%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Title: (\376\377) %%Version: 1 3 %%Creator: (\376\377) %%CreationDate: (D:20010421153755) %%For: (\376\377) %%DocumentData: Binary %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%BoundingBox: 91 660 154 719 %%Pages: 0 %%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black %%DocumentSuppliedResources: %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - PDF operators) 1.2 0 %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - general image support) 1.2 0 %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - monochrome image support) 1.2 0 %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - color image support) 1.2 0 %%EndComments 91 660 moveto 154 660 lineto 154 719 lineto 91 719 lineto closepath clip newpath %%BeginProlog %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%BeginResource: l2check %%Copyright: Copyright 1993 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. systemdict /languagelevel known { systemdict /languagelevel get 1 eq } { true } ifelse { initgraphics /Helvetica findfont 18 scalefont setfont 72 600 moveto (Error: Your printer driver needs to be configured) dup show 72 580 moveto (for printing to a PostScript Language Level 1 printer.) dup show exch = = /Helvetica-Bold findfont 16 scalefont setfont 72 520 moveto (Windows and Unix) show /Times-Roman findfont 16 scalefont setfont 72 500 moveto (Select \252Language Level 1\272 in the PostScript options section) show 72 480 moveto (of the Acrobat print dialog.) show /Helvetica-Bold findfont 16 scalefont setfont 72 440 moveto (Macintosh) show /Times-Roman findfont 16 scalefont setfont 72 420 moveto (In the Chooser, select your printer driver.) show 72 400 moveto (Then select your printer and click the Setup button.) show 72 380 moveto (Follow any on-screen dialogs that may appear.) show showpage quit } if %%EndResource /currentpacking where{pop currentpacking true setpacking}if %%BeginResource: procset pdfvars %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%Version: 4.0 1 %%Title: definition of dictionary of variables used by PDF & PDFText procsets userdict /PDF 150 dict put userdict /PDFVars 86 dict dup begin put /_save 0 def /_cshow 0 def /InitAll 0 def /TermAll 0 def /DocInitAll 0 def /DocTermAll 0 def /_lp /none def /_doClip 0 def /sfc 0 def /_sfcs 0 def /_sfc 0 def /ssc 0 def /_sscs 0 def /_ssc 0 def /_fcs 0 def /_scs 0 def /_fp 0 def /_sp 0 def /AGM_MAX_CS_COMPONENTS 10 def /_fillColors [ 0 1 AGM_MAX_CS_COMPONENTS { array } for ] def /_strokeColors [ 0 1 AGM_MAX_CS_COMPONENTS { array } for ] def /_fc null def /_sc null def /DefaultGray [/DeviceGray] def /DefaultRGB [/DeviceRGB] def /DefaultCMYK [/DeviceCMYK] def /_inT false def /_tr -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def /_cx 0 def /_ld 0 def /_tm matrix def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_hy (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_hs 1 def /_pdfEncodings 2 array def /_baselineadj 0 def /_fTzero false def /_Tj 0 def /_italMtx [1 0 .212557 1 0 0] def /_italMtx_WMode1 [1 -.212557 0 1 0 0] def /_italMtxType0 [1 0 .1062785 1 0 0] def /_italMtx_WMode1Type0 [1 -.1062785 0 1 0 0] def /_basefont 0 def /_basefonto 0 def /_pdf_oldCIDInit null def /_pdf_FontDirectory 30 dict def /_categories 10 dict def /_sa? true def /_op? false def /_OP? false def /_opmode 0 def /_ColorSep5044? false def /_tmpcolr? [] def /_tmpop? {} def /_processColors 0 def /_defaulttransfer currenttransfer def /_defaultflatness currentflat def /_defaulthalftone null def /_defaultcolortransfer null def /_defaultblackgeneration null def /_defaultundercolorremoval null def /_defaultcolortransfer null def end %%EndResource PDFVars begin PDF begin %%BeginResource: procset pdfutil %%Copyright: Copyright 1993-1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%Version: 4.0 1 %%Title: Basic utilities used by other PDF procsets /bd {bind def} bind def /ld {load def} bd /dd { PDFVars 3 1 roll put } bd /xdd { exch dd } bd /Level2? systemdict /languagelevel known { systemdict /languagelevel get 2 ge } { false } ifelse def /Level3? systemdict /languagelevel known {systemdict /languagelevel get 3 eq } { false } ifelse def /getifknown { 2 copy known { get true } { pop pop false } ifelse } bd /here { currentdict exch getifknown } bd /isdefined? { where { pop true } { false } ifelse } bd /StartLoad { dup dup not { /_save save dd } if } bd /EndLoad { if not { _save restore } if } bd %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset pdf %%Version: 4.0 1 %%Copyright: Copyright 1998-1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%Title: General operators for PDF, common to all Language Levels. [/b/B/b*/B*/BDC/BI/BMC/BT/BX/c/cm/cs/CS/d/d0/d1/Do/DP/EI/EMC/ET/EX/f/f*/g/G/gs /h/i/j/J/k/K/l/m/M/MP/n/q/Q/re/rg/RG/ri/s/S/sc/SC/scn/SCN/sg/Tc/Td/TD/Tf/Tj/TJ /TL/Tm/Tr/Ts/Tw/Tz/T*/v/w/W/W*/y/'/" /applyInterpFunc/applystitchFunc/domainClip/EF/encodeInput/gsDI/ilp/icl /initgs/int/limit/PS/rangeClip/RC/rf/makePat ] {null def} bind forall /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll c } bd /y { 2 copy c } bd /h/closepath ld /d/setdash ld /j/setlinejoin ld /J/setlinecap ld /M/setmiterlimit ld /w/setlinewidth ld /i { dup 0 eq { pop _defaultflatness } if setflat } bd /gsDI { begin /Font here { aload pop Tf } if /LW here { w } if /LC here { J } if /LJ here { j } if /ML here { M } if /D here { aload pop d } if end } bd /ilp { /_lp /none dd } bd /sfc { _lp /fill ne { _sfcs _sfc /_lp /fill dd } if } dd /ssc { _lp /stroke ne { _sscs _ssc /_lp /stroke dd } if } dd /icl { /_doClip 0 dd } bd /W { /_doClip 1 dd } bd /W* { /_doClip 2 dd } bd /n { {{} {clip} {eoclip}} _doClip get exec icl newpath } bd /s { h S } bd /B { q f Q S } bd /B* { q f* Q S } bd /b { h B } bd /b* { h B* } bd /q/save ld /Q { restore ilp } bd /GetCSFamily { dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if } bd /GetCompsDict 11 dict begin /DeviceGray { pop 1 } bd /DeviceRGB { pop 3 } bd /DeviceCMYK { pop 4 } bd /CIEBasedA { pop 1 } bd /CIEBasedABC { pop 3 } bd /CIEBasedDEF { pop 3 } bd /CIEBasedDEFG { pop 4 } bd /DeviceN { 1 get length } bd /Separation { pop 1 } bd /Indexed { pop 1 } bd /Pattern { pop 0 } bd currentdict end def /GetComps { GetCompsDict 1 index GetCSFamily get exec } bd /cs { dup _fcs eq { pop } { dup /_fcs xdd GetComps _fillColors exch get /_fc xdd /_fp null dd } ifelse } bd /CS { dup _scs eq { pop } { dup /_scs xdd GetComps _strokeColors exch get /_sc xdd /_sp null dd } ifelse } bd /sc { _fc astore pop ilp } bd /SC { _sc astore pop ilp } bd /g { DefaultGray cs sc } bd /rg { DefaultRGB cs sc } bd /k { DefaultCMYK cs sc } bd /G { DefaultGray CS SC } bd /RG { DefaultRGB CS SC } bd /K { DefaultCMYK CS SC } bd /cm { _mtx astore concat } bd /re { 4 2 roll m 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto h } bd /RC/rectclip ld /EF/execform ld /PS { cvx exec } bd /initgs { /DefaultGray [/DeviceGray] dd /DefaultRGB [/DeviceRGB] dd /DefaultCMYK [/DeviceCMYK] dd 0 g 0 G [] 0 d 0 j 0 J 10 M 1 w true setSA /_op? false dd /_OP? false dd /_opmode 0 dd /_defaulttransfer load 5 dict begin settransfer end 0 i newpath } bd /int { dup 2 index sub 3 index 5 index sub div 6 -2 roll sub mul exch pop add exch pop } bd /limit { dup 2 index le { exch } if pop dup 2 index ge { exch } if pop } bd /domainClip { Domain aload pop 3 2 roll limit } bd /applyInterpFunc { 0 1 DimOut 1 