TOPtesi bundle version 5.9.06 of 2016 Copyright 2008-2016 Claudio Beccari LaTeX Project Public Licence LPPL v.1.3 (or later) The TOPtesi bundle contains everything is needed for typesetting a bachelor, master or PhD thesis in Italian (or in any other language supported by LaTeX: the bundle supports multi-language use). The infix strings may be selected and specified at will by means of a configuration file, so as to customise the information of the front page to the requirements of a specific university and a specific language. Thanks to its language management, the bundle is suited for multi-language theses that are more and more frequent thanks to the double degree programs of the European Union Erasmus programs or the Life Long Learning European programs. Version 5.9.06, besides minor corrections in the documentation, redefines the \unit macro so as to be compatible with package SIunitx. Version 5.9.05 starts a new numbering scheme with version, subversion and subsubversion; it gives more flexibility to version numbering. This new TOPtesi bundle contains some corrections to the topfront.sty module to be used as a standalone extension to be used with classes other than toptesi.cls. Version 5.93 of TOPtesi was intended to be compliant also with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX; the documentation explains also how to obtain PDF/A-1b archivable files from pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX. This particular part is up to date with respect to package pdfx dated 2016/05/03 v.1.5.8 and to ghostscript 9.16. Version 5.90 had been enhanced with some more class options that allow TOPtesi to be used with external packages for typesetting the title page in different styles. Version 5.90 had a completely enhanced and redone Italian documentation file toptesi-it-pdftex.pdf. Version 5.91 contained some small enhancements and bug corrections. Version 5.92, besides some more little enhancements and bug correction, has its documentation completely redone in order to upgrade it to the most recent version (1.5.8) of the pdfx package needed to produce PDF/A compliant PDF output files; in particular now PDF/A compliant files can be produced also with LuaLaTeX, but no tricks are now needed to use LuaLaTeX (version 0.95). The package is already installed with complete TeXLive or MiKTeX distributions. In this case you don't need to decompress anything and move files around. Possibly check if the CTAN repository contains a newer version and, in case, use your package manager to upgrade your installation, but don't ever move or change anything in the TeX system directories. For a personal installation, if the package is not already installed in your TeX system distribution, either read the Italian documentation toptesi-it.pdf or quickly create in your HOME directory a folder /texmf, and create these three subtrees: .../texmf/source/latex/toptesi/ .../texmf/doc/latex/toptesi/ .../texmf/tex/latex/toptesi/ then move the file to .../texmf/source/latex/toptesi/; in this directory and decompress the .zip file. Run pdflatex on toptesi.dtx in order to get the class, style and configuration files (and the pdf documentation in English) and move the .tex, .cls, .sty, and .cfg files (including the example .tex and .pdf files) to .../texmf/tex/latex/toptesi/; move to this folder also the GuITlogo.pdf, MPlogo.pdf, Logouno.pdf, Logodue.pdf, Logotre.pdf, Logoquattro.pdf, and Logoblu.pdf files. For your personal installation, your personal texmf folder is rooted in your home directory: ~ on Linux; ~/Library on Mac OS X; on a path with different names on different Windows systems, all of them containing in one form or another your login name. If you are running a Windows platform change the slashes into backslashes and prefix all paths with the drive letter and any other specific prefix that is present in your /texmf tree. If you are using a MiKTeX installation: 1) remember to add your personal texmf tree to the list of the trees MiKTeX is looking in to fetch the files it needs; 2) remember to refresh the filename database. Consult your MiKTeX documentation to know how to do the above actions.