\documentclass{article} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[colorinlistoftodos, textwidth=4cm, shadow]{todonotes} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[displaymath, tightpage]{preview} \begin{document} \listoftodos Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla \todo[disable]{Plain todonotes.}% urna. Maecenas interdum nunc in augue. Mauris quis massa in ante tincidunt mollis. Proin imperdiet. Donec porttitor pede id est. Sed in ante. Integer id arcu. Nam lectus nisl, posuere sit amet, imperdiet ut, tristique ac, lorem. In erat. In commodo enim. \todo[color=blue!40]{Todonote with a different color.}% Phasellus libero ipsum, tempor a, pharetra consequat, pellentesque sit amet, sem. Praesent ut augue luctus elit adipiscing ultricies. Vestibulum suscipit cursus leo. Nullam molestie justo. Morbi dui. Morbi convallis mi sed sem. Nulla convallis lacus vitae risus. Phasellus adipiscing. Nullam tortor. Sed laoreet aliquam ante. Vestibulum diam. Pellentesque nec leo. Pellentesque velit. \todo[nolist]{Todonote that is only shown in the margin and not in the list of todos.}% Praesent congue mi eu ipsum cursus fringilla. Etiam leo erat, tristique et, pharetra eget, mollis vitae, velit. In hac habitasse \todo[size=\small, color=green!40]{A note with a small fontsize.}% platea dictumst. In quam nibh, facilisis et, laoreet non, facilisis tempus, justo. \todo[inline]{A very long todonote that certainly will fill more than a single line in the list of todos. Just to make sure let's add some more text \ldots} Donec nulla lectus, faucibus sit amet, auctor non, consectetuer quis, pede. Nullam dictum. Nullam suscipit, ligula in scelerisque \todo[noline]{A note with no line back to the text.}% posuere, sapien purus rutrum magna, vitae pharetra leo quam vel tortor. Donec eleifend condimentum sapien. Etiam sed orci. Aliquam \todo[inline, color=red!50]{Inline todonotes.}% tempor. Pellentesque egestas tortor id eros. Donec mauris justo, commodo id, pellentesque id, eleifend non, mi. Duis venenatis \todo[caption={A short entry in the list of todos}]{A very long todonote that certainly will fill more than a single line in the list of todos \ldots} sagittis metus. \missingfigure{A figure I have to make \ldots} \missingfigure[figwidth=\textwidth]{A figure I have to make \ldots} \end{document}