sub { dup C0 exch get exch dup C1 exch get exch 3 1 roll 1 index sub 3 index N exp mul add exch currentdict /Range_lo known { dup Range_lo exch get exch Range_hi exch get 3 2 roll limit } { pop } ifelse exch } for pop } bd /encodeInput { NumParts 1 sub 0 1 2 index { dup Bounds exch get 2 index gt { exit } { dup 3 index eq { exit } { pop } ifelse } ifelse } for 3 2 roll pop dup Bounds exch get exch dup 1 add Bounds exch get exch 2 mul dup Encode exch get exch 1 add Encode exch get int } bd /rangeClip { exch dup Range_lo exch get exch Range_hi exch get 3 2 roll limit } bd /applyStitchFunc { Functions exch get exec currentdict /Range_lo known { 0 1 DimOut 1 sub { DimOut 1 add -1 roll rangeClip } for } if } bind def %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset pdflev2 %%Version: 4.0 1 %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Title: PDF operators, with code specific for Level 2 /_defaulthalftone currenthalftone dd /_defaultblackgeneration currentblackgeneration dd /_defaultundercolorremoval currentundercolorremoval dd /_defaultcolortransfer [currentcolortransfer] dd /initialize { _defaulthalftone sethalftone /_defaultblackgeneration load setblackgeneration /_defaultundercolorremoval load setundercolorremoval _defaultcolortransfer aload pop setcolortransfer false setoverprint } bd /terminate { } bd /m/moveto ld /l/lineto ld /c/curveto ld /setSA/setstrokeadjust ld /defineRes/defineresource ld /findRes/findresource ld currentglobal true systemdict /setglobal get exec [/Function /ExtGState /Form /Shading /FunctionDictionary /MadePattern /PatternPrototype /DataSource] { /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict copy /Category defineresource pop } forall systemdict /setglobal get exec /ri { /findcolorrendering isdefined? { mark exch findcolorrendering counttomark 2 eq { type /booleantype eq { dup type /nametype eq { dup /ColorRendering resourcestatus { pop pop dup /DefaultColorRendering ne { /ColorRendering findresource setcolorrendering } if } if } if } if } if cleartomark } { pop } ifelse } bd /_sfcs {_fcs setcolorspace} bind dd /_sscs {_scs setcolorspace} bind dd /_sfc { _fc aload pop _fp null eq { setcolor _op? setoverprint } { _fp setpattern } ifelse } bind dd /_ssc { _sc aload pop _sp null eq { setcolor _OP? setoverprint} { _sp setpattern } ifelse } bind dd /scn { dup type /dicttype eq { dup /_fp xdd /PaintType get 1 eq { /_fc _fillColors 0 get dd ilp } { /_fc _fillColors _fcs 1 get GetComps get dd sc } ifelse } { sc } ifelse } bd /SCN { dup type /dicttype eq { dup /_sp xdd /PaintType get 1 eq { /_sc _strokeColors 0 get dd ilp } { /_sc _strokeColors _scs 1 get GetComps get dd SC } ifelse } { SC } ifelse } bd /gs { begin /SA here { setstrokeadjust } if /OP here { /_OP? xdd } if /op here { /_op? xdd } { /OP here { /_op? xdd } if } ifelse /BG here { setblackgeneration } if /UCR here { setundercolorremoval } if /FL here { i } if /RI here { ri } if /TR here { dup xcheck { settransfer } { aload pop setcolortransfer } ifelse } if /sethalftonephase isdefined? { /HTP here { sethalftonephase } if } if /HT here { sethalftone } if currentdict gsDI end } bd /f { { { sfc fill } {gsave sfc fill grestore clip newpath icl ilp} {gsave sfc fill grestore eoclip newpath icl ilp} } _doClip get exec } bd /f* { { { sfc eofill } {gsave sfc eofill grestore clip newpath icl ilp} {gsave sfc eofill grestore eoclip newpath icl ilp} } _doClip get exec } bd /S { { { ssc stroke } {gsave ssc stroke grestore clip newpath icl ilp} {gsave ssc stroke grestore eoclip newpath icl ilp} } _doClip get exec } bd /rf { { { sfc rectfill } {gsave sfc rectfill grestore clip newpath icl ilp} {gsave sfc rectfill grestore eoclip newpath icl ilp} } _doClip