls toptesi.sty topcoman.sty topfront.sty toptesi.cfg toptesi.pdf toptesi-example.pdf toptesi-example-xetex.pdf toptesi-example-frontespizio.pdf toptesi-monografia.sty toptesi-scudo.sty toptesi-magistrale.sty toptesi-dottorale.sty toptesi-sss.sty toptesi-it.pdf The toptesi.dtx file is self extracting and self documenting; if you run pdflatex on it you get at the same time the class, the style files besides the toptesi configuration file, together with the English documented file. The Italian documentation is obtained by running LuaLaTeX on toptesi-it.tex; this documentation has been completely redone compared to previous versions. With this compiler the result should be PDF/A-1b compliant. The compilation of this file requires input of various .pdf files, mostly obtained by processing the .tex files belonging to the bundle. It requires also the FAKE logos of Politecnico di Torino and of its doctoral school. See below The two documentations pdf files, toptesi.pdf and toptesi-it.pdf, are complementary to one another. The various files toptesi-example.tex toptesi-example-luatex.tex toptesi-example-frontespizio.tex topfront-example.tex toptesi-example-sss.tex toptesi-example-triennale.tex toptesi-example-magistrale.tex toptesi-example-dottorale.tex are examples of the usage of this work; except the second one, explicitly created to be used with lualatex, all the others compile correctly with pdflatex; they may be used as templates, but in themselves, although part of this Work, they may be used by the end user the way s/he likes best, in order to use them as templates, but the files should not be modified unless their names are changed. The files with extension .metadata are extracted form some main files and are examples of the contents and format of the metadata that must be included into the same directory as the thesis main file in order to be able to use pdflatex or lualatex to produce a file that hopefully is PDF/A-1b compliant (PDF/A-1b is the "weak" archivable PDF format). The contains a template file toptesi-scudo-example.tex file and several other files and subdirectories so that a complete example is available with its chapters separated in different folders, and pictures adequately saved in a specific subdirectories. Warning: The PDF examples attached to this bundle contain some FAKE university logos; the real logos are not distributed with this bundle since they are a property of the specific universities. You can download them directly from the university sites, or you may change the logo file names with those of other institutions, in particular that of your own university; or you may substitute them with picture file names of your choice, since they are just examples of usage and they have no particular meaning in the sample files. Even if Politecnico di Torino may claim a sort of "mothership" of this bundle, since it originated in that University (the name first three letters of this bundle TOPtesi may be viewed as the acronym of POlitecnico di Torino), no logos of this University are included in the bundle: a couple of FAKE ones, one for the institution and one for its doctoral school, have been created with the University name and location in English, which IS NOT the University legal, trademarked name; to be sure they are not used in place of the official ones both images have a "FAKE LOGO" watermark! The PH.D. students are supposed to get the official logos from the School Student Office. Remember: you can edit the sample/template files the way you want, provided you change their names. Maintainer: Claudio Beccari: claudio dot beccari at gmail dot com