get exec } bd /knownColorants? { pop false } bd /makePat { gsave dup /Matrix get concat matrix makepattern grestore /MadePattern defineRes pop } bd %%EndResource %%BeginResource: pdfimage.prc %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-1993 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. PDF /PDFImage 38 dict put PDF /PDFIVars 20 dict put PDF /PDFImage get begin /initialize { PDFImage begin } bd /terminate { end } bd /nulldict 0 dict def /gv { PDFIVars exch get } bd /pv { PDFIVars 3 1 roll put } bd /BI { save /savelevel exch pv mark } bd /EI { /savelevel gv restore } bd end %%EndResource %%BeginResource: pdfimg2.prc %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-1993 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. PDF /PDFImage get begin Level2? StartLoad { /ID { 5 counttomark 2 idiv dup 3 1 roll add dict begin { def } repeat cleartomark currentdict end begin /ImageType here { pop } { /ImageType 1 def } ifelse /ImageMatrix [ Width 0 0 Height neg 0 Height ] def /ImageMask here { not } { true } ifelse { /ImageMask false def } if ImageMask not { ColorSpace setcolorspace } if /Intent here { ri } if SLBApplies? { ApplySLB } { mark /DataSource here { pop } { currentfile /Filter here { dup type /arraytype eq { length } { pop 1 } ifelse 1 sub 0 1 3 -1 roll { /DecodeParms here { dup type /arraytype eq { 1 index get } if dup null eq { pop } { exch } ifelse } if Filter dup type /arraytype eq { exch get } { exch pop } ifelse filter dup } for } if /DataSource exch def } ifelse currentdict /ImageMask here not { false } if { sfc imagemask } { image } ifelse counttomark { dup status { dup flushfile closefile } { pop } ifelse } repeat pop }ifelse end } bd /SLBApplies? { { languagelevel 3 lt {stop} if currentsystemparams /SourceListBypass known not {stop} if currentsystemparams /SourceListBypass get not {stop} if currentdict /Filter known not {stop} if Filter /CCITTFaxDecode ne {stop} if currentdict /DecodeParms known not {stop} if DecodeParms /K known not {stop} if DecodeParms /K get -1 ne {stop} if } stopped not } bd /ApplySLB { { /UncompressedLength Width DecodeParms /EncodedByteAlign getifknown { { 7 add 3 bitshift } if } if Height mul def /DataSource dup here { } {currentfile} ifelse 5 dict begin /Filter Filter def /DecodeParms DecodeParms def /Intent 3 def /AsyncRead false def /CloseSource false def currentdict end /ReusableStreamDecode filter def currentdict /ImageMask here not { false } if { sfc imagemask } { image } ifelse } exec } bd currentdict readonly pop } EndLoad end %%EndResource currentdict readonly pop end end /currentpacking where {pop setpacking}if PDFVars/DocInitAll{[]{/docinitialize get exec}forall }put PDFVars/InitAll{[PDF PDFImage]{/initialize get exec}forall initgs}put PDFVars/TermAll{[PDFImage PDF]{/terminate get exec}forall}put PDFVars begin PDF begin PDFVars/DocInitAll get exec PDFVars/InitAll get exec PDFVars/TermAll get exec end end %%EndSetup PDFVars begin PDF begin PDFVars/InitAll get exec 91 660 63 60 re W n q 64.5 0 0 -61.5 90 720 cm BI /Width 86 /Height 82 /Filter /DCTDecode /BitsPerComponent 8 /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] /ColorSpace DefaultRGB ID AdobedC    !"(($#$% '+++,.3332-3333333333RV  a!1AQa"q2B#$Rb34rC%Scs5&DTdE£t6UeuF'Vfv7GWgw(8HXhx )9IYiy *:JZjz ?+RI%{ZK9pkZ s` ^iȷnUk.cĴ|lg5/=*A?3D^ cOcuʯhB~Zڱzb}oOb~Zڱzb}oOb~Zڱzb}oOb@$%rA wS{íw Ɉ:a\P}B}u10j0]2bμm~+oPu;]w L:r 3vfxu?wkL09ՇW8Kn0A3P^v{ec\*gـ9ά=:p[wA gٞ:O{+S>ua!;ۺ 4crz?՜*.N8ms^ґ ]aI\[TqrqŇ,8nk~\% Jܞg/ ,9es\׳F.~hW:PƮa]WL)t8 B:PƮa]WL)t8 B:PƮa]WL)t8 Bf^R1Yى4Xp rf^R1Yى4Xp rf^R1Yى4Xp rz龎 ea퍾}i~qh=nzw܆}bZ2H0av>i8hnu=;nC>u-omd0cosA_Z4=nWHf쮜̰m{KLm>F6? 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